Isaiah 61 – NIRV & CST

New International Reader’s Version

Isaiah 61:1-11

The Year When the Lord Sets His People Free

1The Spirit of the Lord and King is on me.

The Lord has anointed me

to announce good news to poor people.

He has sent me to comfort

those whose hearts have been broken.

He has sent me to announce freedom

for those who have been captured.

He wants me to set prisoners free

from their dark cells.

2He has sent me to announce the year

when he will set his people free.

He wants me to announce the day

when he will pay his enemies back.

Our God has sent me to comfort all those who are sad.

3He wants me to help those in Zion who are filled with sorrow.

I will put beautiful crowns on their heads

in place of ashes.

I will anoint them with olive oil to give them joy

instead of sorrow.

I will give them a spirit of praise

in place of a spirit of sadness.

They will be like oak trees that are strong and straight.

The Lord himself will plant them in the land.

That will show how glorious he is.

4They will rebuild the places that were destroyed long ago.

They will repair the buildings that have been broken down for many years.

They will make the destroyed cities like new again.

They have been broken down for a very long time.

5Outsiders will serve you by taking care of your flocks.

People from other lands will work in your fields and vineyards.

6You will be called priests of the Lord.

You will be named workers for our God.

You will enjoy the wealth of nations.

You will brag about getting their riches.

7Instead of being put to shame

you will receive a double share of wealth.

Instead of being dishonored

you will be glad to be in your land.

You will receive a double share of riches there.

And you’ll be filled with joy that will last forever.

8The Lord says, “I love those who do what is right.

I hate it when people steal and do other sinful things.

So I will be faithful to my people.

And I will bless them.

I will make a covenant with them

that will last forever.

9Their children after them will be famous among the nations.

Their families will be praised by people everywhere.

All those who see them will agree

that I have blessed them.”

10The people of Jerusalem will say,

“We take great delight in the Lord.

We are joyful because we belong to our God.

He has dressed us with salvation as if it were our clothes.

He has put robes of godliness on us.

We are like a groom who is dressed up for his wedding.

We are like a bride who decorates herself with her jewels.

11The soil makes the young plant come up.

A garden causes seeds to grow.

In the same way, the Lord and King will make godliness grow.

And all the nations will praise him.”

Nueva Versión Internacional (Castilian)

Isaías 61:1-11

El año del favor del Señor

1El Espíritu del Señor omnipotente está sobre mí,

por cuanto me ha ungido

para anunciar buenas nuevas a los pobres.

Me ha enviado a sanar los corazones heridos,

a proclamar liberación a los cautivos

y libertad a los prisioneros,

2a pregonar el año del favor del Señor

y el día de la venganza de nuestro Dios,

a consolar a todos los que están de duelo,

3y a confortar a los dolientes de Sión.

Me ha enviado a darles una corona

en vez de cenizas,

aceite de alegría

en vez de luto,

traje de fiesta

en vez de espíritu de desaliento.

Serán llamados robles de justicia,

plantío del Señor, para mostrar su gloria.

4Reconstruirán las ruinas antiguas,

y restaurarán los escombros de antaño;

repararán las ciudades en ruinas,

y los escombros de muchas generaciones.

5Gente extraña pastoreará

vuestros rebaños,

y vuestros campos y viñedos serán labrados

por un pueblo extranjero.

6Pero a vosotros os llamarán «sacerdotes del Señor»;

os dirán «ministros de nuestro Dios».

Os alimentaréis de las riquezas de las naciones,

y os jactaréis de los tesoros de ellas.

7En vez de vuestra vergüenza,

mi pueblo recibirá doble porción;

en vez de deshonra,

se regocijará en su herencia;

y así en su tierra recibirá doble herencia,

y su alegría será eterna.

8«Yo, el Señor, amo la justicia,

pero odio el robo y la iniquidad.

En mi fidelidad los recompensaré

y haré con ellos un pacto eterno.

9Sus descendientes serán conocidos entre las naciones,

y sus vástagos, entre los pueblos.

Quienes los vean reconocerán

que ellos son descendencia bendecida por el Señor».

10Me deleito mucho en el Señor;

me regocijo en mi Dios.

Porque él me vistió con ropas de salvación

y me cubrió con el manto de la justicia.

Soy semejante a un novio que luce su diadema,

o una novia adornada con sus joyas.

11Porque así como la tierra hace que broten los retoños,

y el huerto hace que germinen las semillas,

así el Señor omnipotente hará que broten

la justicia y la alabanza ante todas las naciones.