Isaiah 52 – NIRV & NVI

New International Reader’s Version

Isaiah 52:1-15

1Wake up! Zion, wake up!

Dress yourself with strength as if it were your clothes.

Holy city of Jerusalem,

put on your clothes of glory.

Those who haven’t been circumcised will never enter you again.

Neither will those who are “unclean.”

2Get up, Jerusalem! Shake off your dust.

Take your place on your throne.

Captured people of Zion,

remove the chains from your neck.

3The Lord says,

“When you were sold as slaves, no one paid anything for you.

Now no one will pay any money to set you free.”

4The Lord and King continues,

“Long ago my people went down to Egypt.

They lived there for a while.

Later, Assyria crushed them without any reason.

5“Now look at what has happened to them,” announces the Lord.

“Once again my people have been taken away.

And no one paid anything for them.

Those who rule over them brag about it,”

announces the Lord.

“All day long without stopping,

people speak evil things against my name.

6So the day will come when my people will really know the meaning of my name.

They will know what kind of God I am.

They will know that I told them ahead of time they would return to their land.

They will know that it was I.”

7What a beautiful sight it is

to see messengers coming with good news!

How beautiful to see them coming down from the mountains

with a message about peace!

How wonderful it is when they bring the good news

that we are saved!

How wonderful when they say to Zion,

“Your God rules!”

8Listen! Those on guard duty are shouting out the message.

With their own eyes

they see the Lord returning to Zion.

So they shout for joy.

9Burst into songs of joy together,

you broken-down buildings in Jerusalem.

The Lord has comforted his people.

He has set Jerusalem free.

10The Lord will use the power of his holy arm to save his people.

All the nations will see him do it.

Everyone from one end of the earth to the other will see it.

11You who carry the objects that belong to the Lord’s temple, leave Babylon!

Leave it! Get out of there!

Don’t touch anything that isn’t pure and “clean.”

Come out of Babylon and be pure.

12But this time you won’t have to leave in a hurry.

You won’t have to rush away.

The Lord will go ahead of you and lead you.

The God of Israel will follow behind you and guard you.

The Suffering and Glory of the Lord’s Servant

13The Lord says, “My servant will act wisely and accomplish his task.

He will be highly honored. He will be greatly respected.

14Many people were shocked when they saw him.

He was so scarred that he no longer looked like a person.

His body was so twisted that he did not look like a human being anymore.

15But many nations will be surprised when they see what he has done.

Kings will be so amazed that they will not be able to say anything.

They will understand things they were never told.

They will know the meaning of things they never heard.”

Nueva Versión Internacional

Isaías 52:1-15

1¡Despierta, Sión, despierta!

¡Revístete de poder!

Jerusalén, ciudad santa,

ponte tus vestidos de gala,

pues los incircuncisos e impuros

no volverán a entrar en ti.

2¡Sacúdete el polvo, Jerusalén!

¡Levántate, vuelve al trono!

¡Libérate de las cadenas de tu cuello,

cautiva hija de Sión!

3Porque así dice el Señor:

«Ustedes fueron vendidos por nada,

y sin dinero serán redimidos».

4Porque así dice el Señor y Dios:

«En tiempos pasados, mi pueblo descendió a Egipto y vivió allí;

en estos últimos tiempos, Asiria los ha oprimido sin razón.

5»Y ahora, ¿qué estoy haciendo aquí?», afirma el Señor.

«Sin motivo se han llevado a mi pueblo;

sus gobernantes se mofan de él»,52:5 se mofan de él (Qumrán, Aquila, Targum y Vulgata); lanzan alaridos (TM).

afirma el Señor.

«No hay un solo momento

en que mi nombre no lo blasfemen.

6Por eso mi pueblo conocerá mi nombre

y en aquel día sabrán

que yo soy quien dice:

“¡Aquí estoy!”».

7Qué hermosos son, sobre los montes,

los pies del que trae buenas noticias,

del que proclama la paz,

del que anuncia buenas noticias,

del que proclama la salvación,

del que dice a Sión:

«¡Tu Dios reina!».

8¡Escucha! Tus centinelas alzan la voz

y juntos gritan de alegría,

porque ven con sus propios ojos

que el Señor vuelve a Sión.

9Ruinas de Jerusalén,

¡prorrumpan juntas en canciones de alegría!

Porque el Señor ha consolado a su pueblo,

ha redimido a Jerusalén.

10El Señor desnudará su santo brazo

a la vista de todas las naciones

y todos los confines de la tierra

verán la salvación de nuestro Dios.

11Ustedes, que transportan los utensilios del Señor,

¡pónganse en marcha, salgan de allí!

¡Salgan de en medio de ella, purifíquense!

¡No toquen nada impuro!

12Pero no tendrán que apresurarse

ni salir huyendo,

porque el Señor marchará a la cabeza;

¡el Dios de Israel les cubrirá la espalda!

El sufrimiento y la gloria del siervo

13Miren, mi siervo prosperará;

será exaltado, levantado y muy enaltecido.

14Muchos se asombraron de él,52:14 de él (dos mss. hebreos, Siríaca y Targum); de ti (TM y Qumrán).

pues tenía desfigurado el semblante;

¡nada de humano tenía su aspecto!

15Del mismo modo, muchas naciones se asombrarán52:15 muchas naciones se asombrarán (LXX); rociará a muchas naciones (TM).

y en su presencia enmudecerán los reyes,

porque verán lo que no se les había anunciado

y entenderán lo que no habían oído.