Ezekiel 29 – NIRV & JCB

New International Reader’s Version

Ezekiel 29:1-21

A Prophecy Against Egypt

1It was the tenth year since King Jehoiachin had been brought to Babylon as a prisoner. On the 12th day of the tenth month, a message from the Lord came to me. The Lord said, 2“Son of man, turn your attention to Pharaoh Hophra. He is king of Egypt. Prophesy against him and the whole land of Egypt. 3Tell him, ‘The Lord and King says,

“ ‘ “Pharaoh Hophra, I am against you.

King of Egypt, you are like a huge monster

lying among your streams.

You say, ‘The Nile River belongs to me.

I made it for myself.’

4But I will put hooks in your jaws.

I will make the fish in your streams

stick to your scales.

I will pull you out from among your streams.

All the fish will stick to your scales.

5I will leave you out in the desert.

All the fish in your streams

will be there with you.

You will fall down in an open field.

You will not be picked up.

I will feed you to the wild animals

and to the birds in the sky.

6Then everyone who lives in Egypt will know that I am the Lord.

“ ‘ “You have been like a walking stick made out of a papyrus stem. The people of Israel tried to lean on you. 7They took hold of you. But you broke under their weight. You tore open their shoulders. The people of Israel leaned on you. But you snapped in two. And their backs were broken.” ’ ”

8So the Lord and King says, “I will send Nebuchadnezzar’s sword against you. He will kill people and animals alike. 9Egypt will become a dry and empty desert. Then your people will know that I am the Lord.

“You said, ‘The Nile River belongs to me. I made it for myself.’ 10So I am against you and your streams. I will destroy the land of Egypt. I will turn it into a dry and empty desert from Migdol all the way to Aswan. I will destroy everything as far as the border of Cush. 11No people or animals will travel through Egypt. No one will even live there for 40 years. 12Egypt will be more empty than any other land. Its destroyed cities will lie empty for 40 years. I will scatter the people of Egypt among the nations. I will send them to other countries.”

13But here is what the Lord and King says. “At the end of 40 years I will gather the Egyptians together. I will bring them back from the nations where they were scattered. 14I will bring them back from where they were taken as prisoners. I will return them to Upper Egypt. That is where their families came from. There they will be an unimportant kingdom. 15Egypt will be the least important kingdom of all. It will never place itself above the other nations again. I will make it very weak. Then it will never again rule over the nations. 16The people of Israel will no longer trust in Egypt. Instead, Egypt will remind them of how they sinned when they turned to it for help. Then they will know that I am the Lord and King.”

17It was the 27th year since King Jehoiachin had been brought to Babylon as a prisoner. On the first day of the first month, a message from the Lord came to me. Here is what the Lord said. 18“Son of man, King Nebuchadnezzar drove his army in a hard military campaign. The campaign was against Tyre. Their helmets rubbed their heads bare. The heavy loads they carried made their shoulders raw. But he and his army did not gain anything from the campaign he led against Tyre. 19So I am going to give Egypt to Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon. He will carry off its wealth. He will take away anything else they have. He will give it to his army. 20I have given Egypt to him as a reward for his efforts. After all, he and his army attacked Egypt because I told them to,” announces the Lord and King.

21“When Nebuchadnezzar wins the battle over Egypt, I will make the Israelites strong again. Ezekiel, I will open your mouth. And you will be able to speak to them. Then they will know that I am the Lord.”

Japanese Contemporary Bible

エゼキエル書 29:1-21























8それで、神である主は語ります。「ああ、エジプトよ。わたしは軍隊を送っておまえを攻め、人も家畜もみな滅ぼす。 9エジプトは荒れはてる。その時、エジプト人は、このようにしたのは主であるわたしだと知る。おまえは、『ナイル川は私のもの。私がつくったのだ』と言っている。 10それゆえわたしは、おまえとその川に向かって立ち上がり、ミグドルからセベネ、さらに南のエチオピヤとの国境に至るまで、エジプト全地を完全に滅ぼす。 11四十年間、誰ひとり、獣一匹さえエジプトを通らないだろう。もちろん、住む者もいなくなる。 12エジプトばかりか周囲の国々も荒廃させ、町々も四十年間、荒れ放題にする。わたしはエジプト人を他の国々に追い散らす。」

13主は語ります。「四十年が過ぎたら、エジプト人を散らされていた国々から連れ戻そう。 14エジプトの富を回復し、彼らが生まれ育った地、南エジプトのパテロスに帰らせる。だが、もうエジプトは、何の影響力もない小国となる。 15すべての国々の中でも最小の国となり、二度と他の国の上に立つこともない。今までのような大国には決してなれない。 16イスラエルも、二度とエジプトに助けを求めたりはしない。助けを求めようとするたびに、以前の苦い失敗を思い出すからだ。こうしてイスラエルは、わたしだけが神であることを認めるようになる。」

17エホヤキン王の捕囚から二十七年目の第一の月の一日、次のような主のことばがありました。 18「人の子よ。バビロンの王ネブカデネザルの軍隊がツロを激しく攻撃した。兵士たちは、土をいっぱい入れた重いバケツを載せて運んだために頭がはげ、肩は包囲攻撃に使う石の重さですりむけ、手にはまめができた。そうまでしても、ネブカデネザル王は何の戦利品も得られず、兵士たちに何も報いることができなかった。」 19そこで、神である主は語ります。「わたしは、バビロンの王ネブカデネザルにエジプトの地を与えよう。彼はエジプトの財宝を取り上げ、すべての物を奪って部下への報いとする。 20そう、わたしは、エジプトの地を報酬として彼に与える。彼はツロで十三年間、わたしのために働いたからだ。」このように主が語ります。
