Judges 3 – NIRV & JCB

New International Reader’s Version

Judges 3:1-31

1The Lord left some nations in the land. He left them to test the Israelites who hadn’t lived through any of the wars in Canaan. 2He wanted to teach the men in Israel who had never been in battle before. He wanted them to learn how to fight. 3So he left the five rulers of the Philistines. He left the people of Canaan and the people of Sidon. He left the Hivites living in the Lebanon mountains. They lived in the area between Mount Baal Hermon and Lebo Hamath. 4The Lord left those nations where they were to test the Israelites. He wanted to see whether they would obey his commands. He had given those commands through Moses to their people of long ago.

5So the Israelites lived among the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites. 6They married the daughters of those people. They gave their own daughters to the sons of those people. And they served the gods of those people.


7The Israelites did what was evil in the sight of the Lord. They forgot the Lord their God. They served gods that were named Baal. They also served female gods that were named Asherah. 8So the Lord was very angry with Israel. He handed them over to the power of Cushan-Rishathaim, the king of Aram Naharaim. For eight years Israel was under his rule. 9They cried out to the Lord. Then he provided someone to save them. The man’s name was Othniel, the son of Kenaz. He was Caleb’s younger brother. 10The Spirit of the Lord came on Othniel. So he became Israel’s leader. He went to war. The Lord handed over to him Cushan-Rishathaim, the king of Aram. Othniel won the battle over him. 11So the land was at peace for 40 years. Then Othniel, the son of Kenaz, died.


12Again the Israelites did what was evil in the sight of the Lord. So the Lord gave Eglon power over Israel. Eglon was the king of Moab. 13He got the Ammonites and Amalekites to join him. All of them came and attacked Israel. They captured Jericho. Jericho was also known as The City of Palm Trees. 14For 18 years the Israelites were under the rule of Eglon, the king of Moab.

15Again the Israelites cried out to the Lord. Then he provided someone to save them. The man’s name was Ehud, the son of Gera. Ehud was left-handed. He was from the tribe of Benjamin. The Israelites sent Ehud to Eglon, the king of Moab. They sent him to give the king what he required them to bring him. 16Ehud had made a sword that had two edges. It was about a foot and a half long. He tied it to his right leg under his clothes. 17Eglon, the king of Moab, was a very fat man. Ehud gave him the gift he had brought. 18After that, Ehud sent away those who had carried it. 19When he came to the place where some statues of gods stood near Gilgal, Ehud went back to Eglon. He said, “Your Majesty, I have a secret message for you.”

The king said to his attendants, “Leave us!” And all his attendants left him.

20Then Ehud approached him. King Eglon was sitting alone in the upstairs room of his palace. Ehud said, “I have a message from God for you.” So the king got up from his seat. 21Then Ehud reached out his left hand. He pulled out the sword tied to his right leg. He stuck it into the king’s stomach. 22Even the handle sank in after the blade. Eglon sagged and fell to the floor. Ehud didn’t pull out the sword. And the fat closed over it. 23Ehud went out to the porch. He shut the doors of the upstairs room behind him. Then he locked them.

24After he had gone, the servants came. They found the doors of the upstairs room locked. They said, “Eglon must be going to the toilet in the inside room of the palace.” 25They waited for a long time. They waited so long they became worried. But the king still didn’t open the doors of the room. So they took a key and unlocked them. There they saw their king. He had fallen to the floor and was dead.

26While Eglon’s servants had been waiting, Ehud had gotten away. He passed by the statues of gods and escaped to Seirah. 27There in the hill country of Ephraim he blew a trumpet. Then he led the Israelites down from the hills.

28“Follow me,” Ehud ordered. “The Lord has handed your enemy Moab over to you.” So they followed him down. They took over the only places where people could go across the Jordan River to get to Moab. They didn’t let anyone go across. 29At that time they struck down about 10,000 men of Moab. All those men were strong and powerful. But not even one escaped. 30That day Moab was brought under the rule of Israel. So the land was at peace for 80 years.


31After Ehud, Shamgar became the next leader. He was the son of Anath. Shamgar struck down 600 Philistines with a large, pointed stick used to drive oxen. He too saved Israel.

Japanese Contemporary Bible

士師記 3:1-31


1-3カナンで戦ったことのない、イスラエルの新しい世代を試すために、主がこの地に残しておいた諸国の民は次のとおりです。主はイスラエルの若者たちに、敵を征服することによって信仰と従順を学ぶ機会を与えようとしたのです。ペリシテ人の五つの町、カナン人、シドン人、バアル・ヘルモン山からレボ・ハマテまでのレバノン山系に住むヒビ人。 4これらの民は新しい世代にとっての試金石となりました。モーセが与えた主の命令に、新しい世代が従うかどうかがはっきりするからです。

5それでイスラエル人は、カナン人、ヘテ人、ヒビ人、ペリジ人、エモリ人、エブス人に混じって生活しました。 6しかし、異民族を滅ぼすどころか、イスラエル人の若者は彼らの娘を妻にめとり、イスラエル人の娘たちも異民族の息子に嫁いだのです。やがてイスラエルの民は、異教の神々を拝むようになりました。


7このように彼らは、彼らの神、主を裏切って、主の目に悪を行い、バアルやアシェラなどの偶像を拝んだのでした。 8それで、主の怒りが燃え上がりました。イスラエルはメソポタミヤの王クシャン・リシュアタイムに征服され、八年間その支配に服することになったのです。 9しかし、イスラエルが主に叫び求めると、主は救いの手を差し伸べ、カレブの甥オテニエルを遣わしました。 10主の霊が彼を支配していたので、彼はイスラエルの改革と粛清を断行しました。その結果、オテニエルの率いるイスラエル軍がクシャン・リシュアタイム王の軍勢と対戦した時、主はイスラエルに加勢し、彼らに完全な勝利を収めさせたのです。



ところが彼が世を去ると、 12イスラエルの民は再び罪を犯すようになりました。すると主はモアブの王エグロンに加勢し、彼らにイスラエルの一部を占領させました。 13エグロン王と同盟を結んだのは、アモン人とアマレク人でした。同盟軍はイスラエルを破り、「なつめやしの町」と呼ばれたエリコを手に入れました。 14こうしてその後十八年の間、イスラエルの民はエグロン王の圧制に苦しむことになったのでした。

15イスラエル人が主に叫び求めると、主は、ベニヤミン人ゲラの子で左ききのエフデを救助者として立てました。エフデは、モアブの都に年貢を届ける務めに任じられていました。 16彼は出発を前にして、長さ一キュビト(約四十四センチ)の両刃の短剣を作り、右ももに皮ひもでくくりつけて服の下に隠しました。 17-19エグロン王はたいへん太っていました。貢ぎ物を渡すと、エフデは帰路につきました。ところが、町を出てギルガルの石切り場まで来た時、彼は同行の者を先に帰し、一人で王のもとへ戻ったのです。エフデは王に言いました。「王よ、内々に申し上げたいことがございます。」王はすぐに、お付きの者たちに座を外させ、二人きりになりました。 20涼しい屋上の部屋に座っている王に歩み寄りながら、エフデは言いました。「実は、神のお告げがございまして……。」

王は、お告げを受けようと立ち上がりました。 21すかさずエフデは左手を伸ばし、隠し持った短剣を抜き放ち、王の腹めがけて突き刺したのです。 22-23短剣は柄までくい込んではらわたが流れ出し、刃は脂肪にふさがれて抜けなくなりました。すばやくエフデは部屋の戸に錠をかけ、階段伝いに逃げました。

24戻って来た家来は部屋の戸に錠がかかっているので、王は用を足しているのだろうと思い、しばらく待っていました。 25ところが、いつまで待っても王が戸を開けないので、心配になって開けてみると、なんと王は床に倒れて死んでいました。

26その間にエフデは、石切り場を駆け抜けてセイラへ逃げました。 27そして、エフライムの山地にたどり着くと、ラッパを吹き鳴らして兵を集め、全軍を指揮下に置いたのです。

28「私に続け。主はモアブに勝たせてくださるぞ!」エフデは全軍に呼びかけました。エフデは進軍し、モアブに通じるヨルダン川の渡し場を押さえて、人っ子ひとり通らせないようにしました。 29それからモアブを襲い、屈強のモアブの勇士、約一万人を打ち、一人も逃しませんでした。 30モアブはその日のうちに征服され、そののちイスラエルには八十年の間、平和が続きました。

