Exodus 39 – NIRV & JCB

New International Reader’s Version

Exodus 39:1-43

The Clothes for the Priests

1The workers made clothes from the blue, purple and bright red yarn. The clothes were worn by the priests who served in the holy tent. The workers also made sacred clothes for Aaron. They made them just as the Lord had commanded Moses.

The Linen Apron

2The workers made the linen apron. They made it out of thin gold wire, and of blue, purple and bright red yarn, and of finely twisted linen. 3They hammered out thin sheets of gold. They cut it into thin wire. Then they sewed it into the blue, purple and bright red yarn and fine linen. Skilled workers made it. 4The workers made shoulder straps for the apron. The straps were joined to two of its corners. 5Its skillfully made waistband was made like the apron. The waistband was part of the apron itself. It was made out of thin gold wire, and out of blue, purple and bright red yarn, and out of finely twisted linen. The workers made it just as the Lord had commanded Moses.

6They put the onyx stones in fancy gold settings. They carved the names of the sons of Israel on the stones. They did it the way a jewel cutter would carve them. 7Then they connected them to the shoulder straps of the linen apron. The stones stood for the sons of Israel and were a constant reminder for them. The workers did those things just as the Lord had commanded Moses.

The Chest Cloth

8Skilled workers made the chest cloth. They made it like the linen apron. They used thin gold wire, and blue, purple and bright red yarn, and finely twisted linen. 9The chest cloth was nine inches square. It was folded in half. 10The workers put four rows of valuable jewels on it. Carnelian, chrysolite and beryl were in the first row. 11Turquoise, lapis lazuli and emerald were in the second row. 12Jacinth, agate and amethyst were in the third row. 13And topaz, onyx and jasper were in the fourth row. The workers put them in fancy gold settings. 14They used a total of 12 stones. There was one stone for each of the names of the sons of Israel. Each stone was carved with the name of one of the 12 tribes.

15The workers made braided chains out of pure gold for the chest cloth. They made them like ropes. 16They made two fancy gold settings and two gold rings. They connected them to two corners of the chest cloth. 17They joined the two gold chains to the rings at the corners of the chest cloth. 18They joined the other ends of the chains to the two settings. They joined them to the shoulder straps on the front of the linen apron. 19The workers made two gold rings. They connected them to the other two corners of the chest cloth. They put them on the inside edge next to the apron. 20Then they made two more gold rings. They connected them to the bottom of the shoulder straps on the front of the apron. They put them close to the seam. They put them right above the waistband of the apron. 21They tied the rings of the chest cloth to the rings of the apron with blue cord. That connected it to the waistband. Then the chest cloth would not swing out from the linen apron. The workers did those things just as the Lord had commanded Moses.

More Clothes for the Priests

22The workers made the outer robe of the linen apron completely out of blue cloth. The cloth was made by a skillful person. 23The workers made an opening in the center of the robe. They made an edge like a collar around the opening. Then it couldn’t tear. 24They made pomegranates out of blue, purple and bright red yarn and finely twisted linen. They sewed them around the hem of the robe. 25They made bells out of pure gold. They sewed them around the hem between the pomegranates. 26They sewed a bell between every two pomegranates all around the hem of the robe. Aaron had to wear the robe when he served as priest. That’s what the Lord commanded Moses.

27The workers made inner robes out of fine linen for Aaron and his sons. The linen cloth was made by a skillful person. 28The workers also made the turban out of fine linen. And they made the caps and the underwear out of finely twisted linen. 29The belt was made out of finely twisted linen and blue, purple and bright red yarn. A person who sewed skillfully made it. The workers did those things just as the Lord had commanded Moses.

30They made the plate out of pure gold. It was a sacred crown. On the plate, they carved the words

Set Apart for the Lord.

31Then they tied the plate to the turban with a blue cord. They did those things just as the Lord had commanded Moses.

The Holy Tent Is Completed

32So all the work on the holy tent, the tent of meeting, was completed. The Israelites did everything just as the Lord had commanded Moses. 33Then they brought the holy tent to Moses along with everything that belonged to it. Here are the things they brought:

hooks, frames, crossbars, posts and bases

34the covering of ram skins dyed red, the covering of another kind of strong leather and the curtain that hides the ark

35the ark where the tablets of the covenant law are kept, the poles and the cover for the ark

36the table for the holy bread with all its things and the holy bread

37the pure gold lampstand with its row of lamps and everything used with it, and the olive oil that gives light

38the gold altar for burning incense, the anointing oil and the sweet-smelling incense

the curtain for the entrance to the tent

39the bronze altar for burnt offerings with its bronze grate, its poles and all its tools

the large bowl with its stand

40the curtains of the courtyard with their posts and bases, and the curtain for the entrance to the courtyard

the ropes and tent stakes for the courtyard

everything that belongs to the holy tent, the tent of meeting

41and the sacred clothes for Aaron the priest and the clothes for his sons when they serve as priests

42The Israelites had done all the work just as the Lord had commanded Moses. 43Moses looked over the work carefully. He saw that the workers had done it just as the Lord had commanded. So Moses gave them his blessing.

Japanese Contemporary Bible

出エジプト記 39:1-43



1次に、青、紫、緋色の撚り糸で、祭司用の式服を作りました。同じ生地で、アロンの聖なる装束も作りました。すべて、主がモーセに命じたとおりです。 2エポデ(祭司が着用する、ひざ下までのそでなしの上着)も、同じ亜麻布と、金、青、紫、緋色の撚り糸で作りました。 3ベツァルエルは金の板を薄く延ばし、細く切って金糸を作りました。それを青、紫、緋色の糸に撚り込み、布に織ると、実に精巧な美しい布ができ上がりました。



8胸当てもエポデと同じように、金、青、紫、緋色の撚り糸で織った上質の亜麻布で作りました。 9これは一あたり(約二十二センチ)四方の布で、二つに折って袋状にしました。 10そこには宝石を四列に並べました。最初の列はルビー、トパーズ、エメラルド。 11二列目はトルコ玉、サファイヤ、ダイヤモンド。 12三列目はヒヤシンス石、めのう、紫水晶。 13四列目は緑柱石、しまめのう、碧玉。これらはみな金の台にはめました。 14石には、イスラエルの十二部族の名を、印章と同じように彫りつけました。

15-18胸当てをエポデに結びつけるために、エポデの肩当てに金の環をつけました。この環と、胸当ての上部の金の留め金とを金の鎖でつなぐのです。 19ほかに、胸当ての下のへり、ちょうどエポデと接するところの内側にも、金の環を二個つけました。 20別の金の環を、エポデの肩当ての下部につけました。エポデの上から、美しく織った帯を締めるあたりです。 21胸当ての環とエポデの環とを青いひもでしばり、胸当てを、帯の上にしっかり結びつけました。すべて主の命じたとおりです。

22エポデの下に着る服は青糸で織りました。 23真ん中に、ちょうどよろいの首の部分のように頭を通す穴を開け、ほつれないようにかがりました。 24長服のすそには、青と紫と緋色の撚り糸で作ったざくろをつけました。 25-26ざくろとざくろの間には、純金の鈴もつけました。服のすそに鈴とざくろが交互に並ぶわけです。この長服は、アロンが祭司の務めをするときに着ます。主がモーセにそう命じたのです。

27細い撚り糸で織った亜麻布で、アロンと息子たちのために上着を作りました。 28-29美しいターバン、帽子、下着もみな同じ布で作り、帯には青、紫、緋色の糸で美しい刺しゅうをしました。主がモーセに命じたとおりです。

30最後に、ターバンの正面につける聖なるプレートを純金で作りました。その上には、「神のために特別に選ばれた者」ということばを彫り、 31青いひもでターバンに結びつけました。これも主が教えたとおりです。

32こうしてついに、主がモーセに指示したいっさいの作業が終わりました。 33-40そこで担当者は、でき上がった幕屋と付属品を全部、モーセのもとに運んで来ました。調度品、留め金、わく組みの板、横木、柱、土台、屋根と側面用の赤く染めた雄羊のなめし皮、特別になめしたじゅごんの皮、仕切り用の垂れ幕、十戒を納めた契約の箱、かつぎ棒、「恵みの座」、供えのパンのテーブルと付属品、供えのパン、純金の燭台とともしび皿、付属品、油、金の香の祭壇、注ぎの油、香りの高い香、天幕の入口用の垂れ幕、青銅の祭壇、青銅の格子、かつぎ棒と付属品、洗い鉢とその台、庭を仕切る引き幕とそれを支える柱、柱の土台と庭の入口に下げる幕、ひも類と釘、幕屋で使うあらゆる用具類です。 41そのほか、美しく仕立てた祭司用の式服も、モーセに点検してもらいました。つまり大祭司アロンの聖なる装束と、彼の息子たちが公式に着る衣装などです。

42このようにしてイスラエルの民は、主がモーセに指示したことを全部、そのとおりに行いました。 43モーセはでき上がったものを見て、すべての仕事が主の指示どおりにされていたので、彼らを祝福しました。