Ezekiel 8 – NIRV & JCB

New International Reader’s Version

Ezekiel 8:1-18

The People Worship Other Gods in the Temple

1It was the sixth year since King Jehoiachin had been brought to Babylon as a prisoner. On the fifth day of the sixth month, I was sitting in my house. The elders of Judah were sitting there with me. The power of the Lord and King came on me there. 2I looked up and saw a figure that appeared to be human. From his waist down he looked like fire. From his waist up he looked as bright as glowing metal. 3He reached out what appeared to be a hand. He took hold of me by the hair of my head. The Spirit of the Lord lifted me up between earth and heaven. In visions God gave me, the Spirit took me to Jerusalem. He brought me to the entrance of the north gate of the inner courtyard. The statue of a god was standing there. It made God very angry. 4There in front of me was the glory of the God of Israel. It looked just as it did in the vision I had seen on the plain.

5Then the Lord said to me, “Son of man, look toward the north.” So I did. I saw a statue that made God angry. It was in the entrance of the gate north of the altar.

6He said to me, “Son of man, do you see what the Israelites are doing here? They are doing things I hate very much. Those things will cause me to go far away from my temple. But you will see things I hate even more.”

7Then he brought me to the entrance to the courtyard. I looked up and saw a hole in the wall. 8He said to me, “Son of man, dig into the wall.” So I did. And I saw a door there.

9He continued, “Go through it. Look at the evil things they are doing here. I hate those things.” 10So I went in and looked. All over the walls were pictures of all kinds of crawling things and “unclean” animals. The Lord hates it when people worship those things. There were also carvings of the gods of the people of Israel. 11In front of them stood 70 elders of Israel. Jaazaniah was standing there among them. He is the son of Shaphan. Each elder was holding a shallow cup. A sweet-smelling cloud of incense was rising from the cups.

12The Lord spoke to me. He said, “Son of man, do you see what the elders of Israel are doing in the dark? Each of them is in his own room worshiping his own god. They say, ‘The Lord doesn’t see us. He has deserted the land.’ ” 13He continued, “You will see them doing things I hate even more.”

14Then he brought me to the entrance of the north gate of the Lord’s house. I saw women sitting there. They were mourning for the god named Tammuz. 15The Lord said to me, “Son of man, do you see what they are doing? You will see things I hate even more.”

16Then he brought me into the inner courtyard of the Lord’s house. About 25 men were there. They were at the entrance to the Lord’s temple between the porch and the altar. Their backs were turned toward the temple. Their faces were turned toward the east. And they were bowing down to the sun.

17He said to me, “Son of man, have you seen all of this? The people of Judah are doing things here that I hate. This is a very serious matter. They are harming one another all through the land. They continue to make me very angry. Just look at them making fun of me! 18So I am angry with them. I will punish them. I will not spare them or feel sorry for them. They might even shout in my ears. But I will not listen to them.”

Japanese Contemporary Bible

エゼキエル書 8:1-18



1それから、エホヤキン王の捕囚六年目の第六の月の五日のこと、私が家でユダの長老たちと話していると、神である主の力が私に臨みました。 2私は人の姿のようなものを見ました。腰から下は火で、上は琥珀色(黄褐色)に輝いています。 3その方が手の形をしたものを伸ばして私の髪の毛をつかむと、御霊が私を宙に持ち上げ、エルサレムの北の門の入口に連れて行ったのです。そこに、主の激しい怒りを引き起こした偶像がありました。 4すると突然、前に谷間で見たのと同じようなイスラエルの神の栄光が現れました。

5その方は私に、「人の子よ、北の方を見なさい」と言ったので、そちらを見ると、祭壇の門の北にある入口に偶像が立っているではありませんか。 6その方はさらに言いました。「人の子よ、彼らのしていることが見えるか。わたしを神殿から追い出すために、イスラエルの民がそこで犯している大きな罪が見えるか。さあ、もっと大きな罪を見せよう。」

7こう言うと、その方は私を神殿の庭の入口に連れて行きました。そこの壁に穴がありました。 8するとその方が、「さあ、壁を掘り抜くのだ」と命じたので、そのとおりにすると、隠れた部屋に通じる入口があるではありませんか。 9「入って行って、そこで行われている邪悪なことを見なさい。」

10入ってみて驚きました。あらゆる種類の蛇やとかげ、おぞましい獣の絵が、イスラエルの民が礼拝する各種の偶像とともに壁一面に描かれているのです。 11そこに、イスラエルの七十人の長老が、シャファンの子ヤアザヌヤとともに立ち、それらの絵を拝んでいます。長老たちはそれぞれ香をたく香炉を持っており、一同の頭上には、香の濃い煙が雲のように立ちこめていました。 12「人の子よ、イスラエルの長老たちが自分から進んでしていることを、よく見たか。彼らは、『主は見ていない。主は去って行った』とうそぶいている。 13さあ、もっと大きな罪を見せよう。」

14その方は私を、神殿の北の門に連れて行きました。そこには女たちが座って、異教の神タンムズのために泣いていました。 15「これを見たか。しかし、もっと大きな悪を見せよう。」

16こう言うと、その方は私を神殿の内庭に連れて行きました。そこでは、神殿の玄関と青銅の祭壇との間に、二十五人ばかりの人が神殿に背を向けて立ち、東を向いて太陽を拝んでいたのです。 17「これを見たか。こんな恐るべき罪を犯して民全体を偶像礼拝に導き、わたしを軽んじて、ますますわたしを怒らせるようなことは、ユダの人々にとって取るに足りないことなのだろうか。 18それで、わたしも激しい憤りをもって彼らをあしらう。少しもあわれまず、惜しみもしない。彼らがあわれみを求めて叫んでも、耳をふさいでいよう。」