Job 1 – NIRV & PCB

New International Reader’s Version

Job 1:1-22

The Story Begins

1There was a man who lived in the land of Uz. His name was Job. He was honest. He did what was right. He had respect for God and avoided evil. 2Job had seven sons and three daughters. 3He owned 7,000 sheep and 3,000 camels. He owned 500 pairs of oxen and 500 donkeys. He also had a large number of servants. He was the most important man among all the people in the east.

4His sons used to give feasts in their homes on their birthdays. They would invite their three sisters to eat and drink with them. 5The time for enjoying good food would end. Then Job would make plans for his children to be made pure and “clean.” He would sacrifice a burnt offering for each of them. He would do it early in the morning. He would think, “Perhaps my children have sinned. Maybe they have spoken evil things against God in their hearts.” That’s what Job always did for his children when he felt they had sinned.

6One day angels came to the Lord. Satan also came with them. 7The Lord said to Satan, “Where have you come from?”

Satan answered, “From traveling all around the earth. I’ve been going from one end of it to the other.”

8Then the Lord said to Satan, “Have you thought about my servant Job? There isn’t anyone on earth like him. He is honest. He does what is right. He has respect for God and avoids evil.”

9“You always give Job everything he needs,” Satan replied. “That’s why he has respect for you. 10Haven’t you guarded him and his family? Haven’t you taken care of everything he has? You have blessed everything he does. His flocks and herds are spread all through the land. 11But now reach out your hand and strike down everything he has. Then I’m sure he will speak evil things against you. In fact, he’ll do it right in front of you.”

12The Lord said to Satan, “All right. I am handing everything he has over to you. But do not touch the man himself.”

Then Satan left the Lord and went on his way.

13One day Job’s sons and daughters were at their oldest brother’s house. They were enjoying good food and drinking wine. 14During that time a messenger came to Job. He said, “The oxen were plowing. The donkeys were eating grass near them. 15Then the Sabeans attacked us and carried off the animals. They killed some of the servants with their swords. I’m the only one who has escaped to tell you!”

16While he was still speaking, a second messenger came. He said, “God sent lightning from the sky. It struck the sheep and killed them. It burned up some of the servants. I’m the only one who has escaped to tell you!”

17While he was still speaking, a third messenger came. He said, “The Chaldeans separated themselves into three groups. They attacked your camels and carried them off. They killed the rest of the servants with their swords. I’m the only one who has escaped to tell you!”

18While he was still speaking, a fourth messenger came. He said, “Your sons and daughters were at their oldest brother’s house. They were enjoying good food and drinking wine. 19Suddenly a strong wind blew in from the desert. It struck the four corners of the house. The house fell down on your children. Now all of them are dead. I’m the only one who has escaped to tell you!”

20After Job heard all these reports, he got up and tore his robe. He shaved his head. Then he fell to the ground and worshiped the Lord. 21He said,

“I was born naked.

And I’ll leave here naked.

The Lord has given, and the Lord has taken away.

May the name of the Lord be praised.”

22In spite of everything, Job didn’t sin by blaming God for doing anything wrong.

Persian Contemporary Bible

ايوب 1:1-22

ايوب و خانواده‌اش

1در سرزمين عوص مردی زندگی می‌كرد به نام ايوب. او مردی بود درستكار و خداترس كه از گناه دوری می‌ورزيد. 2‏-3ايوب هفت پسر و سه دختر داشت و صاحب هفت هزار گوسفند، سه هزار شتر، پانصد جفت گاو، پانصد الاغ ماده و نوكران بسيار بود. او ثروتمندترين مرد سراسر آن ناحيه به شمار می‌رفت.

4هر يک از پسران ايوب به نوبت در خانهٔ خود جشنی بر پا می‌كردند و همهٔ برادران و خواهران خود را دعوت می‌نمودند تا در آن جشن شركت كنند. 5وقتی روزهای جشن به پايان می‌رسيد، ايوب صبح زود برمی‌خاست و برای طهارت هر كدام از فرزندانش به خداوند قربانی تقديم می‌كرد. ايوب اين كار را مرتب انجام می‌داد، تا اگر احياناً پسرانش ندانسته نسبت به خدا گناه كرده باشند، بدين وسيله گناهشان آمرزيده شود.

آزمايش ايمان ايوب

6يک روز كه فرشتگان در حضور خداوند حاضر شده بودند، شيطان نيز همراه ايشان بود.

7خداوند از شيطان پرسيد: «كجا بودی؟»

شيطان پاسخ داد: «دور زمين می‌گشتم و در آن سير می‌كردم.»

8آنگاه خداوند از او پرسيد: «آيا بندهٔ من ايوب را ديدی؟ بر زمين، كسی همچون او پيدا نمی‌شود. او مردی درستكار و خداترس است و از گناه دوری می‌ورزد.»

9شيطان گفت: «اگر خداترسی برای او سودی نمی‌داشت اين كار را نمی‌كرد. 10ايوب و خانواده و اموالش را از هر گزندی محفوظ داشته‌ای. دسترنج او را بركت داده‌ای و ثروت زياد به او بخشيده‌ای. 11دارايی‌اش را از او بگير، آنگاه خواهی ديد كه آشكارا به تو كفر خواهد گفت!»

12خداوند در پاسخ شيطان گفت: «برو و هر كاری كه می‌خواهی با دارايی‌اش بكن، فقط آسيبی به خود او نرسان.» پس شيطان از بارگاه خداوند بيرون رفت.

13يک روز وقتی پسران و دختران ايوب در خانهٔ برادر بزرگشان میهمان بودند، 14‏-15قاصدی پيش ايوب آمد و به او گفت: «گاوهايت شخم می‌زدند و ماده الاغهايت كنار آنها می‌چريدند كه ناگهان سابی‌ها1‏:14‏و15 «سابی‌ها» قبيله‌ای وحشی و غارتگر بودند.‏ به ما حمله كرده، حيوانات را بردند و تمام كارگران تو را كشتند. تنها من جان به در بردم و آمدم تا به تو خبر دهم.»

16سخنان اين مرد هنوز پايان نيافته بود كه قاصد ديگری از راه رسيده، گفت: «آتش خدا از آسمان نازل شده، تمام گوسفندان و همهٔ چوپانانت را سوزاند و تنها من جان به در برده، آمدم تا به تو خبر دهم.»

17پيش از آنكه حرفهای وی تمام شود قاصدی ديگر وارد شده، گفت: «كلدانيان در سه دسته به ما حمله كردند و شترهايت را بردند و كارگرانت را كشتند، تنها من جان به در بردم و آمده‌ام تا به تو خبر دهم.»

18سخنان آن قاصد هم هنوز تمام نشده بود كه قاصد ديگری از راه رسيد و گفت: «پسران و دخترانت در خانهٔ برادر بزرگشان میهمان بودند، 19كه ناگهان باد شديدی از طرف بيابان وزيده، خانه را بر سر ايشان خراب كرد و همه زير آوار جان سپردند و تنها من جان به در بردم و آمده‌ام تا اين خبر را به تو برسانم.»

20آنگاه ايوب برخاسته، از شدت غم لباس خود را پاره كرد. سپس موی سر خود را تراشيد و در حضور خدا به خاک افتاده، 21گفت: «از شكم مادر برهنه به دنيا آمدم و برهنه هم از اين دنيا خواهم رفت. خداوند داد و خداوند گرفت. نام خداوند متبارک باد.»

22با همهٔ اين پيش‌آمدها، ايوب گناه نكرد و به خدا ناسزا نگفت.