Leviticus 5 – NIRV & CCB

New International Reader’s Version

Leviticus 5:1-19

1“ ‘Suppose someone has been called as a witness to something they have seen or learned about. Then if they do not tell what they know, they have sinned. And they will be held responsible for it.

2“ ‘Or suppose someone touches something not “clean.” It could be the dead bodies of wild animals or of livestock. Or it could be the dead bodies of creatures that move along the ground. Even though those people are not aware that they touched them, they have become “unclean.” And they are guilty. 3Or suppose they touch something “unclean” that comes from a human being. It could be anything that would make them “unclean.” Suppose they are not aware that they touched it. When they find out about it, they will be guilty. 4Or suppose someone makes a promise to do something without thinking it through. It does not matter what they promised. It does not matter whether they made the promise without thinking about it carefully. And suppose they are not aware that they did not think it through. When they find out about it, they will be guilty. 5When someone is guilty in any of those ways, they must admit they have sinned. 6They must bring a sin offering to pay for the sin they have committed. They must bring to the Lord a female lamb or goat from the flock. The priest will sacrifice the animal. That will pay for the person’s sin.

7“ ‘Suppose they can’t afford a lamb. Then they must get two doves or two young pigeons. They must bring them to the Lord to pay for their sin. One of them is for a sin offering. The other is for a burnt offering. 8They must bring them to the priest. The priest will offer the one for the sin offering first. He must twist its head. But he must not twist it off completely. 9Then he must splash some of the blood of the sin offering against the side of the altar. He must empty out the rest of the blood at the bottom of the altar. It is a sin offering. 10Then the priest will offer the other bird as a burnt offering. He must do it in the way the law requires. That will pay for the sin they have committed. And they will be forgiven.

11“ ‘But suppose they can’t afford two doves or two young pigeons. Then they must bring three and a half pounds of the finest flour as an offering for their sin. It is a sin offering. They must not put olive oil or incense on it. That is because it is a sin offering. 12They must bring it to the priest. The priest must take a handful of it. He must burn that part on the altar. It will be a reminder that all good things come from the Lord. The priest must burn it on top of the food offerings presented to the Lord. It is a sin offering. 13In that way the priest will pay for any of the sins they have committed. And they will be forgiven. The rest of the offering will belong to the priest. It is the same as in the case of the grain offering.’ ”

Rules for Guilt Offerings

14The Lord spoke to Moses. He said, 15“Suppose someone is unfaithful to me and sins. And they do it without meaning to. Here is how they sin against me or my priests. They refuse to give the priests one of the holy things set apart for them. Then they must bring me a ram from the flock. It must not have any flaws. It must be worth the required amount of silver. The silver must be weighed out in keeping with the standard weights that are used in the sacred tent. The ram is a guilt offering. It will pay for their sin. 16They must also pay for the holy thing they refused to give. They must add a fifth of its value to it. They must give all of it to the priest. The priest will pay for their sin with the ram. It is a guilt offering. And they will be forgiven.

17“Suppose someone sins by doing something I command them not to do. Even though they do not know it, they are guilty. They will be held responsible for it. 18They must bring to the priest a ram from the flock as a guilt offering. It must not have any flaws. And it must be worth the required amount of money. The priest will sacrifice the animal. That will pay for what they have done wrong without meaning to. And they will be forgiven. 19It is a guilt offering. They have been guilty of doing wrong against me.”

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified)

利未记 5:1-19

1“如果有人当庭作证,却不肯把自己所知所见的说出来,就是犯罪,要担负罪责。 2如果有人接触了不洁净之物,如野兽的尸体、家畜的尸体或爬虫的尸体,即使无意也已不洁净,是有罪的。 3如果有人无意中接触了别人的不洁之物,当他意识到后,就有罪了。 4如果有人草率起誓,不论出于善意还是恶意,即使当初没有察觉,后来才意识到,也是有罪的。 5如果有人犯了以上任何一种罪,就必须认罪。 6为了赎过,他必须献给耶和华一只母绵羊或母山羊作赎罪祭。祭司要为他赎罪。

7“他若献不起羊,就要献给耶和华两只斑鸠或两只雏鸽,一只作赎罪祭,一只作燔祭。 8他要把它们带到祭司那里,祭司要先用一只鸟献赎罪祭,要扭断鸟脖子,但不可扯掉头。 9要把一些鸟血洒在祭坛边,剩下的血要倒在坛脚旁。这是赎罪祭。 10祭司要依照献燔祭的条例献上另一只鸟。这样,祭司为他赎了罪,他就会得到赦免。

11“他若献不起两只斑鸠或雏鸽,就要献一公斤细面粉作赎罪祭。细面粉中不可浇油或加乳香,因为这是赎罪祭。 12他要把细面粉带到祭司那里,祭司要从中取出一把作为象征放在坛上,与献给耶和华的火祭一起焚烧。这是赎罪祭。 13这样,祭司为他赎了罪,他就会得到赦免。剩下的细面粉要归祭司,像献素祭一样。”


14耶和华对摩西说: 15“如果有人无意中违犯了耶和华圣物的条例,为了赎过,他要从羊群中选一只毫无残疾的公绵羊献给耶和华,或按圣所的秤献上同等价值的银子。这是赎过祭。 16他要赔偿所造成的损失,并加赔五分之一,要把这些都交给祭司。祭司要为他献上公绵羊作赎过祭,为他赎罪,他就会得到赦免。

17“如果有人触犯耶和华的诫命,即使他不知道,也是有罪的,必须担当罪责。 18他要从羊群中选一只毫无残疾的公绵羊,或把同等价值的银子带到祭司那里作赎过祭。祭司要为他的无心之过赎罪,他就会得到赦免。 19这是赎过祭,因为他在耶和华面前确实有罪。”