Malachi 3 – NIRV & CCBT

New International Reader’s Version

Malachi 3:1-18

1The Lord who rules over all says, “I will send my messenger. He will prepare my way for me. Then suddenly the Lord you are looking for will come to his temple. The messenger of the covenant will come. He is the one you long for.”

2But who can live through the day when he comes? Who will be left standing when he appears? He will be like a fire that makes things pure. He will be like soap that makes things clean. 3He will act like one who makes silver pure. And he will purify the Levites, just as gold and silver are purified with fire. Then these men will bring proper offerings to the Lord. 4And the offerings of Judah and Jerusalem will be acceptable to him. It will be as it was in days and years gone by.

5“So I will come and put you on trial. I will be quick to bring charges against all of you,” says the Lord who rules over all. “I will bring charges against you sinful people who do not have any respect for me. That includes those who practice evil magic. It includes those who commit adultery and those who tell lies in court. It includes those who cheat workers out of their pay. It includes those who treat widows badly. It also includes those who mistreat children whose fathers have died. And it includes those who take away the rights of outsiders in the courts.

Breaking the Covenant by Stealing From God

6“I am the Lord. I do not change. That is why I have not destroyed you members of Jacob’s family. 7You have turned away from my rules. You have not obeyed them. You have lived that way ever since the days of your people of long ago. Return to me. Then I will return to you,” says the Lord who rules over all.

“But you ask, ‘How can we return?’

8“Will a mere human being dare to steal from God? But you rob me!

“You ask, ‘How are we robbing you?’

“By holding back your offerings. You also steal from me when you do not bring me a tenth of everything you produce. 9So you are under my curse. In fact, your whole nation is under my curse. That is because you are robbing me. 10Bring the entire tenth to the storerooms in my temple. Then there will be plenty of food. Test me this way,” says the Lord. “Then you will see that I will throw open the windows of heaven. I will pour out so many blessings that you will not have enough room to store them. 11I will keep bugs from eating up your crops. And your grapes will not drop from the vines before they are ripe,” says the Lord. 12“Then all the nations will call you blessed. Your land will be delightful,” says the Lord who rules over all.

Israel Speaks With Pride Against the Lord

13“You have spoken with pride against me,” says the Lord.

“But you ask, ‘What have we spoken against you?’

14“You have said, ‘It is useless to serve God. What do we gain by obeying his laws? And what do we get by pretending to be sad in front of the Lord? 15But now we call proud people blessed. Things go well with those who do what is evil. And God doesn’t even punish those who test him.’ ”

Those Who Respect the Lord

16Those who had respect for the Lord talked with one another. And the Lord heard them. A list of people and what they did was written in a book in front of him. It included the names of those who respected the Lord and honored him.

17“The day is coming when I will judge,” says the Lord who rules over all. “On that day they will be my special treasure. I will spare them just as a father loves and spares his son who serves him. 18Then once again you will see the difference between godly people and sinful people. And you will see the difference between those who serve me and those who do not.

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Traditional)

瑪拉基書 3:1-18

1萬軍之耶和華說:「我要差遣我的使者為我開路。你們所尋求的主必突然來到祂的殿中。你們所期盼的那位立約的使者快要來了!」 2然而,祂來臨的日子,誰能承受得了呢?祂出現的時候,誰能站立得住呢?因為祂像煉金之火,又像漂白衣裳的鹼。 3祂要坐下來,像煉淨銀子的人那樣潔淨利未的子孫,像熬煉金銀一樣熬煉他們,使他們憑公義向耶和華獻祭。 4這樣,猶大耶路撒冷所獻的祭物就會蒙耶和華悅納,如同以往的日子、從前的歲月。



6「我耶和華永恆不變,所以你們這些雅各的子孫才沒有滅絕。」 7萬軍之耶和華說:「從你們祖先開始,你們就常常偏離我的律例,不肯遵從。現在你們要轉向我,我就轉向你們。可是你們竟然說,『我們怎麼轉向你呢?』 8人怎可搶奪上帝的東西呢?可是你們不但搶奪我的東西,還說,『我們在何事上搶過你的東西呢?』

「你們在十分之一的奉獻和其他供物上搶奪我的東西。 9舉國上下都是如此,所以你們必受咒詛。」 10萬軍之耶和華說:「你們要把當納的十分之一全部送到我的倉庫,使我的殿中有糧。你們這樣試試,看我會不會為你們打開天上的窗戶,把祝福傾倒給你們,直到無處可容。」 11萬軍之耶和華說:「我必為你們驅除害蟲,不許牠們毀壞你們地裡的出產,你們田間的葡萄必不會未熟先落。」 12萬軍之耶和華說:「萬國必稱你們為有福的,因為這地方必成為一片樂土。」

13耶和華說:「你們出言譭謗我,還問,『我們怎麼譭謗你了?』 14你們說,『事奉上帝是虛空的。遵從上帝的吩咐,在萬軍之耶和華面前痛悔有什麼益處? 15如今我們稱狂傲的人有福,因為作惡的人凡事順利,他們雖然試探上帝,卻仍能逃過災禍。』」

16那時,敬畏耶和華的彼此交談,耶和華必留心傾聽,祂面前的紀念冊上記錄著敬畏祂和尊崇祂名的人。 17萬軍之耶和華說:「到我所定的日子,他們必成為我寶貴的產業,我要憐憫他們,如同父親憐憫他的孝順兒子。 18那時,你們將再度看出義人與惡人之間的區別,事奉上帝者和不事奉上帝者之間的不同。