Ezra 8 – NIRV & NSP

New International Reader’s Version

Ezra 8:1-36

The Family Leaders Who Returned to Jerusalem With Ezra

1Many family leaders came up to Jerusalem with me from Babylon. So did others who were listed with them. It was during the time when Artaxerxes was king. Here is a list of those who came.

2Gershom came from the family line of Phinehas.

Daniel came from the family line of Ithamar.

Hattush came from the family line of David. 3Hattush also belonged to the family of Shekaniah.

Zechariah came from the family line of Parosh. The total number of men who were listed with him was 150.

4Eliehoenai came from the family line of Pahath-Moab. Eliehoenai was the son of Zerahiah. The total number of men with him was 200.

5Shekaniah came from the family line of Zattu. Shekaniah was the son of Jahaziel. The total number of men with him was 300.

6Ebed came from the family line of Adin. Ebed was the son of Jonathan. The total number of men with him was 50.

7Jeshaiah came from the family line of Elam. Jeshaiah was the son of Athaliah. The total number of men with him was 70.

8Zebadiah came from the family line of Shephatiah. Zebadiah was the son of Michael. The total number of men with him was 80.

9Obadiah came from the family line of Joab. Obadiah was the son of Jehiel. The total number of men with him was 218.

10Shelomith came from the family line of Bani. Shelomith was the son of Josiphiah. The total number of men with him was 160.

11Zechariah came from the family line of Bebai. Zechariah was the son of Bebai. The total number of men with him was 28.

12Johanan came from the family line of Azgad. Johanan was the son of Hakkatan. The total number of men with him was 110.

13Eliphelet, Jeuel and Shemaiah came from the family line of Adonikam. Some members of their family had gone up to Jerusalem before them. The total number of men with them was 60.

14Uthai and Zakkur came from the family line of Bigvai. The total number of men with them was 70.

Ezra Leads Many Jews Back to Jerusalem

15I gathered the people together at the canal that flows toward Ahava. We camped there for three days. I looked for Levites among the people and priests. But I didn’t find any. 16So I sent for Eliezer, Ariel, Shemaiah, Elnathan and Jarib. I also sent for Elnathan, Nathan, Zechariah and Meshullam. All of them were leaders. And I sent for Joiarib and Elnathan. They were very well educated. 17I ordered all those men to go to Iddo. He was the leader in Kasiphia. He and his Levite relatives were temple servants there. I told my men what to say to them. I wanted Iddo and his Levite relatives to bring some attendants to us for the house of our God. 18God was gracious to us and helped us. So they brought us Sherebiah, a very capable man. He came from the family line of Mahli. Mahli was the son of Levi. Levi was a son of Israel. They also brought us Sherebiah’s sons and brothers. The total number of men was 18. 19And they brought Hashabiah and his brothers and nephews. They brought them together with Jeshaiah. He came from the family line of Merari. The total number of men was 20. 20They also brought 220 of the temple servants. That was a special group David and his officials had established. They were supposed to help the Levites. All of them were listed by name.

21By the canal that flows toward Ahava, I announced a fast. I told the people not to eat any food. In that way, we made ourselves humble in God’s sight. We prayed that he would give us and our children a safe journey. We asked him to keep safe everything we owned. 22I was ashamed to ask King Artaxerxes for soldiers and horsemen. They could have kept us safe from enemies on the road. But we had told the king that our God would keep us safe. We had said, “Our God is gracious and helps everyone who looks to him. But he becomes very angry with anyone who deserts him.” 23So we didn’t eat anything. We prayed to our God about all these matters. And he answered our prayers.

24Then I set apart 12 of the leading priests. They were Sherebiah, Hashabiah and ten of their relatives. 25I weighed out to them the offering of silver and gold and other things. They had been given for the house of our God. The king, his advisers and officials, and all the Israelites who were there had given them. 26I weighed out 24 tons of silver and gave it to those men. I weighed out almost four tons of silver things. I weighed out almost four tons of gold. 27I weighed out 20 gold bowls. They weighed 19 pounds. I also weighed out two fine objects. The bronze they were made out of was highly polished. They were as priceless as gold.

28I said to those men, “You are set apart to the Lord. So are these things. The silver and gold were offered to the Lord by those who chose to give them. He is the God of your people. 29Guard all these things carefully until you weigh them out. Weigh them in the special rooms of the Lord’s temple in Jerusalem. Do this in front of the leading priests and the Levites. Make sure the family leaders of Israel are watching.” 30Then the priests and Levites received the silver and gold and sacred objects. All of them had been weighed out. They were going to be taken to the house of our God in Jerusalem.

31On the 12th day of the first month we started out. We left the canal that flows toward Ahava. And we headed for Jerusalem. Our God helped us. He kept us safe from enemies and robbers along the way. 32So we arrived in Jerusalem. There we rested for three days.

33On the fourth day we weighed out the silver and gold. We also weighed out the sacred objects. We weighed everything in the house of our God. We handed all of it over to Meremoth the priest. He was the son of Uriah. Eleazar, Jozabad and Noadiah were with him. Eleazar was the son of Phinehas. Jozabad was the son of Jeshua. Noadiah was the son of Binnui. Jozabad and Noadiah were Levites. 34Everything was listed by number and weight. And the total weight was recorded at that time.

35Then the people sacrificed burnt offerings to the God of Israel. They had returned from Babylon. They offered 12 bulls for the whole nation of Israel. They offered 96 rams and 77 male lambs. All of that was a burnt offering to the Lord. They sacrificed 12 male goats as a sin offering. 36They also handed over the king’s orders. They gave them to the royal officials and governors who ruled over the land west of the Euphrates River. Then those men helped the people. They also did many things for the house of God.

New Serbian Translation

Јездрина 8:1-36

Попис главара отачких домова који су се вратили са Јездром

1Ово су главари отачких домова уписани у свој родослов, који су дошли са мном из Вавилона за време владавине цара Артаксеркса:

2Од Финесових потомака:


од Итамарових потомака:


од Давидових потомака:

Хатуш; 3од Сеханијевих потомака, који је Фаросов потомак,

Захарија и са њим стотину педесет мушкараца уписаних у родослов;

4од Фат-Моавових потомака:

Елиоинај, син Зерајин и са њим две стотине мушкараца;

5од Сеханијевих потомака:

син Јазилов и са њим три стотине мушкараца;

6од Адинових потомака:

Евед, син Јонатанов и са њим педесет мушкараца;

7од Еламових потомака:

Исаија, син Аталијин и са њим седамдесет мушкараца;

8од Сефатијиних потомака:

Зевадија, син Михаилов и са њим осамдесет мушкараца;

9од Јоавових потомака:

Овадија, син Јехилов и са њим две стотине осамнаест мушкараца;

10од Селомитових потомака:

син Јосифијин и са њим стотину шездесет мушкараца;

11од Вивајевих потомака:

Захарија, син Вивајев и са њим двадесет осам мушкараца;

12од Азгадових потомака:

Јоанан, син Акатанов и са њим стотину десет мушкараца;

13од последњих Адоникамових потомака поименце су

Елифелет, Јеиел и Семаја и са њима шездесет мушкараца;

14од Вигвајевих потомака:

Гутај и Захур и са њима седамдесет мушкараца.

Повратак у Јерусалим

15Окупио сам их крај реке која тече у Аву где смо се утаборили на три дана. Али, запазио сам да међу народом и свештеницима нема ниједног Левијевог потомка. 16Зато сам послао по главаре Елиезера, Арила, Семају, Елнатана, Јарива, Елнатана, Натана, Захарију и Месулама, и по учитеље Јојарива и Елнатана. 17Послао сам их и заповедио им за Ида, главара места Касифија, шта да кажу Иду и његовој браћи, храмским чуварима у месту Касифија: да нам доведу слуге за Дом нашег Бога. 18И они су нам довели – јер је добра рука нашег Бога била над нама – разборитог човека, сина Левија и сина Израиља, једног од потомака Молије; затим Серевију са његовим синовима и његовом браћом. Укупно осамнаест људи; 19Асавију и са њим Мераријевог потомка Исаију, његову браћу и његове синове. Укупно двадесет људи; 20неке од храмских слугу, које је поставио Давид са главарима за помоћ Левитима, њих две стотине двадесет. Сви су били поименце назначени.

21И тамо, на реци Ави, сам прогласио пост, да бисмо се понизили пред нашим Богом и тражили од њега срећан пут за нас, нашу децу и сву нашу имовину. 22Била ме је срамота да од цара тражим војску и коњанике да нам помогну пред непријатељима на путу. Јер, рекли смо цару: „Рука нашег Бога је благонаклона свима који га траже, а његова сила и његов гнев су над свима који га остављају.“ 23Тако смо постили и тражили све то од нашег Бога, а он нас је услишио.

24Одвојио сам дванаест свештеничких главара: Серевију, Асавију и десеторицу њихове браће. 25Измерио сам им сребро, злато и посуђе као прилог за Дом нашег Бога што су приложили цар, његови саветници, његови дворани и сав Израиљ који је био тамо. 26На руке сам им измерио шест стотина педесет таланата8,26 Око 22 t. сребра, стотину таланата8,26 Око 3,4 t. сребрних посуда и стотину таланата злата8,26 Око 3,4 t.; 27двадесет златних здела вредних хиљаду дарика8,27 Персијски златници тешки око 8,4 kg. и две добро углачане бронзане посуде вредне као злато.

28Рекао сам им: „Ви сте свети Господу и посуде су свете, а сребро и злато су добровољни прилози Господу, Богу ваших отаца. 29Пазите их и чувајте док их не измерите пред главарима свештеника, Левитима и израиљским кнезовима у Јерусалиму, у одајама Дома Господњег.“ 30Тако су свештеници и Левити примили измерено сребро, злато и посуђе да их однесу у Јерусалим, у Дом нашег Бога.

31Дванаестог дана првог месеца са реке Аве кренули смо за Јерусалим. Над нама је била рука нашег Бога и спасавала нас од руку наших непријатеља и од заседа на путу. 32И дошли смо у Јерусалим и остали тамо три дана.

33Четвртог дана измерено је сребро, злато и посуђе у Дому нашег Бога на руке свештенику Меримоту, Уријином сину, с којим су били Левити Елеазар, Финесов син; Јозавад, Исусов син и Ноадија, Винујев син 34А када је све било избројано и измерено, тада је и забележена сва тежина.

35Онда су они који су дошли из изгнанства, прогнани народ, принели свеспалнице Богу Израиља: дванаест јунаца за сав Израиљ, деведесет шест овнова, седамдесет седам јагањаца, дванаест јараца за жртву за грех – све то као свеспалницу Господу. 36И цареве заповести су предали царевим заповедницима и управитељима подручја преко реке, а они су се заузели и за народ и за Дом Божији.