Ezekiel 7 – NIRV & CCB

New International Reader’s Version

Ezekiel 7:1-27

The End Has Come

1A message from the Lord came to me. The Lord said, 2“Son of man, I am the Lord and King. I say to the land of Israel, ‘The end has come! It has come on the four corners of the land. 3The end has now come for you. I will pour out my anger on you. I will judge you based on how you have lived. I will pay you back for all your evil practices. I hate them.

4“ ‘I will not feel sorry for you. I will not spare you. You can be sure that I will pay you back for how you have lived. I will judge you for your evil practices. I hate them. You will know that I am the Lord.’

5“I am the Lord and King. I say, ‘Horrible trouble is coming! No one has ever heard of anything like it. It is here!

6“ ‘The end has come! The end has come! It has stirred itself up against you. It is here! 7Death has come on you who live in the land. The time for you to be destroyed has come. The day when it will happen is near. There is no joy on your mountains. There is nothing but panic.

8“ ‘I am about to pour out all my great anger on you. I will judge you based on how you have lived. I will pay you back for all your evil practices. I hate them.

9“ ‘I will not feel sorry for you. I will not spare you. I will pay you back for how you have lived. I will judge you for your evil practices. I hate them. You will know that I am the one who strikes you down. I am the Lord.

10“ ‘The day for me to punish you is here! It is here! Death has arrived. The time is ripe for you to be judged. Your pride has grown so much that you will be destroyed. 11Your mean and harmful acts have become like a rod. I will use it to punish those who do evil. None of them will be left. None of their wealth or anything of value will remain.

12“ ‘The time has come! The day has arrived! I will soon pour out my great anger on the whole crowd of you. Do not let the buyer be happy. Do not let the seller be sad. 13The seller will not get back the land that was sold. That will be true as long as both the buyer and seller are alive.

“ ‘Ezekiel, the vision I gave you about that whole crowd will come true. They have committed many sins. So not one of them will be able to save their life. 14They have blown trumpets. They have made everything ready. But no one will go into battle. I will soon pour out my great anger on the whole crowd.

15“ ‘There is trouble everywhere. War is outside the city. Plague and hunger are inside it. Those out in the country will die in battle. Those in the city will be destroyed by hunger and plague. 16All those who escape and are left alive will run to the mountains. They will sound like doves of the valley when they cry over their sins.

17“ ‘Their hands will be powerless to help them. They will wet themselves. 18They will put on the rough clothing people wear when they’re sad. They will put on terror as if it were their clothes. Every face will be covered with shame. Every head will be shaved.

19“ ‘They will throw their silver into the streets. They will treat their gold like an “unclean” thing. Their silver and gold won’t be able to save them on the day I pour out my anger. It will not be able to satisfy their hunger. Their stomachs can’t be filled with it. Their silver and gold have tripped them up. It has made them fall into sin. 20My people were so proud of their beautiful jewelry. They used it to make statues of their evil gods. I hate those gods. So I will turn their jewelry into an “unclean” thing for them.

21“ ‘I will hand over their wealth to outsiders. I will turn it over to sinful people in other countries. They will make it “unclean.” 22I will turn my face away from my people. Robbers will make “unclean” the temple I love. They will enter it and make it “unclean.”

23“ ‘Ezekiel, get ready to put my people in chains. The land is full of murderers. They are harming one another all over Jerusalem. 24I will bring the most evil nations against them. They will take over the houses in the city. I will put an end to the pride of those who are mighty. Their holy places will be made “unclean.”

25“ ‘When terror comes, they will look for peace. But there will not be any. 26Trouble after trouble will come. One report will follow another. But they will not be true. The people will go searching for a vision from the prophets. But there will not be any. The teaching of the law by the priests will be gone. Advice from the elders will come to an end.

27“ ‘The king will be filled with sadness. The princes will lose all hope. The hands of the people of the land will tremble. I will punish them based on how they have lived. I will judge them by their own standards. Then they will know that I am the Lord.’ ”

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified)

以西结书 7:1-27


1耶和华对我说: 2“人子啊,主耶和华对以色列这样说,‘结局到了,以色列全境的结局到了! 3以色列,你的结局到了,我的怒气必倾倒在你身上,我必按你的行为审判你,照你的一切恶行报应你。 4我必不顾惜你,也不怜悯你,我必按你的恶行报应你。这样,你必知道我是耶和华。’”

5主耶和华说:“看啊,灾祸来了,一场空前的灾祸来了! 6结局到了,结局到了,你的结局到了! 7以色列境内的居民啊,恶运降临了!时候已到,日子已近,山上一片恐慌,欢乐荡然无存。 8我快要向你倾倒我的烈怒,发出我的怒气。我必按你的行为审判你,照你一切的恶行报应你。 9我必不顾惜你,也不怜悯你,我必按你的恶行报应你。这样,你就知道惩罚你的是我耶和华。

10“看啊,看啊,日子到了,大祸临头了!杖已经发芽,傲慢已经开花。 11暴行成了惩罚邪恶的杖,以色列人必没有一个能够存留,他们的财富和尊荣必不复存在。 12时候到了,日子近了,买主不要欢乐,卖主也不要忧愁,因为烈怒临到了所有的人。 13即使卖主活着,也无法赎回他所卖的,因为关乎每一个人的异象必然应验,他们因为犯罪一个也不能保存性命。

14“他们吹响了号角,做好了一切准备,却无人出战,因为我的烈怒临到了所有的人。 15城外有战祸,城内有饥荒瘟疫;城外的必丧身刀下,城内的必死于饥荒瘟疫。 16侥幸逃到山上的,都必像谷中哀鸣的鸽子,为自己的罪恶哭泣。 17他们必吓得两手发软,双腿战抖。 18他们必身披麻衣,战栗发抖。他们必剃光头发,满面羞愧。 19他们必把银子抛在街上,视金子为污秽之物。在耶和华发烈怒的日子,金银不能拯救他们,也不能填饱他们的肚腹,满足他们的心,因为金银使他们跌入罪恶中。 20他们以华美的饰物为骄傲,并用它制造丑恶可憎的神像,因此,我必使这一切变成他们眼中的污秽之物。 21我必使这一切成为外族人手中的猎物,恶人手中的战利品,被任意糟蹋。 22我必转脸不看他们,任由外族人亵渎我的殿,强盗必进入殿里大肆亵渎。

23“你要预备锁链,因为这地方充满了血腥的罪恶,城里充斥着暴行。 24我必让最凶恶的外族人侵占他们的房屋。我必挫掉强悍之人的傲气,使他们的圣所遭受亵渎。 25恐怖的日子来临了,他们想寻求平安,却得不到平安。 26灾祸接踵而至,噩耗不断传来。那时,他们必求问先知,但祭司的教导必消逝,长老们必无计可施。 27君王必悲哀,首领必惊恐,百姓的手都必颤抖。我必按他们的恶行对付他们,使他们受到应得的审判。这样,他们就知道我是耶和华。”