Isaiah 41 – NIRV & BPH

New International Reader’s Version

Isaiah 41:1-29

The Lord Helps Israel

1The Lord says, “People who live on the islands,

come and stand quietly in front of me.

Let the nations gain new strength

in order to state their case.

Let them come forward and speak.

Let us go to court and find out who is right.

2“Who has stirred up a king from the east?

Who has helped him win his battles?

I hand nations over to him.

I bring kings under his control.

He turns them into dust with his sword.

With his bow he turns them into straw blowing in the wind.

3He hunts them down. Then he moves on unharmed.

He travels so fast that his feet

don’t seem to touch the ground.

4Who has made that happen? Who has carried it out?

Who has created all the people who have ever lived?

I, the Lord, have done it.

I was with the first of them.

And I will be with the last of them.”

5The people on the islands have seen that king coming.

And it has made them afraid.

People tremble with fear from one end of the earth to the other.

They come and gather together.

6They help one another.

They say to one another, “Be strong!”

7One skilled worker makes a statue of a god.

Another covers it with gold.

The first worker says to the second,

“You have done a good job.”

Another worker smooths out the metal with a hammer.

Still another gives the statue its final shape.

The one who hammers says to the one who shapes,

“You have done a good job.”

Then they nail the statue down so it won’t fall over.

8The Lord says, “People of Israel, you are my servants.

Family of Jacob, I have chosen you.

You are the children of my friend Abraham.

9I gathered you from one end of the earth to the other.

From the farthest places on earth I brought you together.

I said, ‘You are my servants.’

I have chosen you.

I have not turned my back on you.

10So do not be afraid. I am with you.

Do not be terrified. I am your God.

I will make you strong and help you.

I will hold you safe in my hands.

I always do what is right.

11“All those who are angry with you will be put to shame.

And they will be dishonored.

Those who oppose you will be destroyed.

And they will vanish.

12You might search for your enemies.

But you will not find them.

Those who go to war against you

will completely disappear.

13I am the Lord your God.

I take hold of your right hand.

I say to you, ‘Do not be afraid.

I will help you.’

14Family of Jacob, you are as weak as a worm.

But do not be afraid.

People of Israel, there are only a few of you.

But do not be afraid.

I myself will help you,” announces the Lord.

He is the one who sets his people free.

He is the Holy One of Israel.

15He says, “I will make you into a threshing sled.

It will be new and sharp.

It will have many teeth.

You will grind the mountains down and crush them.

You will turn the hills into nothing but straw.

16You will toss them in the air.

A strong wind will catch them and blow them away.

You will be glad because I will make that happen.

You will praise me.

I am the Holy One of Israel.

17“Those who are poor and needy search for water.

But there isn’t any.

Their tongues are dry because they are thirsty.

But I will help them. I am the Lord.

I will not desert them.

I am Israel’s God.

18I will make streams flow on the bare hilltops.

I will make springs come up in the valleys.

I will turn the desert into pools of water.

I will turn the dry and cracked ground into flowing springs.

19I will make trees grow in the desert.

I will plant cedar and acacia trees there.

I will plant myrtle and olive trees there.

I will make juniper trees grow in the dry and empty desert.

I will plant fir and cypress trees there.

20Then people will see and know

that my powerful hand has done it.

They will consider and understand

that I have created it.

I am the Holy One of Israel.”

21The Lord says to the nations and their gods,

“State your case.”

Jacob’s King says to them,

“Prove your case to me.

22Tell us, you false gods,

what is going to happen.

Tell us what happened in the past.

Then we can check it out

and see if it is really true.

Or announce to us the things that will take place.

23Tell us what will happen in the days ahead.

Then we will know that you are gods.

Do something. It does not matter whether it is good or bad.

Then we will be terrified and filled with fear.

24But you false gods are less than nothing.

Your actions are completely worthless.

I hate it when people worship you.

25“I have stirred up a king

who will come from the north.

He lives in the east.

He will bring honor to me.

He walks all over rulers as if they were mud.

He steps on them just as a potter stomps on clay.

26Which one of you false gods said those things

would happen before they did?

Who told us about them

so we could know them?

Who told us ahead of time?

Who told us so we could say,

‘You are right’?

None of you false gods told us about them.

None of you told us ahead of time.

In fact, no one heard you say anything at all.

27I was the first to tell Zion.

I said, ‘Look! The people of Israel are coming back!’

I sent a messenger to Jerusalem with the good news.

28I look, but there is no one

among the gods that can give me advice.

None of them can answer

when I ask them the simplest question.

29So they are not really gods at all.

What they do does not amount to anything.

They are as useless as wind.

Bibelen på hverdagsdansk

Esajasʼ Bog 41:1-29

Perserkongen Kyros som redskab til Israels befrielse

1Herren siger: „Lyt til mig, I fjerne lande! Tag mod til jer og kom, så vi kan tale sammen! Hvad har I at sige?

2Hvem tilkaldte et redskab41,2 Perserkongen Kyros, jf. Es. 45,1. fra østen til at udføre den retfærdige straf? Hvem gav ham sejr over talrige folkeslag og lod ham nedtrampe deres konger? Hvem hjalp ham besejre sine fjender med sværd og bue? 3Han forfølger sine fjender, men forbliver selv uskadt, selv om han marcherer gennem ukendt terræn. 4Hvem står bagved og trækker i trådene? Det gør jeg, Herren, jeg, som kalder på mit folk fra generation til generation. Jeg var til stede ved begyndelsen, og jeg vil være der ved afslutningen.

5Fjerne lande ser til med gru, hele verden skælver af frygt, når hærene nærmer sig. Folk trøster hinanden. ‚Tab ikke modet!’ siger de. 6-7Håndværkerne opmuntrer hinanden, mens de skynder sig at lave flere statuer af deres afguder. ‚Nu er den færdig!’ siger de og slår statuen fast med søm, så den ikke vælter.

8Men du, Israel, min tjener, Jakob, min udvalgte, min ven Abrahams efterkommere, frygt ikke! 9Jeg kalder mit folk hjem fra jordens ender og siger: Dig har jeg udvalgt, jeg forkaster dig ikke. Du er min tjener. 10Vær ikke bange, for jeg er med dig. Tab ikke modet, for jeg er din Gud. Med min retfærdige hånd vil jeg styrke, hjælpe og beskytte dig.

11Se, alle dine fjender lider nederlag, dine modstandere bukker skamfulde under. 12Hvis du spejder efter fjenderne, ser du dem ikke, for de er alle døde og borte. 13Jeg, Herren din Gud, griber din hånd og siger: Vær ikke bange! Jeg er her for at hjælpe dig. 14Frygt ikke, Israel. Selv om ingen regner dig for noget, er jeg med dig for at frelse dig. Jeg er Herren, din Befrier. Jeg er Israels hellige Gud. 15Jeg gør dig til et nyt og skarptandet tærskeredskab, som kan slå dine fjender, som man tærsker korn. 16Du kaster dem i vejret, og de spredes for alle vinde. Da vil du juble over Herrens magt og fryde dig over din Gud, Israels Hellige.

17Når de fattige og hjælpeløse forgæves søger efter vand, og deres tunger tørster efter noget at drikke, så vil jeg svare dem, når de råber til mig. Jeg er Herren, Israels Gud, og jeg svigter dem ikke. 18Jeg lader bække strømme ned fra de golde bjerge og åbner kilder for dem i dalene. Jeg forvandler ørken til oase og det tørre land til kildevæld. 19Jeg planter træer i ørkenen—cedre, akacier, myrter, oliventræer, cypresser, enebær- og fyrretræer. 20Så vil de forstå, at det er Herren, der har gjort det, at det er Israels hellige Gud, der står bag.”

Herren udfordrer afguderne

21„Lad bare de andre folks guder stå frem,” siger Herren, Israels Konge. „Kom og vis, hvad I duer til. 22Kan I forudsige, hvad der vil ske i fremtiden, eller forklare betydningen af det, der skete i fortiden? Fortæl, fortæl, så vi kan tage ved lære! 23Hvis I er guder, så sig os, hvad der vil ske i fremtiden. Eller gør et mirakel, noget godt eller noget ondt, så vi kan stå og måbe af frygt! 24Men nej, I er intet værd, I duer ikke til noget. Det er en skændsel at tilbede jer.

25Jeg tilkaldte mit redskab fra østen. Han skal bringe ære til mit navn. Han kommer fra nord og tramper på fyrster, som en pottemager tramper i sit ler for at ælte det.

26Hvem af jer, guder, forudsagde, at det ville ske, så man bagefter kunne sige: ‚Det var rigtigt nok.’? Ingen af jer sagde en lyd! 27Jeg var den første til at fortælle Jerusalem de gode nyheder. 28Jeg ser mig omkring, men ingen af guderne ved noget. De svarer ikke, når de bliver spurgt. 29Så indse dog, at de intet er værd. De kan intet udrette. At stole på dem er fuldstændig absurd.”