Jeremiah 12 – NIRV & BPH

New International Reader’s Version

Jeremiah 12:1-17

Jeremiah Complains to the Lord

1Lord, when I bring a matter to you,

you always do what is right.

But now I would like to speak with you

about whether you are being fair.

Why are sinful people successful?

Why do those who can’t be trusted have an easy life?

2You have planted them.

Their roots are deep in the ground.

They grow and produce fruit.

They honor you by what they say.

But their hearts are far away from you.

3Lord, you know me and see me.

You test my thoughts about you.

Drag those people off like sheep to be killed!

Set them apart for the day of their death!

4How long will the land be thirsty for water?

How long will the grass in every field be dry?

The people who live in the land are evil.

So the animals and birds have died.

And that’s not all. The people are saying,

“The Lord won’t see what happens to us.”

The Lord Answers Jeremiah

5The Lord says, “Suppose you have raced against people.

And suppose they have worn you out.

Then how would you be able to race against horses?

Suppose you feel safe only in open country.

Then how would you get along in the bushes near the Jordan River?

6Even your relatives have turned against you.

They are members of your own family.

They have shouted loudly at you.

They might say nice things about you.

But do not trust them.

7“I will turn my back on my people.

I will desert my land.

I love the people of Judah.

In spite of that, I will hand them over to their enemies.

8My land has become to me

like a lion in the forest.

It roars at me.

So I hate it.

9My own land has become like a spotted hawk.

And other hawks surround it and attack it.

Come, all you wild animals!

Gather together!

Come together to eat up my land.

10Many shepherds will destroy my vineyard.

They will walk all over it.

They will turn my pleasant vineyard

into a dry and empty land.

11My vineyard will become a desert.

It will be dry and empty in my sight.

The whole land will be completely destroyed.

And no one even cares.

12Many will come to destroy it.

They will gather on the bare hilltops in the desert.

I will use them as my sword to destroy my people.

They will kill them from one end of the land to the other.

No one will be safe.

13People will plant wheat. But all they will gather is thorns.

They will wear themselves out. But they will not have anything to show for it.

I am very angry with them.

So they will be ashamed of the crop they gather.”

14Here is what the Lord says. “All my evil neighbors have taken over the land I gave my people Israel. So I will pull them up by their roots from the lands they live in. And I will pull up the roots of the people of Judah from among them. 15But after I pull up those nations, I will give my tender love to them again. I will bring all of them back to their own lands. I will take all of them back to their own countries. 16Suppose those nations learn to follow the practices of my people. And they make their promises in my name. When they promise, they say, ‘You can be sure that the Lord is alive.’ They do this just as they once taught my people to make promises in Baal’s name. Then I will give them a place among my people. 17But what if one of those nations does not listen? Then you can be sure of this. I will pull it up by the roots and destroy it,” announces the Lord.

Bibelen på hverdagsdansk

Jeremiasʼ Bog 12:1-17

Gud må straffe sit troløse folk

1Herre, jeg ved godt, at retten altid er på din side i hvilken som helst sag. Men tillad mig alligevel at stille nogle spørgsmål angående retfærdighed: Hvordan kan det være, at det går de gudløse godt? Hvordan kan de troløse trives og være trygge? 2Du har sat dem her på jorden, plantet dem som træer. Du lader dem slå rod, trives og bære frugt. De nævner dit navn, men er i virkeligheden ligeglade med dig. 3Herre, du kender mine inderste tanker og motiver, du ved, at jeg ærer og adlyder dig. Vil du ikke holde dom over de onde, trække af sted med dem som hjælpeløse får, der føres til slagtning? 4De onde tror ikke på, at du ser, hvad de laver. Græsset visner, dyr og fugle dør på grund af ondskaben i landet. Hvor længe skal det fortsætte?

5Herren svarede: „Hvis du ikke kan klare at løbe om kap med mennesker, hvordan kan du så løbe om kap med heste? Hvis du giver op i et fredeligt og åbent landskab, hvordan vil du så klare dig mod farerne i Jordandalens krat? 6Selv din egen familie har slået hånden af dig. De jagter dig med høje råb. Når de taler venligt til dig, skal du ikke tro dem.”

7Herren fortsatte: „Jeg opgiver Judas folk, som ellers er mit ejendomsfolk, og jeg udleverer dem til deres fjender. 8Mit folk raser imod mig som en løve i skoven. Derfor er jeg nødt til at vende dem ryggen. 9Mit ejendomsfolk bliver hyæners bytte, gribbene flokkes om det. Lad fremmede folkeslag kaste sig over det for at få del i byttet. 10Fremmede hære skal angribe min vingård. De tramper vinstokkene ned og raserer min ejendom. 11Den bliver en ødemark, som ingen længere bryder sig om. 12Over ørkenens nøgne høje kommer de fremmede hære myldrende. De hære jeg sender, hærger landet fra ende til anden, og ingen undslipper. 13Mit folk såede hvede, men høster torne. De sled til ingen nytte og bliver skuffet over den manglende høst, for jeg vil straffe dem.

14Men jeg har også et budskab vedrørende de onde nabofolk, der angriber det land, jeg gav mit folk: Ligesom jeg rykker judæerne op fra deres land, vil jeg også rykke nabofolkene op fra deres lande. 15Men senere vil jeg være barmhjertig og føre dem tilbage til deres egne lande. 16Hvis de derefter vil antage mig som deres Gud i stedet for Ba’al, skal de få en plads iblandt mit folk. 17Men de folkeslag, der nægter at adlyde mig, udrydder jeg fuldstændigt,” siger Herren.