Hosea 10 – NIRV & BPH

New International Reader’s Version

Hosea 10:1-15

1Israel was like a spreading vine.

They produced fruit for themselves.

As they grew more fruit,

they built more altars.

As their land became richer,

they made more beautiful the sacred stones they worshiped.

2Their hearts are dishonest.

So now they must pay for their sins.

The Lord will tear down their altars.

He’ll destroy their sacred stones.

3Then they’ll say, “We don’t have a king.

That’s because we didn’t have

any respect for the Lord.

But suppose we did have a king.

What could he do for us?”

4They make a lot of promises.

They make agreements among themselves.

They make promises they don’t mean to keep.

So court cases spring up

like poisonous weeds in a plowed field.

5The people who live in Samaria are filled with fear.

They are afraid for their god that looks like a calf.

They’re afraid it will be carried off from Beth Aven, that evil town.

They will mourn over it.

So will the priests who led them to worship it.

The priests were full of joy

because their statue was so glorious.

But it will be captured

and taken far away from them.

6It will be carried off to Assyria.

The people of Ephraim will be forced

to give it to the great king.

They will be dishonored.

Israel will be ashamed

of its agreements with other nations.

7Samaria’s king will be destroyed.

He will be like a twig swept away by a river.

8The high places where Israel worshiped other gods

will be destroyed.

That’s where they sinned against the Lord.

Thorns and weeds will grow up there.

They will cover the altars.

Then the people will say to the mountains, “Cover us!”

They’ll say to the hills, “Fall on us!”

9The Lord says,

“Israel, you have done evil things

ever since your people sinned at Gibeah long ago.

And you are still doing what is evil.

War will come again

to those who sinned at Gibeah.

10I will punish them when I want to.

Nations will gather together to fight against them.

They will put them in chains

because they have committed so many sins.

11Ephraim was like a well-trained young cow.

It loved to thresh grain.

So I will put a yoke

on its pretty neck.

I will make Ephraim do hard work.

Judah also must plow.

So all the people of Jacob

must break up the ground.

12Your hearts are as hard as a field

that has not been plowed.

If you change your ways,

you will produce good crops.

So plant the seeds of doing what is right.

Then you will harvest the fruit of your faithful love.

It is time to seek the Lord.

When you do, he will come

and shower his blessings on you.

13But you have planted the seeds of doing what is wrong.

So you have harvested the fruit of your evil conduct.

You have had to eat the fruit of your lies.

You have trusted in your own strength.

You have depended on your many soldiers.

14But the roar of battle will come against you.

All your forts will be completely destroyed.

It will happen just as Shalman

destroyed Beth Arbel in a battle.

Mothers and their children

were smashed on the ground.

15People of Bethel, that will happen to you.

You have committed far too many sins.

When the time comes for me to punish you,

the king of Israel will be completely destroyed.”

Bibelen på hverdagsdansk

Hoseasʼ Bog 10:1-15

1Israels folk var som en frodig vinstok. Men jo mere frugt der var, des flere altre byggede de. Jo mere fremgang de fik, des flottere afgudsbilleder lavede de. 2Deres hjerter var svigefulde, og nu må de tage straffen for deres synd. Deres altre og afgudsbilleder vil blive smadret. 3De siger: „Herren har straffet os for vores mangel på gudsfrygt, så nu har vi ingen konge længere. Men det gør ingen forskel, for ingen konge kan redde os.”

4De afgav tomme løfter og svor på, at de ville holde deres aftaler, men det gjorde de bare ikke. Uretten florerede som ukrudt i en kornmark. 5Samarias indbyggere er bekymrede for guldkalven i Betel, Ondskabens Hus. Både folket og præsterne, som tilbad den, vil jamre og sørge. Den bliver nemlig taget fra dem. 6Den bliver ført bort til Assyrien og foræret til den magtfulde konge dér. Da bliver Efraim beskæmmet. Israel bliver skamfuld over at have søgt hjælp hos en statue af en afgud. 7Samaria er færdig. Dets konge vil forsvinde som en træsplint på vandet og føres bort af strømmen. 8Afgudsaltrene, hvor Israel syndede, bliver revet ned, og tidsel og tjørn gror hen over dem. Folk vil råbe til bjergene: „Skjul os!” og til højene: „Styrt sammen over os!”

9Herren siger: „Lige siden udåden ved Gibea har Israel fortsat i det samme syndige spor. I Gibea blev synderne straffet med en krig. 10Nu vil jeg straffe Israels folk for deres vedvarende synd ved at sende fremmede folkeslag imod dem.

11Efraim, du var som en tam kvie, der var glad for at tærske.10,11 En ko, der gik rundt på tærskepladsen, havde lov til at spise af kornet. Men nu lægger jeg et åg på din smukke hals og spænder dig for ploven. Juda skal pløje og Jakob bryde jorden op. 12I skal bryde ny jord og så retskafne handlinger. Derefter kan I høste velvilje. Det er på høje tid at søge mig, så jeg kan komme og lade min velsignelse regne ned over jer.

13I har dyrket falskhed og høstet uret. I har spist af løgnens frugt. I satte jeres lid til, at menneskers magt og våben kunne frelse jer. 14Derfor vil fjenden føre krig imod jer, og alle jeres fæstningsværker skal rives ned, som dengang Shalman udslettede alle i Bet-Arbel, både mænd, kvinder og børn. 15Det samme skal ske med Betel på grund af al jeres ondskab. Så snart krigen begynder, er det ude med Israels konge.