Genesis 33 – NIRV & CCL

New International Reader’s Version

Genesis 33:1-20

Jacob Meets Esau

1Jacob looked and saw Esau coming with his 400 men! So Jacob separated the children. He put them with Leah, Rachel and the two female servants. 2He put the servants and their children in front. He put Leah and her children next. And he put Rachel and Joseph last. 3He himself went on ahead. As he came near his brother, he bowed down to the ground seven times.

4But Esau ran to meet Jacob. He hugged him and threw his arms around his neck. He kissed him, and they cried for joy. 5Then Esau looked around and saw the women and children. “Who are these people with you?” he asked.

Jacob answered, “They are the children God has so kindly given to me.”

6Then the female servants and their children came near and bowed down. 7Next, Leah and her children came and bowed down. Last of all came Joseph and Rachel. They bowed down too.

8Esau asked, “Why did you send all those herds I saw?”

“I hoped I could do something to please you,” Jacob replied.

9But Esau said, “I already have plenty, my brother. Keep what you have for yourself.”

10“No, please!” said Jacob. “If I’ve pleased you, accept this gift from me. Seeing your face is like seeing the face of God. You have welcomed me so kindly. 11Please accept the present that was brought to you. God has given me so much. I have everything I need.” Jacob wouldn’t give in. So Esau accepted it.

12Then Esau said, “Let’s be on our way. I’ll go with you.”

13But Jacob said to him, “You know that the children are young. You also know that I have to take care of the cows and female sheep that are feeding their little ones. If the animals are driven hard for just one day, all of them will die. 14So you go on ahead of me. I’ll move along only as fast as the flocks and herds and the children can go. I’ll go slowly until I come to you in Seir.”

15Esau said, “Then let me leave some of my men with you.”

“Why do that?” Jacob asked. “I just hope I’ve pleased you.”

16So that day Esau started on his way back to Seir. 17But Jacob went to Sukkoth. There he built a place for himself. He also made shelters for his livestock. That’s why the place is named Sukkoth.

18After Jacob came from Paddan Aram, he arrived safely at the city of Shechem in Canaan. He camped where he could see the city. 19For 100 pieces of silver he bought a piece of land. He got it from Hamor’s sons. Hamor was the father of Shechem. Jacob set up his tent on that piece of land. 20He also set up an altar there. He named it El Elohe Israel.

Mawu a Mulungu mu Chichewa Chalero

Genesis 33:1-20

Yakobo Akumana ndi Esau

1Yakobo atakweza maso ake anaona Esau akubwera ndi anthu ake 400. Choncho ana ake anawagawira Leya, Rakele ndi antchito awiri aja. 2Anayika antchito ndi ana awo patsogolo, kenaka nʼkubwera Leya ndi ana ake, ndipo pambuyo pawo Rakele ndi Yosefe. 3Iye mwini anakhala patsogolo nawerama mpaka kukhudza pansi kasanu ndi kawiri pamene amayandikira mʼbale wake.

4Koma Esau anathamanga kukakumana ndi Yakobo ndipo anamukupatira namupsompsona. Onse awiri ankangolira. 5Kenaka Esau ataona amayi ndi ana awo anamufunsa Yakobo kuti, “Kodi anthu amene uli nawowa ndi a ndani?”

Yakobo anayankha kuti, “Awa ndi ana amene Mulungu, mwa kukoma mtima kwake, wapereka kwa mtumiki wanune.”

6Tsono antchito aja anayandikira naweramitsa mitu pansi. 7Kenaka, Leya ndi ana ake anabwera. Nawonso anaweramitsa mitu pansi. Potsiriza pa onse anabwera Yosefe ndi Rakele naweramitsanso mitu yawo pansi.

8Esau anafunsa kuti, “Kodi gulu la ziweto ndakumana nalo lija ndi layani?”

Yakobo anayankha nati, “Mbuye wanga, gulu lija ndi lanu kuti mundikomere mtima.”

9Koma Esau anati, “Mʼbale wanga, ine ndili nazo kale zambiri. Zinthu zakozi sunga.”

10Yakobo anati, “Chonde musatero. Ngati mwandikomera mtima, landirani mphatso yangayi kuchokera kwa ine. Pakuti ndi mmene mwandirandira bwinomu, ine ndikamaona nkhope yanu ndikuchita ngati ndikuona nkhope ya Mulungu. 11Chonde, landirani mphatso imene ndakutengeraniyi, popeza Mulungu wandikomera mtima kwambiri moti ndili ndi zonse zimene ndizifuna.” Ndipo popeza kuti Yakobo anamuwumiriza, Esau analandira.

12Ndipo Esau anati, “Tiyeni tizipita; nditsagana nanu.”

13Koma Yakobo anati kwa iye, “Mbuye wanga, inu mudziwa kuti anawa ndi a nthete ndiponso ndiyenera kusamalira nkhosa ndi ngʼombe zimene zikuyamwitsa ana awo. Ngati ndizimenya kuti zifulumire, tsiku limodzi lokha nyamazo zidzafa. 14Choncho, mbuye wanga lolani kuti mutsogole. Ine ndiziyenda pangʼonopangʼono pambuyo pa ziwetozi ndi anawa mpaka ndikafika ku Seiri.”

15Esau anati, “Ndiye bwanji ndikusiyireko ena mwa anthu anga.”

Koma Yakobo anati, “Koma muchitiranji zimenezi? Chachikulu nʼkuti mwandilandira bwino, mbuye wanga.”

16Choncho tsiku limenelo Esau anayamba ulendo wobwerera ku Seiri. 17Komabe Yakobo anapita ku Sukoti. Kumeneko anamanga nyumba yake ndi makola a ziweto zake. Nʼchifukwa chake malowa amatchedwa Sukoti.

18Mmene ankabwerera kuchokera ku Padanaramu, Yakobo anafika ku Salemu, mzinda wa Sekemu ku Kanaani. Anamanga msasa pamalopo moyangʼanana ndi mzindawo. 19Malo amenewo anagula kwa zidzukulu za Hamori, abambo a Sekemu ndi ndalama 100 zasiliva. 20Pamalopo anamanganso guwa lansembe, nalitcha Eli Elohe Israeli.