Ezekiel 28 – NIRV & BPH

New International Reader’s Version

Ezekiel 28:1-26

A Prophecy Against the King of Tyre

1A message from the Lord came to me. The Lord said, 2“Son of man, speak to Ethbaal. He is the ruler of Tyre. Tell him, ‘The Lord and King says,

“ ‘ “In your proud heart

you say, ‘I am a god.

I sit on the throne of a god

in the Mediterranean Sea.’

But you are only a human being. You are not a god.

In spite of that, you think you are as wise as a god.

3Are you wiser than Daniel?

Isn’t even one secret hidden from you?

4You are wise and understanding.

So you have become very wealthy.

You have piled up gold and silver

among your treasures.

5You have used your great skill in trading

to increase your wealth.

You are very rich.

So your heart has become proud.” ’ ”

6The Lord and King says,

“You think you are wise.

In fact, you claim to be as wise as a god.

7So I am going to bring outsiders against you.

They will not show you any pity at all.

They will use their swords against your beauty and wisdom.

They will strike down your shining glory.

8They will bring you down to the grave.

You will die a horrible death

in the middle of the sea.

9Then will you say, ‘I am a god’?

Will you say that to those who kill you?

You will be only a human being to those who kill you.

You will not be a god to them.

10You will die just like those who have not been circumcised.

Outsiders will kill you.

I have spoken,” announces the Lord and King.

11A message from the Lord came to me. The Lord said, 12“Son of man, sing a song of sadness about the king of Tyre. Tell him, ‘The Lord and King says,

“ ‘ “You were the model of perfection.

You were full of wisdom.

You were perfect and beautiful.

13You were in Eden.

It was my garden.

All kinds of jewels decorated you.

Here is a list of them:

carnelian, chrysolite and emerald,

topaz, onyx and jasper,

lapis lazuli, turquoise and beryl.

Your settings and mountings were made out of gold.

On the day you were created,

they were prepared.

14I appointed you to be like a guardian angel.

I anointed you for that purpose.

You were on my holy mountain.

You walked among the gleaming jewels.

15Your conduct was without blame

from the day you were created.

But soon you began to sin.

16You traded with many nations.

You harmed people everywhere.

And you sinned.

So I sent you away from my mountain in shame.

Guardian angel, I drove you away

from among the gleaming jewels.

17You thought you were so handsome

that it made your heart proud.

You thought you were so glorious

that it spoiled your wisdom.

So I threw you down to the earth.

I made an example out of you in front of kings.

18Your many sins and dishonest trade

made your holy places impure.

So I made you go up in flames.

I turned you into nothing but ashes on the ground.

I let everyone see it.

19All the nations that knew you

are shocked because of what happened to you.

You have come to a horrible end.

And you will be gone forever.” ’ ”

A Prophecy Against Sidon

20A message from the Lord came to me. The Lord said, 21“Son of man, turn your attention to the city of Sidon. Prophesy against it. 22Say, ‘The Lord and King says,

“ ‘ “Sidon, I am against your people.

Among you I will display my glory.

I will punish your people.

Among you I will prove that I am holy.

Then you will know that I am the Lord.

23I will send a plague on you.

I will make blood flow in your streets.

Those who are killed will fall inside you.

Swords will strike your people on every side.

Then they will know that I am the Lord.

24“ ‘ “The people of Israel will no longer have neighbors who hate them. Those neighbors will not be like sharp and painful thorns anymore. Then Israel will know that I am the Lord and King.” ’ ”

25The Lord and King says, “I will gather the people of Israel together from the nations where they have been scattered. That will prove that I am holy. I will let the nations see it. Then Israel will live in their own land. I gave it to my servant Jacob. 26My people will live there in safety. They will build houses. They will plant vineyards. They will live in safety. I will punish all their neighbors who told lies about them. Then Israel will know that I am the Lord their God.”

Bibelen på hverdagsdansk

Ezekiels Bog 28:1-26

Profeti imod fyrsten over Tyrus

1Herren sagde til mig: 2„Du menneske, sig til fyrsten over Tyrus:

Du er så stolt og hovmodig,

at du tror, du selv er en gud.

Du sidder på din høje trone,

hersker over havet og praler.

Men du er kun et menneske,

der bilder sig ind at være en gud.

3Du tror, du er klogere end Daniel

og kender alle hemmeligheder.

4Du brugte din visdom og forstand

til at samle mængder af guld og sølv.

5Dit handelstalent gjorde dig rig,

men din rigdom gjorde dig hovmodig.

6Derfor siger Gud Herren:

Fordi du tror, at du selv er en gud,

7sender jeg en grusom fjendehær,

der gør ende på din rigdom og pragt.

8Til dødsriget sender de dig ned,

du bliver dræbt og kastet i havet.

9Vil du mon fortsat hævde, du er en gud,

når fjenderne er ved at slå dig ihjel?

I hænderne på dem er du ingen gud,

men kun et almindeligt menneske.

10Du skal dø som en hund for de fremmedes hånd.

Jeg, Herren har talt.”

11Endvidere sagde Herren til mig: 12„Du menneske, istem en klagesang over Tyrus’ fyrste og sig til ham:

Engang var du fuldkommen,

smuk og fuld af visdom.

13Du levede som i Paradis,

smykket med utallige juveler:

rubin, topas og diamant,

krysolit, onyks og jaspis,

safir, granat og smaragd.

Alle juveler var indsat i guld,

de lå klar til dig ved din fødsel.

14Jeg satte dig som en kerub,

der skulle vogte og beskytte

det hellige bjerg, jeg havde skabt,

Du vandrede blandt funklende ædelsten.

15Der var intet at udsætte på dig

fra den dag, du blev født,

indtil din ondskab blev afsløret.

16Din store rigdom gjorde dig korrupt,

så vold og synd fyldte dit hjerte.

Da jog jeg dig bort fra mit hellige bjerg

og de funklende ædelsten, du skulle beskytte.

Jeg slog dig ned, du vældige kerub.

17Din skønhed gjorde dig stolt,

din rigdom spændte ben for din visdom.

Derfor kastede jeg dig til jorden

som en advarsel for andre fyrster.

18Din uhæderlige handel

afsporede din gudsdyrkelse.

Derfor lod jeg ild bryde frem og fortære dig,

så du blev til aske på jorden for alles øjne.

19Alle var skrækslagne over din skæbne.

Du blev et skræmmende eksempel

ved din totale og endelige udslettelse.”

Profeti imod Sidon

20Herren sagde til mig:

21„Du menneske, vend dig mod Sidon og profetér over byen. 22Sig til den:

Sidon, jeg er din fjende,

og jeg vil demonstrere min magt på dig.

Alle skal få at se, at jeg er Herren,

når jeg åbenbarer min hellighed på dig

ved at straffe dig for dine synder.

23Jeg sender epidemier og krig,

så blodet flyder i gaderne.

Fjenden angriber fra alle sider

og slår folk ned til højre og venstre.

Da vil du indse, at jeg er Herren.

Et løfte til Guds folk

24Israels nabofolk skal ikke længere stikke mit folk som tidsler og torne. Alle I, som nu håner mit folk, skal få at se, at jeg er Herren.

25Hør, hvad Herren siger: Når jeg samler Israels folk fra de folkeslag, de er spredt iblandt, og fører dem tilbage til deres eget land, det land, jeg gav min tjener Jakob, da vil alle folk indse, at jeg er en hellig og mægtig Gud. 26Derefter skal mit folk bo trygt i deres land, bygge huse og plante vingårde, mens jeg straffer alle dem, som behandlede dem med foragt. Da vil de indse, at jeg er Herren, deres Gud.”