Ezra 6 – NIRV & NVI

New International Reader’s Version

Ezra 6:1-22

King Darius’s Reply to Tattenai

1King Darius gave an order. He had a search made in the official records stored among the treasures at Babylon. 2A book was found in a safe storeroom at Ecbatana in the land of Media. Here is what was written on it.

This is my official reply to your letter.

3In the first year that Cyrus was king, he gave an order. It concerned God’s temple in Jerusalem. King Cyrus said,

Rebuild the temple. Then the Jews can offer sacrifices there. Lay its foundations. The temple must be 90 feet high and 90 feet wide. 4Its walls must have three layers of large stones. They must also have a layer of beautiful wood. Use money from the royal treasures to pay for everything. 5The gold and silver objects from the house of God must be returned. Nebuchadnezzar had taken them from the first temple in Jerusalem. And he had brought them to Babylon. Now they must be returned to their places in the temple at Jerusalem. They must be put in the house of God there.

6Tattenai, you are governor of the land west of the Euphrates River. I want you to stay away from the temple in Jerusalem. I also want you, Shethar-Bozenai, and you other officials of that area to stay away from it. 7Don’t try to stop the work on the temple of God. Let the governor of the Jews and their elders rebuild the house of their God. Let them build it in the same place where it stood before.

8Here is what I want you to do for the elders of the Jews. Here is how you must help them to build the house of their God.

Pay all their expenses from the royal treasures. Use the money you collect from the people who live west of the Euphrates. Don’t let the work on the temple stop. 9Don’t fail to give the priests in Jerusalem what they ask for each day. Give them what they need. Give them young bulls, rams and male lambs. The priests can use them to sacrifice burnt offerings to the God of heaven. Also give them wheat, salt, wine and olive oil. 10Give them those things so they can offer sacrifices that please the God of heaven. And I want them to pray that things will go well for me and my sons.

11Don’t change this order. If anyone tries to change it, they must be put to death. A pole must be pulled from their house. The pole must be stuck through their body. Because that person tried to change my royal order, their house must be broken to pieces. 12God has chosen to put his Name in the temple at Jerusalem. May he wipe out any king or nation that lifts a hand to change this order. May he also wipe out anyone who tries to destroy the temple in Jerusalem.

That’s what I have ordered. I am King Darius. Make sure you carry out my order.

The Temple Is Completed and Set Apart to God

13The governor Tattenai and Shethar-Bozenai carried out King Darius’s order. And so did their friends. 14The elders of the Jews continued to build the temple. They enjoyed great success because of the preaching of Haggai and Zechariah, the prophets. Zechariah belonged to the family line of Iddo. The people finished building the temple. That’s what the God of Israel had commanded them to do. Cyrus and Darius had given orders allowing them to do it. Later, Artaxerxes supplied many things that were needed in the temple. Those three men were kings of Persia. 15So the temple was completed on the third day of the month of Adar. It was in the sixth year that Darius was king.

16When the house of God was set apart, the people of Israel celebrated with joy. The priests and Levites joined them. So did the rest of those who had returned from the land of Babylon. 17When the house of God was set apart to him, the people sacrificed 100 bulls. They also sacrificed 200 rams and 400 male lambs. As a sin offering for the whole nation of Israel, the people sacrificed 12 male goats. One goat was sacrificed for each tribe in Israel. 18The priests were appointed to their groups. And the Levites were appointed to their groups. All of them served God at Jerusalem. They served him in keeping with what is written in the Book of Moses.

The People Celebrate the Passover Feast

19The people who had returned from the land of Babylon celebrated the Passover Feast. It was on the 14th day of the first month. 20The priests and Levites had made themselves pure and “clean.” The Levites killed Passover lambs for the people who had returned from Babylon. They also did it for themselves and their relatives, the priests. 21So the Israelites who had returned ate the Passover lamb. They ate it together with all those who had separated themselves from the practices of their Gentile neighbors. Those practices were “unclean.” The people worshiped the Lord. He is the God of Israel. 22For seven days they celebrated the Feast of Unleavened Bread with joy. That’s because the Lord had filled them with joy. They were glad because he had changed the mind of the king of Persia. So the king had helped them with the work on the house of the God of Israel.

Nueva Versión Internacional

Esdras 6:1-22

Decreto de Darío

1Entonces el rey Darío ordenó que se investigara en los archivos donde se guardaban los tesoros de Babilonia. 2Y en el palacio de Ecbatana, en la provincia de Media, se encontró un rollo que contenía la siguiente memoria:

3En el primer año de su reinado, el rey Ciro promulgó el siguiente edicto respecto al Templo de Dios en Jerusalén:

Que se echen los cimientos y se reconstruya el templo, para que en él se ofrezcan holocaustos. Tendrá sesenta codos6:3 Es decir, aprox. 27 m. tanto de alto como de ancho, 4tres hileras de piedras grandes y una de madera. Todos los gastos serán sufragados por el tesoro real. 5Con respecto a los utensilios de oro y de plata que Nabucodonosor sacó del Templo de Jerusalén y llevó a Babilonia, que los devuelvan a Jerusalén y que se pongan en el templo de Dios, donde deben estar.

6Entonces el rey Darío dio la siguiente orden6:6 Entonces … orden. Se ha añadido esta frase para indicar el cambio de sujeto. a Tatenay, gobernador de la provincia al oeste del río Éufrates, y a Setar Bosnay y a sus compañeros, los funcionarios de dicha provincia: Aléjense de Jerusalén 7y no estorben la obra de reconstrucción del templo de Dios. Dejen que el gobernador de la provincia de Judá y los líderes de los judíos reconstruyan el templo en su antiguo sitio.

8También he decidido que ustedes deben prestarles ayuda, sufragando los gastos de la reconstrucción del templo con los impuestos que la provincia al oeste del río Éufrates paga al tesoro real.

No se tarden en pagar todos los gastos, para que no se interrumpan las obras. 9Además, todos los días, sin falta, deberán suministrarles becerros, carneros y corderos para ofrecerlos en holocausto al Dios del cielo, junto con trigo, sal, vino y aceite, y todo lo que necesiten, según las instrucciones de los sacerdotes que están en Jerusalén. 10Así podrán ellos ofrecer sacrificios gratos al Dios del cielo y rogar por la vida del rey y de sus hijos.

11He determinado asimismo que, quien desobedezca esta orden, sea empalado en una viga sacada de su propia casa y le derrumben la casa. 12¡Que el Dios que decidió poner su Nombre allí derribe a cualquier rey o nación que intente modificar este decreto o destruir ese templo de Dios en Jerusalén!

Yo, Darío, promulgo este decreto. Publíquese y cúmplase al pie de la letra.

Terminación y dedicación del templo

13Entonces Tatenay, gobernador de la provincia al oeste del río Éufrates, y Setar Bosnay y sus compañeros cumplieron al pie de la letra lo que el rey Darío les había ordenado. 14Así los líderes de los judíos pudieron continuar y terminar la obra de reconstrucción, conforme a la palabra de los profetas Hageo y Zacarías, hijo de Idó. Terminaron, pues, la obra de reconstrucción, como lo había ordenado el Dios de Israel y por decreto de Ciro, Darío y Artajerjes, reyes de Persia. 15La reconstrucción del templo se terminó el día tres del mes de adar, en el año sexto del reinado de Darío.

16Entonces los israelitas —es decir, los sacerdotes, los levitas y los demás que regresaron del cautiverio—, llenos de júbilo dedicaron el Templo de Dios. 17Como ofrenda de dedicación, ofrecieron a Dios cien becerros, doscientos carneros, cuatrocientos corderos y doce chivos, conforme al número de las tribus de Israel, para obtener el perdón por el pecado del pueblo. 18Luego, según lo que está escrito en el libro de Moisés, instalaron a los sacerdotes en sus turnos y a los levitas en sus funciones, para el culto que se ofrece a Dios en Jerusalén.

Celebración de la Pascua

19Los que regresaron del cautiverio celebraron la Pascua el día catorce del mes primero. 20Los sacerdotes y levitas se habían unido para purificarse y, ya estando ritualmente limpios, mataron el cordero pascual por todos los que habían regresado del cautiverio, por sus compañeros los sacerdotes y por ellos mismos. 21Los israelitas que regresaron del cautiverio comieron la Pascua junto con los que se habían apartado de la impureza de sus vecinos para seguir al Señor, Dios de Israel. 22Durante siete días celebraron con mucho gozo la fiesta de los Panes sin levadura, porque el Señor les había devuelto la alegría y había hecho que el rey de Asiria los ayudara y permitiera reconstruir el templo del Dios de Israel.