Leviticus 27 – NIRV & CCB

New International Reader’s Version

Leviticus 27:1-34

Keep Your Promises to the Lord

1The Lord said to Moses, 2“Speak to the Israelites. Tell them, ‘Suppose someone makes a special promise to set a person apart to serve the Lord. Here is how much it will cost to set that person free from the promise to serve. 3The cost for a male between the ages of twenty and sixty is 20 ounces of silver. It must be weighed out in keeping with the standard weights that are used in the sacred tent. 4The cost for a female of the same age is 12 ounces of silver. 5The cost for a male between the ages of five and twenty is 8 ounces of silver. The cost for a female of the same age is 4 ounces of silver. 6The cost for a male between the ages of one month and five years is 2 ounces of silver. The cost for a female of the same age is 1 ounce of silver. 7The cost for a male who is sixty years old or more is 6 ounces of silver. The cost for a female of the same age is 4 ounces of silver. 8But suppose the one who makes the special promise is too poor to pay the required amount. Then they must bring to the priest the person who will be set free. The priest will decide the right value for that person. It will be based on how much the one who makes the promise can afford.

9“ ‘Suppose what they promised is an animal that the Lord will accept as an offering. Then the animal given to the Lord becomes holy. 10The one who makes the promise must not trade it. They must not trade a good animal for a bad one. And they must not trade a bad animal for a good one. Suppose they choose one animal instead of another. Then both animals become holy. 11Suppose the animal they promised is not “clean.” Suppose the Lord will not accept it as an offering. Then the animal must be brought to the priest. 12He will decide whether it is good or bad. Its value will be what he decides it will be. 13Suppose the owner wants to buy the animal back. Then a fifth must be added to its cost.

14“ ‘Suppose someone sets apart their house as something holy to the Lord. Then the priest will decide whether it is good or bad. Its value will remain what he decides it will be. 15Suppose the person sets apart their house. And suppose later they want to buy it back. Then they must add a fifth to its value. The house will belong to them again.

16“ ‘Suppose someone sets apart a piece of their family’s land to the Lord. Then here is how its value must be decided. It must be based on the number of seeds that are required to grow a full crop on it. That value will be 20 ounces of silver for every 300 pounds of barley seeds. 17Suppose they set apart their field during the Year of Jubilee. Then the value that has been decided will not be changed. 18But suppose they set apart their field after the Year of Jubilee. Then here is how the priest will decide its value. It will be based on the number of years that are left until the next Year of Jubilee. The value decided will be reduced. 19Suppose the one who set apart their field wants to buy it back. Then they must add a fifth to its value. The field will belong to them again. 20But suppose they do not buy back the field. Instead, suppose they sell it to someone else. Then they can never buy it back. 21When the field is set free in the Year of Jubilee, it will become holy. It will be like a field set apart to the Lord. It will become the property of the priests.

22“ ‘Suppose someone sets apart to the Lord a field they have bought. And suppose it is not part of their family’s land. 23Then here is how the priest will decide its value. It will be based on the number of years that are left until the Year of Jubilee. The owner must pay that value on the day it is decided. The money is holy. It is set apart for the Lord. 24In the Year of Jubilee the field will go back to the person it was bought from. That person is the one who had owned the land before. 25Every amount of money must be weighed out in keeping with the standard weights used in the sacred tent.

26“ ‘But no one can set apart the first male animal born to its mother. That animal already belongs to the Lord. It does not matter whether it is an ox or a sheep. It belongs to the Lord. 27Suppose it is an “unclean” animal. Then the owner may buy it back at the value that has been decided. And they must add a fifth to its value. But suppose it is not bought back. Then it must be sold at the value that has been decided.

28“ ‘But nothing a person owns and sets apart to the Lord can be sold or bought back. It does not matter whether it is a human being or an animal or a family’s land. Everything set apart to the Lord is very holy to him.

29“ ‘No one set apart in a special way to be destroyed can be bought back. They must be put to death.

30“ ‘A tenth of everything the land produces belongs to the Lord. That includes grain from the soil and fruit from the trees. It is holy. It is set apart for him. 31Suppose someone wants to buy back some of their tenth. Then they must add a fifth of the cost to it. 32Every tenth part of herds and flocks will be holy. They will be set apart for the Lord. That includes every tenth animal that its shepherd marks with his wooden staff. 33No one may pick out the good animals from the bad. They must not choose one animal instead of another. But if anyone does, both animals become holy. They can’t be bought back.’ ”

34The Lord gave Moses all these commands on Mount Sinai for the Israelites.

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified)

利未记 27:1-34


1耶和华对摩西说: 2“你把以下条例告诉以色列人。

“如果有人许下特别的愿,以付身价的方式奉献一个人给耶和华,就要为被奉献者估定身价。 3以圣所的秤为准,要为二十至六十岁的男子估价五百五十克银子, 4女子则估价三百三十克银子; 5五至二十岁的男子估价二百二十克银子,女子则估价一百一十克银子; 6满月至五岁的男子估价五十五克银子,女子则估价三十三克银子; 7六十岁以上的男子估价一百六十五克银子,女子则估价一百一十克银子。 8如果许愿的人因贫穷而负担不起,就要把他带到祭司面前,祭司要按他的能力另行估价。

9“如果有人许愿献牲畜给耶和华作供物,所献的牲畜就会成为圣物。 10不可更换所献的牲畜,不可以坏换好,也不可以好换坏。如果更换,两头牲畜都会成为圣物。 11如果许愿献的是不洁净的牲畜,即不能献给耶和华作供物的牲畜,那人就要把牲畜带到祭司面前, 12由祭司评定它的好坏,祭司估价多少就是多少。 13那人如果有意赎回,必须支付祭司估定的价值,再加付五分之一。

14“如果有人把房子献给耶和华,祭司就要评定房子的好坏,祭司估价多少就是多少。 15那人如果想赎回房子,必须支付祭司估定的价值,再加付五分之一,房子便仍归他所有。

16“如果有人把自己继承的部分土地献给耶和华,祭司就要按照土地的播种量来估价,撒二十公斤大麦种子的土地值五百五十克银子。 17如果有人在禧年奉献土地,所估的价便是定价。 18如果是在禧年以后献的,祭司要按照距下个禧年的年数来估价,估价要逐年减低。 19如果那人想赎回所献的土地,要在估价的基础上加付五分之一,土地便仍归他所有。 20他如果没有赎回土地,而是卖给别人,便再也不能赎回。 21到了禧年,那土地要像永远献给耶和华的土地一样归耶和华,成为祭司的产业。

22“如果献给耶和华的土地不是自己的产业,而是买来的, 23祭司就要按照距下个禧年的年数来估价。那人要当天付清地价,地价归耶和华。 24到了禧年,他要把所献的土地归还原主。 25所有价银的称量要以圣所的秤为准,即二十季拉为一舍客勒27:25 一舍客勒约合十一克。

26“洁净牲畜的头胎,无论是牛是羊,已经属于耶和华,任何人不可再把它献给耶和华。 27如果是不洁净牲畜的头胎,他可以在祭司的估价基础上,加付五分之一把它赎回;如果不赎回,就要按估价把它卖掉。 28凡永远献上的27:28 永远献上的”指完全献给耶和华、永不可赎回的人或物,一般要被毁灭。此律多适用于战争中被攻占的城邑或战俘。,不论是人、牲畜或是田产,都不可卖掉,也不可赎回,因为这一切都属于耶和华,是至圣的。 29凡永远献上的人不可被赎回,必须被处死。

30“土地的所有出产中,不论是谷物还是树上的果实,十分之一属于耶和华,是圣物。 31如果有人想从那十分之一中赎回一部分,他要加付估价的五分之一。 32至于牛羊,要让它们从牧人的杖下经过,每数十只,第十只属于耶和华,是圣物。 33不论是好是坏,不可挑拣,不可更换。如果更换,两只都要归耶和华,不可赎回。”
