Ezra 5 – NIRV & BPH

New International Reader’s Version

Ezra 5:1-17

Tattenai’s Letter to King Darius

1Haggai and Zechariah, the prophets, prophesied to the Jews in Judah and Jerusalem. They spoke to them in the name of the God of Israel. God had spoken to those prophets. Zechariah belonged to the family line of Iddo. 2Zerubbabel, the son of Shealtiel, began to work. So did Joshua, the son of Jozadak. They began to rebuild the house of God in Jerusalem. The prophets of God were right there with them. They were helping them.

3At that time Tattenai was governor of the land west of the Euphrates River. He and Shethar-Bozenai and their friends went to the Jews. They asked them, “Who authorized you to rebuild this temple? Who told you that you could finish it?” 4They also asked, “What are the names of the people who are putting up this building?” 5But the God of the Jews was watching over their elders. So they didn’t have to stop their work. First a report would have to be sent to Darius. Then they would have to receive his answer in writing.

6Here is a copy of the letter sent to King Darius. It was from Tattenai, the governor of the land west of the Euphrates. Shethar-Bozenai joined him in writing it. So did their friends. They were officials of that land. 7The report they sent to the king said,

We are sending this letter to you, King Darius.

We give you our most friendly greetings.

8We want you to know that we went to the land of Judah. We went to the temple of the great God. The people are building it with large stones. They are putting wooden beams in the walls. The people are working hard. The work is moving ahead very quickly under the direction of the people.

9We asked the elders some questions. We said to them, “Who authorized you to rebuild this temple? Who told you that you could finish it?” 10We also asked them what their names were. We wanted to write down the names of their leaders for your information.

11Here is the answer they gave us. They said,

“We serve the God of heaven and earth. We are rebuilding the temple that was built many years ago. The great King Solomon built it and finished it. 12But our people made the God of heaven angry. So he handed them over to Nebuchadnezzar from Chaldea. He was king of Babylon. He destroyed this temple. He forced the Jews to leave their own country. He took them away to Babylon.

13“But King Cyrus gave an order to rebuild this house of God. He gave it in the first year he was king of Babylon. 14He even removed some gold and silver objects from the temple of Babylon. Nebuchadnezzar had brought them there from the house of God in Jerusalem. He had taken them to the temple in Babylon. Then King Cyrus brought the objects out. He gave them to a man named Sheshbazzar. Cyrus had appointed him as governor. 15Cyrus told him, ‘Take these objects with you. Go and put them in the temple in Jerusalem. Rebuild the house of God in the same place where it stood before.’

16“So Sheshbazzar made the trip to Jerusalem. He laid the foundations of the house of God there. From that day until now the people have been working on it. But they haven’t finished it yet.”

17If it pleases you, King Darius, let a search be made in the royal records. Search the official records of the kings of Babylon. Find out whether King Cyrus really did give an order to rebuild this house of God in Jerusalem. Then tell us what you decide to do.

Bibelen på hverdagsdansk

Ezras Bog 5:1-17

1Dengang var der to profeter i Jerusalem og Juda, nemlig Haggaj og Zakarias, søn af Iddo, som bragte bud til folket fra Israels Gud om at genoptage arbejdet. 2Zerubbabel og Jeshua fulgte opfordringen og fortsatte med at genopbygge templet, og profeterne støttede dem.

3Det varede dog ikke længe før Tattenaj, der på den tid var guvernør for området vest for Eufratfloden, og Shetar-Bozenaj ankom til Jerusalem ledsaget af flere andre embedsmænd. De spurgte: „Hvem har givet jer tilladelse til at opføre et nyt tempel? 4Og hvad hedder de mænd, som er ansvarlige for arbejdet?” 5Men Herren beskyttede judæernes ledere, og man blev enige om at forelægge sagen for kong Dareios, så han kunne tage afgørelsen.

6Guvernør Tattenaj, Shetar-Bozenaj og de andre embedsmænd sendte derfor følgende brev til kong Dareios:

7Fredshilsen til kong Dareios! 8Vi ønsker at informere kongen om vort besøg i provinsen Juda, hvor man er i fuld gang med at opføre et tempel for Judas store Gud. Man har allerede placeret flere lag kvadersten i templets mure og et lag træ ovenpå. Arbejdet bliver udført med stor omhu og skrider godt fremad. 9Vi forhørte judæernes ledere om, hvem der havde givet tilladelse til byggeriet, 10og vi udbad os navnene på de ansvarlige, så vi kunne underrette kongen. 11På vore spørgsmål svarede lederne: „Vi tjener Himlens og jordens Gud, og vi er i færd med at genopbygge det tempel, som blev opført på dette sted for flere hundrede år siden af en stor konge i Israel. 12Men senere vakte vore forfædre Guds vrede, og han lod dem blive besejret af kong Nebukadnezar, som ødelagde templet og bortførte folket til Babylonien.”

13Judæerne insisterer imidlertid på, at kong Kyros, kort efter at han var blevet konge, udsendte en skriftlig erklæring om, at templet skulle genopbygges. 14De påstår tilmed, at kong Kyros tilbageleverede de guld- og sølvkar, som Nebukadnezar havde taget fra templet i Jerusalem og anbragt i sit tempel i Babylon. De siger, at en lang række værdigenstande blev overgivet til en mand ved navn Sheshbatzar, som kong Kyros havde udpeget til guvernør i Judas land. 15Kongen skulle have givet Sheshbatzar ordre til at returnere karrene til Jerusalem og genopbygge Guds tempel på dets gamle plads. 16Derfor påstås det, at Sheshbatzar var den, der kom og lagde fundamentet til templet i Jerusalem. Lige siden da har folket arbejdet på genopbygningen, men det er dog endnu ikke færdigt.

17Hvis det kan behage kongen, vil vi derfor anmode om, at man gennemsøger det kongelige bibliotek i Babylon for at finde ud af, om kong Kyros overhovedet har udstedt en sådan befaling. Vi vil så afvente kongens afgørelse i denne sag.