Joshua 8 – NIRV & PCB

New International Reader’s Version

Joshua 8:1-35

Israel Destroys Ai

1Then the Lord said to Joshua, “Do not be afraid. Do not lose hope. Go up and attack Ai. Take the whole army with you. I have handed the king of Ai over to you. I have given you his people, his city and his land. 2Remember what you did to Jericho and its king. You will do the same thing to Ai and its king. But this time you can keep for yourselves the livestock and everything else you take from them. Have some of your fighting men hide behind the city and take them by surprise.”

3So Joshua and the whole army moved out to attack Ai. He chose 30,000 of his best fighting men. He sent them out at night. 4He gave them orders. He said, “Listen carefully to what I’m saying. You must hide behind the city. Don’t go very far away from it. All of you must be ready to attack it. 5I and all those with me will march up to the city. The men of Ai will come out to fight against us, just as they did before. Then we’ll run away from them. 6They’ll chase us until we’ve drawn them away from the city. They’ll say, ‘They are running away from us, just as they did before.’ When we run away from them, 7come out of your hiding place. Capture the city. The Lord your God will hand it over to you. 8When you have taken it, set it on fire. Do what the Lord has commanded. Make sure you obey my orders.”

9Then Joshua sent them away. They went to the place where they had planned to hide. They hid in a place west of Ai. It was between Bethel and Ai. But Joshua spent that night with his troops.

10Early the next morning Joshua brought together his army. He and the leaders of Israel marched in front of them to Ai. 11The whole army that was with him marched up to the city. They stopped in front of it. They set up camp north of Ai. There was a valley between them and the city. 12Joshua had chosen about 5,000 soldiers. He had ordered them to hide in a place west of Ai. It was between Bethel and Ai. 13The men took up their battle positions. All the men in the camp north of the city took up their positions. So did those who were supposed to hide west of the city. That night Joshua went into the valley.

14The king of Ai saw what the troops with Joshua were doing. So the king and all his men hurried out of the city early in the morning. They marched out to meet Israel in battle. They went to a place that looked out over the Arabah Valley. The king didn’t know that some of Israel’s fighting men were hiding behind the city. 15Joshua and all his men let the men of Ai drive them back. The Israelites ran away toward the desert. 16All the men of Ai were called out to chase them. They chased Joshua. So they were drawn away from the city. 17Not even one man remained in Ai or Bethel. All of them went out to chase Israel. When they did, they left the city wide open.

18Then the Lord said to Joshua, “Hold out toward Ai the javelin that is in your hand. I will give the city to you.” So Joshua held out toward the city the javelin in his hand. 19As soon as he did, the men hiding behind the city got up quickly. They came out of their hiding places and rushed forward. They entered the city and captured it. They quickly set it on fire.

20The men of Ai looked back. They saw smoke rising up from the city into the sky. But they couldn’t escape in any direction. The Israelites had been running away toward the desert. But now they turned around to face those chasing them. 21Joshua and all his men saw that the men who had been hiding behind the city had captured it. They also saw that smoke was going up from it. So they turned around and attacked the men of Ai. 22The men who had set Ai on fire came out of the city. They also fought against the men of Ai. So the men of Ai were caught in the middle. The army of Israel was on both sides of them. Israel struck them down. They didn’t let anyone remain alive or get away. 23But they captured the king of Ai alive. They brought him to Joshua.

24Israel finished killing all the men of Ai. They destroyed them in the fields and in the desert where they had chased them. They struck down every one of them with their swords. Then all the Israelites returned to Ai. And they killed those who were left in it. 25The total number of men and women they killed that day was 12,000. The Israelites put to death all the people of Ai. 26Joshua continued to hold out his javelin toward Ai. He didn’t lower his hand until he and his men had totally destroyed everyone who lived there. 27But this time Israel kept for themselves the livestock and everything else they had taken from the city. The Lord had directed Joshua to let them do it.

28So Joshua burned down Ai. He tore it down so it could never be built again. It has been deserted to this very day. 29Joshua killed the king of Ai. He stuck a pole through the body. Then he set it up where people could see it. He left it there until evening. At sunset, Joshua ordered his men to remove the body from the pole. He told them to throw the body down at the entrance of the city gate. They put a large pile of rocks over the body. That pile is still there to this day.

Joshua Reads the Book of the Law to the People

30Joshua built an altar to honor the Lord, the God of Israel. He built it on Mount Ebal. 31Moses, the servant of the Lord, had commanded the Israelites to do that. Joshua built the altar according to what is written in the Book of the Law of Moses. Joshua built the altar out of stones that iron tools had never touched. Then the people offered on the altar burnt offerings to the Lord. They also sacrificed friendship offerings on it. 32Joshua copied the law of Moses on stones. He did it while all the Israelites were watching. 33They were standing on both sides of the ark of the covenant of the Lord. All the Israelites, including outsiders and citizens, were there. Israel’s elders, officials and judges were also there. All of them faced the priests, who were Levites. They were carrying the ark. Half of the people stood in front of Mount Gerizim. The other half stood in front of Mount Ebal. Moses, the servant of the Lord, had earlier told them to do it. Moses told them to do it when he had given directions to bless the Israelites.

34Then Joshua read all the words of the law out loud. He read the blessings and the curses. He read them just as they are written in the Book of the Law. 35Joshua read every word Moses had commanded. He read them to the whole community of Israel. That included the women and children. It also included the outsiders living among them.

Persian Contemporary Bible

يوشع 8:1-35

تسخير و خرابی شهر عای

1خداوند به يوشع فرمود: «ترس و واهمه را از خود دور كن! برخيز و تمام سربازان را همراه خود بردار و به عای روانه شو. من پادشاه آنجا را به دست تو تسليم می‌كنم. مردم و شهر و زمين عای از آن تو خواهند شد. 2با ايشان همانطور رفتار كن كه با پادشاه اريحا و مردم آنجا رفتار نمودی. اما اين بار چارپایان و غنايم شهر را می‌توانيد ميان خود قسمت كنيد. در ضمن برای حمله به دشمن در پشت آن شهر، يک كمينگاه بساز.»

3پس يوشع و تمام لشكر او آمادهٔ حمله به عای شدند. يوشع سی هزار تن از افراد دلير خود را انتخاب كرد تا آنها را شبانه به عای بفرستد. 4او به آنها اين دستور را داد: «در پشت شهر در كمين بنشينيد، ولی از شهر زياد دور نشويد و برای حمله آماده باشيد. 5نقشهٔ ما چنين است: من و افرادم به شهر نزديک خواهيم شد. مردان شهر مانند دفعهٔ پيش به مقابلهٔ ما برخواهند خاست. در اين هنگام ما عقب‌نشينی می‌كنيم. 6آنها به گمان اينكه مانند دفعهٔ پيش در حال فرار هستيم به تعقيب ما خواهند پرداخت و بدين ترتيب از شهر دور خواهند شد. 7بعد، شما از كمينگاه بيرون بياييد و به داخل شهر حمله كنيد، زيرا خداوند آن را به دست شما تسليم كرده است. 8چنانكه خداوند فرموده است، شهر را بسوزانيد. اين يک دستور است.»

9پس آنها همان شب روانه شده، در کمینگاه بين بيت‌ئيل و غرب عای پنهان شدند. اما يوشع و بقيهٔ لشكر در اردوگاه ماندند.

10روز بعد، صبح زود يوشع سربازان خود را صف‌آرايی نمود و خود با بزرگان اسرائيل در پيشاپيش لشكر به سوی عای حركت كرد. 11‏-13آنها در سمت شمالی شهر در كنار دره‌ای كه بين آنها و شهر قرار داشت توقف كردند. يوشع پنج هزار نفر ديگر را هم فرستاد تا به سی هزار نفری كه در كمينگاه بودند ملحق شوند. خود او با بقيهٔ نفرات، آن شب در همان دره ماند.

14پادشاه عای با ديدن لشكر اسرائيل در آن سوس دره، با لشكر خود برای مقابله با آنها به دشت اردن فت، غافل از اينكه عدهٔ زيادی از اسرائیلی‌ها در پشت شهر در كمين نشسته‌اند. 15يوشع و لشكر اسرائيل برای اينكه وانمود كنند كه از دشمن شكست خورده‌اند، در بيابان پا به فرار گذاشتند. 16به تمام مردان عای دستور داده شد به تعقيب آنها بپردازند. آنها برای تعقيب يوشع از شهر خارج شدند، 17به طوری که در عای و بيت‌ئيل يک سرباز هم باقی نماند و دروازه‌ها نيز به روی اسرائیلی‌ها باز بود!

18آنگاه خداوند به يوشع فرمود: «نيزهٔ خود را به سوی عای دراز كن، زيرا آن را به تو داده‌ام.» يوشع چنين كرد. 19سربازانی كه در كمينگاه منتظر بودند وقتی اين علامت را كه يوشع داده بود ديدند، از كمينگاه بيرون آمده، به شهر هجوم بردند و آن را به آتش كشيدند. 20‏-21سربازان عای وقتی به پشت سر نگاه كردند و ديدند دود غليظی آسمان شهرشان را فرا گرفته است دست و پايشان چنان سست شد كه قدرت فرار كردن هم از آنها سلب گرديد. يوشع و همراهانش چون دود را بر فراز شهر ديدند فهميدند سربازانی كه در کمینگاه بودند به شهر حمله‌ور شده‌اند، پس خودشان هم بازگشتند و به كشتار تعقيب‌كنندگان خود پرداختند.

22از طرف ديگر، سربازان اسرائيلی كه در داخل شهر بودند بيرون آمده، به دشمن حمله كردند. به اين ترتيب سربازان عای از دو طرف به دام سپاه اسرائيل افتادند و همه كشته شدند. 23تنها كسی كه زنده ماند پادشاه عای بود كه او را هم اسير كرده، نزد يوشع آوردند.

24لشكر اسرائيل پس از اينكه افراد دشمن را در خارج شهر كشتند، به عای وارد شدند تا بقيهٔ اهالی شهر را نيز از دم شمشير بگذرانند. 25در آن روز، تمام جمعيت شهر كه تعدادشان بالغ بر دوازده هزار نفر بود، هلاک شدند، 26زيرا يوشع نيزهٔ خود را كه به سوی عای دراز نموده بود، به همان حالت نگاه داشت تا موقعی كه همهٔ مردم آن شهر كشته شدند. 27فقط اموال و چارپایان شهر باقی ماندند كه قوم اسرائيل آنها را برای خود به غنيمت گرفتند. (خداوند به يوشع فرموده بود كه آنها می‌توانند غنايم را برای خود نگه دارند.) 28يوشع شهر عای را سوزانيده، به صورت خرابه‌ای درآورد كه تا به امروز به همان حال باقيست.

29يوشع، پادشاه عای را به دار آويخت. هنگام غروب به دستور يوشع جسد او را پايين آورده، جلو دروازه شهر انداختند و توده‌ای بزرگ از سنگ روی جسد او انباشتند كه تا به امروز نيز باقيست.

قرائت قوانين تورات بر كوه عيبال

30سپس يوشع برای خداوند، خدای اسرائيل قربانگاهی بر كوه عيبال بنا كرد. 31چنانكه موسی، خدمتگزار خداوند، در تورات به قوم اسرائيل دستور داده بود، برای ساختن اين قربانگاه از سنگهای نتراشيده استفاده كردند.8‏:31 نگاه کنيد به تثنيه 27‏:2‏-8.‏ سپس كاهنان، قربانیهای سلامتی بر آن به خداوند تقديم كردند. 32آنگاه يوشع در حضور جماعت اسرائيل، ده فرمان موسی را روی سنگهای قربانگاه نوشت.

33پس از آن، تمام قوم اسرائيل با بزرگان، رهبران، قضات و حتی افراد غريبی كه در ميان ايشان بودند، به دو دسته تقسيم شدند. يک دسته در دامنهٔ كوه جَرِزيم ايستادند و دستهٔ ديگر در دامنهٔ كوه عيبال. در وسط اين دو دسته، كاهنان، در حالی که صندوق عهد را بر دوش داشتند، ايستادند تا قوم اسرائيل را بركت دهند. (همهٔ اين رسوم مطابق دستوری كه موسی قبلاً داده بود، انجام شد.) 34آنگاه يوشع تمام قوانين نوشته شده در تورات را كه شامل بركت‌ها و لعنتها بود، برای مردم اسرائيل خواند. 35خلاصه، تمام دستورات موسی بدون كم و كاست در حضور تمام مردان، زنان، جوانان، اطفال اسرائيل و غريبانی كه با آنها بودند، خوانده شد.