Jeremiah 33 – NIRV & CCB

New International Reader’s Version

Jeremiah 33:1-26

The Lord Promises to Heal His People

1Jeremiah was still being held as a prisoner. He was kept in the courtyard of the guard. Then another message from the Lord came to him. The Lord said, 2“I made the earth. I formed it. And I set it in place. The Lord is my name. 3Call out to me. I will answer you. I will tell you great things you do not know. And unless I do, you wouldn’t be able to find out about them.” 4The Lord is the God of Israel. He speaks about the houses in Jerusalem. He talks about the royal palaces of Judah. The people had torn down many of them. They had used their stones to strengthen the city walls against attack. 5That was during their fight with the armies of Babylon. The Lord says, “The houses will be filled with dead bodies. They will be the bodies of the people I will kill. I will kill them when I am very angry with them. I will hide my face from this city. That’s because its people have committed so many sins.

6“But now I will bring health and healing to Jerusalem. I will heal my people. I will let them enjoy great peace and security. 7I will bring Judah and Israel back from the places where they have been taken. I will build up the nation again. It will be just as it was before. 8I will wash from its people all the sins they have committed against me. And I will forgive all the sins they committed when they turned away from me. 9Then this city will bring me fame, joy, praise and honor. All the nations on earth will hear about the good things I do for this city. They will see the great success and peace I give it. Then they will be filled with wonder. And they will tremble with fear.”

10The Lord says, “You say about this place, ‘It’s a dry and empty desert. It doesn’t have any people or animals in it.’ The towns of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem are now deserted. So they do not have any people or animals living in them. But happy sounds will be heard there once more. 11They will be the sounds of joy and gladness. The voices of brides and grooms will fill the streets. And the voices of those who bring thank offerings to my house will be heard there. They will say,

“ ‘Give thanks to the Lord who rules over all,

because he is good.

His faithful love continues forever.’

That’s because I will bless this land with great success again. It will be as it was before,” says the Lord.

12The Lord who rules over all says, “This place is a desert. It does not have any people or animals in it. But there will again be grasslands near all its towns. Shepherds will rest their flocks there. 13Flocks will again pass under the hands of shepherds as they count their sheep,” says the Lord. “That will be done in the towns of the central hill country. It will be done in the western hills and the Negev Desert. It will be done in the territory of Benjamin. And it will be done in the villages around Jerusalem and in the towns of Judah.

14“The days are coming,” announces the Lord. “At that time I will fulfill my good promise to my people. I made it to the people of Israel and Judah.

15“Here is what I will do in those days and at that time.

I will make a godly Branch grow from David’s royal line.

He will do what is fair and right in the land.

16In those days Judah will be saved.

Jerusalem will live in safety.

And it will be called

The Lord Who Makes Us Right With Himself.”

17The Lord says, “David will always have a son to sit on the throne of Israel. 18The priests, who are Levites, will always have a man to serve me. He will sacrifice burnt offerings. He will burn grain offerings. And he will offer sacrifices.”

19A message from the Lord came to Jeremiah. 20The Lord said, “Could you ever break my covenant with the day? Could you ever break my covenant with the night? Could you ever stop day and night from coming at their appointed times? 21Only then could my covenant with my servant David be broken. Only then could my covenant with the Levites who serve me as priests be broken. Only then would David no longer have someone from his family line to rule on his throne. 22Here is what I will do for my servant David. And here is what I will do for the Levites who serve me. I will make their children after them as many as the stars in the sky. And I will make them as many as the grains of sand on the seashore. It will be impossible to count them.”

23A message from the Lord came to Jeremiah. The Lord said, 24“Haven’t you noticed what these people are saying? They say, ‘The Lord once chose the two kingdoms of Israel and Judah. But now he has turned his back on them.’ So they hate my people. They do not think of them as a nation anymore. 25I say, ‘What if I had not made my covenant with day and night? What if I had not established the laws of heaven and earth? 26Only then would I turn my back on the children of Jacob and my servant David. Only then would I not choose one of David’s sons to rule over the children of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. But I will bless my people with great success again. I will love them with tender love.’ ”

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified)

耶利米书 33:1-26


1耶利米被囚禁在护卫兵院子里的时候,耶和华第二次对他说: 2“耶和华创造大地,使其成形、根基稳固,祂名叫耶和华。祂说, 3‘你呼求我,我就回应你,并且把你不知道的伟大、奥妙之事告诉你。 4以色列的上帝耶和华说,耶路撒冷城中的房屋和王宫被拆毁,用来修建防卫工事, 5城中的人与迦勒底人争战只会使自己的房屋堆满死尸,因为我要在愤怒中毁灭他们。他们作恶多端,我必掩面不理这城。 6但有一天,我必使这城复兴,医治她的创伤,使她繁荣昌盛。 7我要使被掳的犹大人和以色列人回到故土,重建家园。 8我要除去他们的一切罪恶,赦免他们的一切罪过。 9这城要使我在天下万国面前得到尊崇、颂赞和荣耀。万民听见我使这城繁荣昌盛,都恐惧战栗。’”

10耶和华说:“你们说犹大的城邑和耶路撒冷的街道一片荒凉、人畜绝迹, 11但这些地方必传出欢乐声、新郎新娘的欢笑声和在耶和华殿中献感恩祭者的歌唱声,





12万军之耶和华说:“在这一片荒凉、人畜绝迹的地方,在它所有城邑的周围必再有供牧人放羊的草场。 13在山区、丘陵和南地的城邑,以及便雅悯耶路撒冷周围和犹大的城邑必有人清点羊群。这是耶和华说的。” 14耶和华说:“看啊,时候将到,我要实现我给以色列人和犹大人的美好应许。 15那时,我要使大卫公义的苗裔兴起,他要在地上秉公行义。 16那时,犹大必得到拯救,耶路撒冷必安享太平并被称为‘耶和华是我们的义’。 17因为耶和华说,‘我应许大卫的后裔必永远统治以色列18做祭司的利未人必永远在我面前献燔祭、素祭等祭物。’”

19耶和华对耶利米说: 20“这是耶和华说的,‘除非你们能废除我与白昼黑夜所立的约,叫白昼黑夜不再按时更替, 21才能废除我与我仆人大卫所立的约,使他的王位后继无人,也才能废除我与事奉我的利未祭司所立的约。 22我要使我仆人大卫的后裔和事奉我的利未人像天上的星和海边的沙一样不可胜数。’”

23耶和华对耶利米说: 24“你听见了吗?人们说,‘耶和华已经弃绝了祂所拣选的以色列犹大两个国家。’他们藐视我的子民,视他们为亡国之民。 25然而,耶和华说,‘正如我决不废弃我所定的昼夜交替和天地运行之律, 26我也决不弃绝雅各的后裔,不弃绝我仆人大卫的后裔。我必让大卫的后裔做王统治亚伯拉罕以撒雅各的子孙,因为我必使被掳的人回到故土,恩待他们。’”