Haggai 2 – NIRV & JCB

New International Reader’s Version

Haggai 2:1-23

1a second message came from the Lord. It came to Haggai the prophet. The message came on the 21st day of the seventh month. The Lord said, 2“Speak to Zerubbabel, the governor of Judah and the son of Shealtiel. Also speak to Joshua the high priest, the son of Jozadak. And speak to all my people who are still left alive. Ask them, 3‘Did any of you who are here see how beautiful this temple used to be? How does it look to you now? It doesn’t look so good, does it? 4But be strong, Zerubbabel,’ announces the Lord. ‘Be strong, Joshua. Be strong, all of you people in the land,’ announces the Lord. ‘Start rebuilding. I am with you,’ announces the Lord who rules over all. 5‘That is what I promised you when you came out of Egypt. My Spirit continues to be with you. So do not be afraid.’ ”

6The Lord says, “In a little while I will shake the heavens and the earth once more. I will also shake the ocean and the dry land. 7I will shake all the nations. Then what is desired by all nations will come to my temple. And I will fill the temple with glory,” says the Lord who rules over all. 8“The silver belongs to me. So does the gold,” announces the Lord who rules over all. 9“The new temple will be more beautiful than the first one was,” says the Lord. “And in this place I will bring peace,” announces the Lord who rules over all.

The Lord Will Make His People Pure and “Clean”

10A third message from the Lord came to Haggai the prophet. The message came on the 24th day of the ninth month of the second year that Darius was king. 11The Lord who rules over all speaks. He says, “Ask the priests what the law says. 12Suppose someone carries holy meat in the clothes they are wearing. And the clothes touch some bread or stew. Or they touch some wine, olive oil or other food. Then do these things also become holy?”

The priests answered, “No.”

13So Haggai said, “Suppose someone is made ‘unclean’ by touching a dead body. And then they touch one of these things. Does it become ‘unclean’ too?”

“Yes,” the priests replied. “It does.”

14Then here is what Haggai said. “The Lord announces, ‘That is how I look at these people and this nation. Anything they do and anything they sacrifice on the altar is “unclean.”

15“ ‘Think carefully about this from now on. Think about how things were before the Lord’s temple was built. This was before one stone was laid on top of another. 16People went to get 20 measures of grain. But they could find only 10. They went to where the wine was stored to get 50 measures. But only 20 were there. 17You worked very hard to produce all those things. But I struck them with rot, mold and hail. And you still did not return to me,’ announces the Lord. 18It is the 24th day of the ninth month. From this day on, here is what you should think carefully about. Think about the day when the foundation of my temple was laid. 19Are any seeds still left in your barns? Until now, your vines and fig trees have not produced any fruit. Your pomegranate and olive trees have not produced any either.

“ ‘But from this day on I will bless you.’ ”

The Lord Compares Zerubbabel to His Royal Ring

20A final message from the Lord came to Haggai. This message also came on the 24th day of the ninth month. The Lord said, 21“Speak to Zerubbabel, the governor of Judah. Tell him I am going to shake the heavens and the earth. 22I will throw down royal thrones. I will smash the power of other kingdoms. I will destroy chariots and their drivers. Horses and their riders will fall. They will be killed by the swords of their relatives.

23“ ‘Zerubbabel, at that time I will pick you,’ announces the Lord. ‘You are my servant,’ announces the Lord. ‘You will be like a ring that has my royal mark on it. I have chosen you,’ announces the Lord who rules over all.”

Japanese Contemporary Bible

ハガイ書 2:1-23



1同じ年の第七の月の二十一日に、主は次のようなことばをハガイを通して彼らに送りました。 2「総督と大祭司、およびこの地に残っているすべての者に、こう尋ねよ。 3『あなたがたの中に、前にあった神殿を思い出せる者がいるか。それは栄光に輝く神殿であった。それに比べると、今は無に等しいのではないか。 4しかし勇気を出せ、ゼルバベル、ヨシュア、すべての民よ。元気を出して働け。わたしが共にいるのだからと、全能の主が言われる。 5エジプトを出た時、わたしの霊がおまえたちにとどまる、と約束した。だから恐れるな。』

6全能の主は語ります。『しばらくして、わたしは天と地を、また海も、そして乾いた地を揺り動かし始める。 7すべての国を揺り動かす。すべての国の望みである者がこの神殿に来て、わたしはここをわたしの栄光で満たす。 8-9この神殿の未来の輝きは、最初の神殿の輝きより大きくなる。それに必要な金銀を、わたしがたくさん持っているからだ。そしてわたしは、ここに平和をもたらす』と主は言われる。」


10ダリヨス王の治世第二年の第九の月の二十四日に、次のようなことばが、主から預言者ハガイを通して示されました。「 11祭司たちに、律法について次のように尋ねよ。 12『あなたたちのうちだれかが、聖なるいけにえを衣のすそに入れて運んでいて、そのすそがパンかぶどう酒か肉に触れたなら、触れたものも聖なるものとなるか。』」祭司は答えました。「いや、そんなことできよさは他のものに移らない。」


14ハガイは質問の真意をはっきりさせて、こう言いました。「あなたがた民は、身勝手な態度と良くない思いをもって過ごすことで、自分がささげるいけにえを汚していた。いけにえだけではなく、わたしに対する奉仕として行うことも汚していた。 15それで、なすことすべてうまくいかなかったのだ。だが、今からは違う。神殿を建て始めたからだ。 16-17前には二十束の収穫を期待しても、十束しかなかった。五十桶分のオリーブ油を絞ろうとしても、二十桶分しか絞れなかった。立ち枯れ病と黒穂病と雹で、あなたがたの労働に報いたからだ。それでもあなたがたは、わたしのもとに帰ろうとしなかった、と主は言われる。



20同じ日に、主からもう一つのことばがハガイに示されました。 21「ユダの総督ゼルバベルに告げよ。『わたしは天と地を揺り動かそうとしている。 22王座をくつがえし、諸国民の王国の力を滅ぼそうとしている。わたしはその兵力を砕き、兄弟や仲間は互いに殺し合う。 23しかし、そのことが起こったら、わたしのしもべゼルバベルよ、あなたを選んで、わたしの指にはめた印章のように誉れを授ける。わたしがあなたを選んだからだ。』このように、全能の主は言われる。」