Job 2 – NIRV & LCB

New International Reader’s Version

Job 2:1-13

1On another day angels came to the Lord. Satan also came to him along with them. 2The Lord said to Satan, “Where have you come from?”

Satan answered, “From traveling all around the earth. I’ve been going from one end of it to the other.”

3Then the Lord said to Satan, “Have you thought about my servant Job? There isn’t anyone on earth like him. He is honest. He does what is right. He has respect for God and avoids evil. You tried to turn me against him. You wanted me to destroy him without any reason. But he still continues to be faithful.”

4Satan replied, “A man will give everything he has to save himself. So Job is willing to give up the lives of his family to save his own life. 5But now reach out your hand and strike his flesh and bones. Then I’m sure he will speak evil things against you. In fact, he’ll do it right in front of you.”

6The Lord said to Satan, “All right. I am handing him over to you. But you must spare his life.”

7Then Satan left the Lord and went on his way. He sent painful sores on Job. They covered him from the bottom of his feet to the top of his head. 8He got part of a broken pot. He used it to scrape his skin. He did it while he was sitting in ashes.

9His wife said to him, “Are you still continuing to be faithful to the Lord? Speak evil things against him and die!”

10Job replied, “You are talking like a foolish woman. We accept good things from God. So we should also accept trouble when he sends it.”

In spite of everything, Job didn’t say anything that was sinful.

11Job had three friends named Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite, and Zophar the Naamathite. They heard about all the troubles that had come to Job. So they started out from their homes. They had agreed to meet together. They wanted to go and show their concern for Job. They wanted to comfort him. 12When they got closer to where he lived, they could see him. But they could hardly recognize him. They began to weep out loud. They tore their robes and sprinkled dust on their heads. 13Then they sat down on the ground with him for seven days and seven nights. No one said a word to him. That’s because they saw how much he was suffering.

Luganda Contemporary Bible

Yobu 2:1-13

Obulamu bwa Yobu Bukwatibwako

12:1 Yob 1:6Ku lunaku olulala bamalayika ne bajja okukiika mu maaso ga Mukama Katonda, ne Setaani naye n’ajjiramu. 2Mukama Katonda n’abuuza Setaani nti, “Ova wa?” Setaani n’amuddamu nti, “Nva kutalaaga ensi yonna.”

32:3 a Yob 1:1, 8 b Yob 27:6 c Yob 9:17Mukama Katonda n’agamba Setaani nti, “Olowoozezza ku muddu wange Yobu? Talina kyakunenyezebwa, mwesimbu, atya Katonda era eyeewala ekibi bw’atyo talina amufaanana. Anywezezza obutuukirivu bwe newaakubadde nga wansokasoka mmuzikirize awatali nsonga.”

4Setaani n’amuddamu nti, “Eddiba olw’eddiba, omuntu kyaliva awaayo byonna by’alina olw’okuwonya obulamu bwe; 52:5 a Yob 19:20 b Yob 1:11naye golola omukono gwo okwate ku magumba ge n’omubiri gwe olabe oba taakwegaane.”

62:6 Yob 1:12Mukama Katonda n’amugamba nti, “Weewaawo, ali mu mukono gwo, kyokka mulekere obulamu bwe.”

72:7 Ma 28:35; Yob 7:5Awo Setaani n’ava awali Mukama Katonda, n’alwaza Yobu amayute amazibu okuva ku mutwe, okutuukira ddala ku bigere. 82:8 Yob 42:6; Yer 6:26; Ez 27:30; Mat 11:21Yobu n’atandika okweyaguzanga oluggyo ng’eno bw’atudde mu vvu.

9Kyokka mukyala we n’amugamba nti, “Okyagugubidde ku butuukirivu bwo? Weegaane Katonda ofe!”

102:10 a Yob 1:21 b Yob 1:22; Zab 39:1; Yak 1:12; 5:11Naye ye n’amuddamu nti, “Oyogera ng’omu ku bakazi abatategeera bwe bandyogedde! Tunaafunanga birungi byereere mu mukono gwa Katonda?”

Mu bino byonna Yobu teyayonoona na kamwa ke.

Mikwano gya Yobu Abasatu

112:11 a Lub 36:11; Yer 49:7 b Lub 25:2 c Yob 42:11; Bar 12:15Awo mikwano gya Yobu abasatu; Erifaazi2:11 Erifaazi yali Mumowaabu eyabeeranga mu Temani. Omutemani, Birudaadi Omusuki, ne Zofali Omunaamasi bwe baawulira emitawaana egyali gituuse ku mukwano gwabwe, ne bajja buli omu okuva ewuwe ne basisinkana nga bwe baali bateesezza, bagende bamusaasire bamuzzeemu amaanyi. 122:12 Yos 7:6; Nek 9:1; Kgb 2:10; Ez 27:30Tebaamutegeererawo nga bakyali wala, olw’embeera gye yalimu; ne bayimusa amaloboozi gaabwe ne bakuba ebiwoobe ne bayuza ebyambalo byabwe ne bayiwa enfuufu ku mitwe gyabwe. 132:13 Lub 50:10; Ez 3:15Awo ne batuula naye we yali atudde okumala ennaku musanvu emisana n’ekiro nga tewali anyega, olw’obulumi obungi Yobu bwe yalimu.