Ezekiel 42 – NIRV & JCB

New International Reader’s Version

Ezekiel 42:1-20

The Rooms for the Priests

1Then the man led me north into the outer courtyard of the temple. He brought me to the rooms that were across from the inner courtyard. They were across from the outer wall of the temple on the north side. 2The rooms were in a building north of the temple. The building had a door that faced north. It was 175 feet long. It was 88 feet wide. 3One row of rooms was next to the inner courtyard. The other row was across from the sidewalk of the outer courtyard. Each room was 35 feet long. Walkways in front of each row faced each other on all three floors. 4Between the two rows was an inner sidewalk. It was 18 feet wide and 175 feet long. Each of the rooms had a door on the north side. 5The rooms on the top floor were narrower than the others. The walkways took up more space from these rooms. The walkways took up less space from the rooms on the other two floors. 6The courtyards had pillars. But the rooms on the top floor didn’t. So their floor space was smaller than the space in the rooms on the other floors. 7The building had an outer wall. It was even with the outer row of rooms and with the outer courtyard. The wall continued east of the outer row for 88 feet. 8So there were two rows of rooms. The row next to the outer courtyard was 88 feet long. The one closest to the temple was 175 feet long. 9The first floor of the building had an entrance on the east side. It led to the outer courtyard.

10There were also two rows of rooms in a building next to the south side of the inner courtyard. The building was across from the south wall of the outer courtyard. 11Between the two rows was an inner sidewalk. The rooms were like the ones in the north building. They were as long and wide as the rooms on the north. The doorways of the rooms on the south were like the ones on the north. 12People entered the south rooms through the doorway at the east end of the inner sidewalk. The south wall continued east of the outer row of rooms.

13The man said to me, “The north and south rooms face the inner courtyard. They are the priests’ rooms. That is where the priests who approach the Lord will eat the very holy offerings. They will also store them there. That includes the grain offerings, sin offerings and guilt offerings. This place is holy. 14The priests who enter these holy rooms must leave behind the clothes they served in. Then they can go into the outer courtyard. The clothes they served in are holy. So the priests must put other clothes on. They have to do that before they go near the places where other people go.”

15The man finished measuring what was inside the temple area. Then he led me out through the east gate. He measured all around the area. 16He measured the east side with his measuring rod. It was 875 feet long. 17He measured the north side. It was 875 feet long. 18He measured the south side. It was 875 feet long. 19Finally, he turned and measured the west side. It was 875 feet long. 20So he measured the area on all four sides. It had a wall around it. The wall was 875 feet long and 875 feet wide. It separated what was holy from what was not.

Japanese Contemporary Bible

エゼキエル書 42:1-20



1それから、その人は私を神殿から連れ出し、内庭にある神殿の北側の部屋と、もう一つの建物に連れて行きました。 2これらの建物のある場所は、長さが百キュビト、幅が五十キュビトありました。 3この建物の裏に階段式の小部屋があり、庭の内側の壁になっていました。この階段式の小部屋は三階までありました。その片側から外庭が見渡せ、もう一方の側は長さ二十キュビトの内庭に面していました。 4その建物と階段式の小部屋との間に、幅十キュビト、全長百キュビトの通路があり、その建物の入口は北に向いていました。 5二階、三階と上に行くほど通路が広くなり、その分だけ部屋が狭くなりました。 6この建物は、外庭の建物と違って大梁を用いていないため、上の階へ行くにしたがって狭くなっていたのです。 7-8北側に並んだ階段式の小部屋は外庭に続いており、その全長は五十キュビトでした。神殿の内庭に面した側は百キュビトあったので、その半分の長さです。外側の塀が、短い側の端から長い側へと平行して伸びていました。

9-10外庭からこれらの小部屋へ入る入口は東側にありました。神殿をはさんで反対側にも、神殿と外庭との間にある内庭の南側に、同じように二組の建物がありました。構造は北側のものと全く同じでした。 11庭の向こう側の建物と同じように、この二組の建物の間にも通路があり、建物の長さも幅も、出入口も戸も全く同じでした。 12また、外庭からの入口は東側にありました。

13その人は私にこう言いました。「この、神殿に面している北と南の階段式の部屋は、聖なる部屋だ。そこで、神にいけにえをささげる祭司たちが、最も聖なるいけにえである、穀物のささげ物、罪の赦しのためのいけにえ、罪過を償ういけにえを食べたり、たくわえたりするのだ。 14祭司は聖所(神殿の本堂)を出るときには、外庭へ出る前に服を着替えなければならない。聖所で仕えるときに着る服は聖なるものだから、まずそれを脱がなければならない。だれもが入れる場所へ行くときには、他の服に着替えなければならない。」

15その人は神殿を測り終えると、私を東の門から連れ出して、神殿の周囲を測りました。 16-20それは五百キュビト平方で、ほかの公共の場所と区別するために塀で囲まれていました。