Hebrews 6 – NIRV & CCB

New International Reader’s Version

Hebrews 6:1-20

1So let us move beyond the simple teachings about Christ. Let us grow up as believers. Let us not start all over again with the basic teachings. They taught us that we need to turn away from doing things that lead to death. They taught us that we must have faith in God. 2These basic teachings taught us about different ways of becoming “clean.” They taught us about placing hands of blessing on people. They taught us that people will rise from the dead. They taught us that God will judge everyone. And they taught us that what he decides will last forever. 3If God permits, we will go beyond those teachings and grow up.

4What if some people fall away from the faith? It won’t be possible to bring them back. It is true that they have seen the light. They have tasted the heavenly gift. They have shared in the Holy Spirit. 5They have tasted the good things of God’s word. They have tasted the powers of the age to come. 6But they have fallen away from the faith. So it won’t be possible to bring them back. They won’t be able to turn away from their sins. They are losing everything. That’s because they are nailing the Son of God to the cross all over again. They are bringing shame on him in front of everyone. 7Some land drinks the rain that falls on it. It produces a crop that is useful to those who farm the land. That land receives God’s blessing. 8But other land produces only thorns and weeds. That land isn’t worth anything. It is in danger of coming under God’s curse. In the end, it will be burned.

9Dear friends, we have to say these things. But we are sure of better things in your case. We are talking about the things that have to do with being saved. 10God is fair. He will not forget what you have done. He will remember the love you have shown him. You showed it when you helped his people. And you show it when you keep on helping them. 11We want each of you to be faithful to the very end. If you are, then what you hope for will fully happen. 12We don’t want you to slow down. Instead, be like those who have faith and are patient. They will receive what God promised.

God Keeps His Promise

13When God made his promise to Abraham, God gave his word. There was no one greater than himself to promise by. So he promised by making an appeal to himself. 14He said, “I will certainly bless you. I will give you many children.” (Genesis 22:17) 15Abraham was patient while he waited. Then he received what God promised him.

16People promise things by someone greater than themselves. Giving your word makes a promise certain. It puts an end to all arguing. 17So God gave his word when he made his promise. He wanted to make it very clear that his purpose does not change. He wanted those who would receive what was promised to know this. 18When God made his promise, he gave his word. He did this so we would have good reason not to give up. Instead, we have run to take hold of the hope set before us. This hope is set before us in God’s promise. So God made his promise and gave his word. These two things can’t change. He couldn’t lie about them. 19Our hope is certain. It is something for the soul to hold on to. It is strong and secure. It goes all the way into the Most Holy Room behind the curtain. 20That is where Jesus has gone. He went there to open the way ahead of us. He has become a high priest forever, just like Melchizedek.

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified)

希伯来书 6:1-20

1所以我们要离开有关基督的初级道理,努力迈向成熟,而不是再次打基础:教导为致死的行为悔改、信靠上帝、 2各种洗礼、按手礼、死人复活、永远的审判等道理。 3上帝若许可,我们会这样做。

4有些人曾蒙上帝光照,尝过天赐恩典的滋味,有份于圣灵, 5尝过上帝之道的甘美,领悟到永世的权能, 6却背弃了真道,让他们重新悔改是不可能的。因为他们等于把上帝的儿子重新钉在十字架上,使祂再度公开受辱。 7一块经常受到雨水滋润的田地若为耕种的人长出庄稼来,就蒙上帝赐福; 8若长出来的尽是荆棘和蒺藜,就毫无价值,它会面临被咒诅的危险,最后必遭焚烧。

9亲爱的弟兄姊妹,虽然我们这样说,却深信你们的光景比这强,有得救的表现。 10因为上帝并非不公义,以致忘记你们为祂所做的工作以及你们过去和现在服侍圣徒所表现的爱心。 11愿你们各人从始至终表现出同样的殷勤,以便对所盼望的有完全的把握。 12这样,你们就不致懒散,可以效法那些凭信心和忍耐承受应许的人。


13当初,上帝向亚伯拉罕许下诺言的时候,因为没有比自己更大的可以凭着起誓,就凭自己起誓说: 14“我必赐福给你,使你子孙众多。” 15亚伯拉罕经过耐心的等待,得到了上帝的应许。

16人总是指着比自己更大的起誓,并用誓言作保证,了结各样的争论。 17同样,上帝为要向承受应许的人显明祂的旨意绝不更改,就用誓言向他们保证。 18上帝绝不说谎,祂将永不改变的应许和誓言给了我们,使我们这些寻找避难所、持定摆在前面之盼望的人可以大得鼓励。 19我们有这盼望作我们灵魂的锚,既安稳又可靠,一直通往圣幕里面的至圣所。 20耶稣照麦基洗德的模式成了永远的大祭司,祂替我们先进入了圣幕内。