Exodus 4 – NIRV & LCB

New International Reader’s Version

Exodus 4:1-31

Signs for Moses to Do

1Moses answered, “What if the elders of Israel won’t believe me? What if they won’t listen to me? Suppose they say, ‘The Lord didn’t appear to you.’ Then what should I do?”

2The Lord said to him, “What do you have in your hand?”

“A walking stick,” he said.

3The Lord said, “Throw it on the ground.”

So Moses threw it on the ground. It turned into a snake. He ran away from it. 4Then the Lord said to Moses, “Reach your hand out. Take the snake by the tail.” So he reached out and grabbed the snake. It turned back into a walking stick in his hand. 5The Lord said, “When they see this sign, they will believe that I appeared to you. I am the Lord, the God of their fathers. I am the God of Abraham. I am the God of Isaac. And I am the God of Jacob.”

6Then the Lord said, “Put your hand inside your coat.” So Moses put his hand inside his coat. When he took it out, the skin had become as white as snow. His hand was covered with a skin disease.

7“Now put it back into your coat,” the Lord said. So Moses put his hand back into his coat. When he took it out, the skin was healthy again. His hand was like the rest of his skin.

8Then the Lord said, “Suppose they do not believe you or pay attention to the first sign. Then maybe they will believe the second one. 9But suppose they do not believe either sign. Suppose they will not listen to you. Then get some water from the Nile River. Pour it on the dry ground. The water you take from the river will turn into blood on the ground.”

10Moses spoke to the Lord. He said, “Lord, I’ve never been a good speaker. And I haven’t gotten any better since you spoke to me. I don’t speak very well at all.”

11The Lord said to him, “Who makes human beings able to talk? Who makes them unable to hear or speak? Who makes them able to see? Who makes them blind? It is I, the Lord. 12Now go. I will help you speak. I will teach you what to say.”

13But Moses said, “Lord, please send someone else to do it.”

14Then the Lord became very angry with Moses. He said, “What about your brother, Aaron the Levite? I know he can speak well. He is already on his way to meet you. He will be glad to see you. 15Speak to him. Tell him what to say. I will help both of you speak. I will teach you what to do. 16He will speak to the people for you. He will be like your mouth. And you will be like God to him. 17But take this walking stick in your hand. You will be able to do signs with it.”

Moses Returns to Egypt

18Then Moses went back to his father-in-law Jethro. He said to him, “Let me return to my own people in Egypt. I want to see if any of them are still alive.”

Jethro said, “Go. I hope everything goes well with you.”

19The Lord had said to Moses in Midian, “Go back to Egypt. All those who wanted to kill you are dead.” 20So Moses got his wife and sons. He put them on a donkey. Together they started back to Egypt. And he took the walking stick in his hand. It was the stick God would use in a powerful way.

21The Lord spoke to Moses. He said, “When you return to Egypt, do all the amazing things I have given you the power to do. Do them in the sight of Pharaoh. But I will make him stubborn. He will not let the people go. 22Then say to Pharaoh, ‘The Lord says, “Israel is like an oldest son to me. 23I told you, ‘Let my son go. Then he will be able to worship me.’ But you refused to let him go. So I will kill your oldest son.” ’ ”

24On the way to Egypt, Moses stopped for the night. There the Lord met him and was about to kill him. 25But Zipporah got a knife made out of flint. She circumcised her son with it. Then she touched Moses’ feet with the skin she had cut off. “Surely, you are a husband who has forced me to spill my son’s blood,” she said. 26So the Lord didn’t kill Moses. When she said “husband who has forced me to spill my son’s blood,” she was talking about circumcision.

27The Lord said to Aaron, “Go into the desert to see Moses.” So Aaron greeted Moses at the mountain of God and kissed him. 28Then Moses told Aaron everything the Lord had sent him to say. Moses also told him about all the signs the Lord had commanded him to do.

29Moses and Aaron gathered all the elders of Israel together. 30Aaron told them everything the Lord had said to Moses. He also performed the signs in the sight of the people. 31And they believed. They heard that the Lord was concerned about them. He had seen their suffering. So they bowed down and worshiped him.

Luganda Contemporary Bible

Okuva 4:1-31

Mukama Awa Musa Obuyinza Okukola Ebyamagero

14:1 Kuv 3:18; 6:30Musa n’addamu nti, “Tebagenda kunzikiriza, wadde okuwuliriza ebyo bye mbagamba: kubanga bagenda kwogera nti, Mukama takulabikiranga.”

24:2 nny 17, 20Awo Mukama n’amubuuza nti, “Ekyo kiki ekiri mu ngalo zo?”

N’addamu nti, “Muggo.”

3Mukama Katonda n’amugamba nti, “Gusuule wansi.”

Musa n’agusuula wansi; ne gufuuka omusota, n’agudduka! 4Mukama n’agamba Musa nti, “Golola omukono gwo ogukwate akawuuwo ogusitule.” N’agolola omukono gwe n’agukwata, ne gufuuka omuggo mu mukono gwe. 54:5 Kuv 19:9Mukama n’amugamba nti, “Bw’olikola bw’otyo bagenda kukukkiriza, era balitegeera nga Mukama Katonda wa bajjajjaabwe, Katonda wa Ibulayimu, era Katonda wa Isaaka, era Katonda wa Yakobo, yakulabikira.”

64:6 Kbl 12:10; 2Bk 5:1, 27Mukama n’amugamba nate nti, “Yingiza omukono gwo munda mu kyambalo kyo.” N’ayingiza omukono gwe munda mu kyambalo kye: bwe yaguggyaayo, laba, nga gujjudde ebigenge nga gutukula ng’omuzira.

74:7 Kbl 12:13-15; Ma 32:39; 2Bk 5:14; Mat 8:3Ate n’amugamba nti, “Zzaayo omukono gwo munda mu kyambalo kyo.” Musa n’azzaayo omukono gwe mu kyambalo kye. Bwe yaguggyaayo, laba nga gufuuse mulamu ng’omubiri gwe ogwa bulijjo.

8Mukama n’agamba Musa nti, “Bwe batalikukkiririza ku kabonero akasoose, balikukkiririza ku kabonero akookubiri. 94:9 Kuv 7:17-21Bwe bagaananga okukukkiriza nga bamaze okulaba obubonero obwo bwombi, osenanga amazzi mu mugga n’ogayiwa ku lukalu; amazzi ago g’olisena mu mugga, galifuuka omusaayi ng’ogayiye ku lukalu.”

104:10 Kuv 6:12; Yer 1:6Awo Musa n’agamba Mukama nti, “Ayi Mukama wange, siri mwogezi mulungi okuva edda n’edda, wadde ne mu kiseera kino ggwe kaayogerera nange, omuddu wo; njogera nnembeggerera ate nga bwe nnaanaagira.” 114:11 Zab 94:9; Mat 11:5Mukama n’amuddamu nti, “Ani yakola akamwa k’omuntu? Ani yatonda bakasiru, ne bakiggala, n’abatunula, ne bamuzibe? Si nze, Mukama? 124:12 Is 50:4; Yer 1:9; Mat 10:19-20; Mak 13:11; Luk 12:12; 21:14-15Kaakano, genda! Nnaakuyambanga ng’oyogera, era nnaakuyigirizanga by’onooyogeranga.”

13Naye Musa n’agamba nti, “Mukama wange, nkwegayiridde tuma omuntu omulala.” 144:14 nny 27Mukama n’asunguwalira nnyo Musa, n’amugamba nti, “Muganda wo Alooni Omuleevi, taliiwo? Mmanyi nga mwogezi mulungi; era, laba, ajja gy’oli, era bw’anaakulabako ajja kusanyuka mu mutima gwe. 154:15 Kbl 23:5, 12, 16Ggwe ojja kwogeranga naye, nze nnaakutegeezanga ky’onoomugambanga, nange n’abayambanga mwembi, ne mbayigiriza eky’okukola. 164:16 Kuv 7:1-2Y’anaakwogereranga eri abantu, ng’abategeeza bye wandiyogedde; ggwe n’oba nga Katonda gy’ali, ng’omutegeezanga by’anaayogeranga. 174:17 a nny 2 b Kuv 7:9-21Era oligenda n’omuggo guno, ng’ogukutte mu mukono gwo; gw’onookozesanga ebyamagero.”

18Awo Musa n’addayo eri Yesero, kitaawe wa mukazi we n’amugamba nti, “Nkusaba onzikirize ŋŋende ndabe obanga baganda bange e Misiri bakyali balamu.” Yesero n’addamu Musa nti, “Genda mirembe.”

Musa Addayoko e Misiri

194:19 a Kuv 2:15 b Kuv 2:23Awo Mukama n’ayogera ne Musa e Midiyaani nti, “Genda, oddeyo e Misiri kubanga abantu bonna abaali baagala okukutta, baafa.” 204:20 Kuv 17:9; Kbl 20:8-9, 11Musa n’addira mukyala we n’abaana be, n’abassa ku ndogoyi, n’asitula okuddayo mu nsi y’e Misiri, ng’akutte omuggo gwa Katonda mu ngalo ze.

214:21 a Kuv 3:19, 20 b Kuv 7:3, 13; 9:12, 35; 14:4, 8; Ma 2:30; Is 63:17; Yk 12:40; Bar 9:18Mukama n’agamba Musa nti, “Bw’oddangayo e Misiri, okoleranga ebyamagero ebyo byonna bye nkulaze, awali Falaawo. Nze ndikakanyaza omutima gwe, abantu bange aleme okubakkiriza okugenda. 224:22 Is 63:16; 64:8; Yer 31:9; Kos 11:1; Bar 9:4Falaawo omugambanga bw’oti nti, Mukama agambye nti, ‘Isirayiri mutabani wange, ye mwana wange omubereberye; 234:23 a Kuv 5:1; 7:16 b Kuv 11:5; 12:12, 29era nkulagira oleke omwana wange agende ampeereze; naye singa ogaana okumuleka okugenda, laba, nditta mutabani wo omubereberye.’ ”

244:24 Kbl 22:22Awo bwe baali bagenda nga batuuse ku nnyumba y’abagenyi, Mukama n’amulabikira, n’ayagala okumutta. 254:25 Lub 17:14; Yos 5:2, 3Naye Zipola n’addira ejjinja eryogi, n’akomola omwana we, ekikuta n’akisuula ku bigere bya Musa, n’amugamba nti, “Oli baze wa musaayi!” 26Awo Mukama n’amuleka. Mu kaseera ako Zipola we yayogerera ku kukomola nti, “Baze wange ng’osaabye omusaayi!”

274:27 a Kuv 3:1 b nny 14Awo Mukama n’agamba Alooni nti, “Genda mu ddungu, osisinkane Musa. N’agenda, n’amusanga ku lusozi lwa Katonda, ne bagwaŋŋana mu bifuba.” 284:28 nny 8-9, 16Musa n’abuulira Alooni ebigambo byonna Mukama bye yali amutumye okwogera, n’obubonero bwonna obw’ebyamagero bwe yamulagira okukola.

294:29 Kuv 3:16Musa ne Alooni ne bagenda, ne bakuŋŋaanya abakulu abakulembeze b’abaana ba Isirayiri; 30Alooni n’abategeeza byonna Mukama bye yagamba Musa; era n’abakolera n’obubonero, 314:31 a nny 8; Kuv 3:18 b Kuv 2:25ne bakkiriza. Era bwe baawulira nga Mukama yakyalira abaana ba Isirayiri, n’alaba okubonaabona kwabwe, ne bakoteka emitwe gyabwe ne basinza.