Exodus 36 – NIRV & CCB

New International Reader’s Version

Exodus 36:1-38

1Bezalel and Oholiab must do the work just as the Lord has commanded. So must every skilled worker to whom the Lord has given skill and ability. They know how to do all the work for every purpose connected with the sacred tent. And that includes setting it up.”

2Then Moses sent for Bezalel and Oholiab. He sent for every skilled worker to whom the Lord had given ability and who wanted to come and do the work. 3They received from Moses all the offerings the people of Israel had brought. They had brought the offerings for all the work for every purpose connected with the holy tent. That included setting it up. The people kept bringing the offerings they chose to give. They brought them morning after morning. 4So all the skilled workers working on the holy tent stopped what they were doing. 5They said to Moses, “The Lord commanded us to do the work. And the people are bringing more than enough for us to do it.”

6Then Moses gave an order. A message was sent through the whole camp. It said, “No man or woman should make anything else and offer it for the holy tent.” And so the people were kept from bringing more offerings. 7There was already more than enough to do all the work.

The Holy Tent

8All the skilled workers made the holy tent. They made ten curtains out of finely twisted linen. They made them with blue, purple and bright red yarn. A skilled worker sewed cherubim into the pattern. 9All the curtains were the same size. They were 42 feet long and six feet wide. 10The workers joined five of the curtains together. They did the same thing with the other five. 11Then they made loops out of blue strips of cloth along the edge of the end curtain in one set. They did the same thing with the end curtain in the other set. 12They also made 50 loops on the end curtain of the one set. They did the same thing on the end curtain of the other set. They put the loops across from each other. 13Then they made 50 gold hooks. They used them to join the two sets of curtains together so that the holy tent was all one piece.

14The workers made a total of 11 curtains out of goat hair to put over the holy tent. 15All 11 curtains were the same size. They were 45 feet long and six feet wide. 16The workers joined five of the curtains together into one set. They did the same thing with the other six. 17Then they made 50 loops along the edge of the end curtain in the one set. They did the same thing with the other set. 18They made 50 bronze hooks. They used them to join the tent together all in one piece. 19They made a covering for the tent. They made it out of ram skins dyed red. Over that, they put a covering of another kind of strong leather.

20The workers made frames out of acacia wood for the holy tent. 21Each frame was about 15 feet long and two feet three inches wide. 22The workers added two small wooden pins to each frame. The pins stuck out so that they were even with each other. The workers made all the frames of the holy tent in the same way. 23The workers made 20 frames for the south side of the holy tent. 24And they made 40 silver bases to go under them. They made two bases for each frame. They put one under each pin that stuck out. 25For the north side of the holy tent they made 20 frames 26and 40 silver bases. They put two bases under each frame. 27The workers made six frames for the west end of the holy tent. 28They made two frames for the corners of the holy tent at the far end. 29At those two corners the frames were double from top to bottom. They were fitted into a single ring. The workers made both of them the same. 30So there were eight frames and 16 silver bases. There were two bases under each frame.

31The workers also made crossbars out of acacia wood. They made five for the frames on one side of the holy tent. 32They made five for the frames on the other side. And they made five for the frames on the west, at the far end of the holy tent. 33The center crossbar reached from end to end at the middle of the frames. 34The workers covered the frames with gold. They made gold rings to hold the crossbars. They also covered the crossbars with gold.

35They made the curtain out of blue, purple and bright red yarn and finely twisted linen. A skilled worker sewed cherubim into the pattern. 36The workers made four posts out of acacia wood for the curtain. They covered the posts with gold. They made gold hooks and four silver bases for the posts. 37For the entrance to the tent the workers made a curtain. They made it out of blue, purple and bright red yarn and finely twisted linen. A person who sewed skillfully made it. 38The workers made five posts with hooks for the curtains. They covered the tops of the posts and their bands with gold. And they made five bronze bases for them.

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified)

出埃及记 36:1-38


2于是,摩西召来比撒列亚何利亚伯和所有蒙耶和华赐智慧、有技能、愿意参与建造的人。 3他们从摩西那里领取了以色列百姓奉献出来建造圣所的一切礼物。每天早上,百姓仍然甘心乐意地来奉献礼物, 4以致所有建造圣所的能工巧匠都放下自己的工作, 5前来对摩西说:“百姓的奉献太多了,我们建造耶和华吩咐的圣所用不了。”

6于是,摩西传令全营:“大家不用再为圣所奉献礼物了。”百姓这才停止奉献。 7因为所献的材料已经足够建造圣所,而且绰绰有余。

8工人中的能工巧匠用十幅幔子做成了圣幕,幔子用细麻线和蓝色、紫色、朱红色的线织成,上面精工绣制了基路伯天使。 9每幅幔子的尺寸都一样,长十二米、宽两米。 10又把每五幅幔子连在一起,共连成两幅大幔子。 11然后在每幅大幔子边缘钉上了蓝色的扣环, 12每幅各钉上五十个扣环,都是两两相对。 13又做了五十个金钩,把两幅大幔子连在一起,成为圣幕。

14比撒列用山羊毛织成十一幅幔子,做圣幕的罩棚, 15每幅幔子的尺寸都一样,长十三米、宽两米。 16然后把五幅连成一大幅,余下的六幅又连成一大幅。 17又在这两幅大幔子边缘各钉上五十个对称的扣环, 18再用五十个铜钩,把两幅大幔子连在一起,成为一个罩棚, 19并在罩棚上面盖一层染成红色的公羊皮,再盖一层海狗皮做顶盖。

20他用皂荚木做支撑圣幕的木板, 21每块木板长四米,宽六十六厘米, 22上面都有两个接榫,用来把木板连接在一起。圣幕的所有木板都这样做。 23圣幕的南面共有二十块木板, 24在这些木板下面又造了四十个带凹槽的银底座,每块木板下面有两个,套在木板的两个接榫上。 25圣幕北面也有二十块木板, 26木板下面同样有四十个带凹槽的银底座,每块木板下面有两个银底座。 27圣幕的后面,就是西面,有六块木板, 28圣幕的两个拐角各有两块木板, 29木板的下端连于底座,顶端用一个环固定。两个拐角都要这样做。 30这样后面共有八块木板,每块木板下面各有两个银底座,一共是十六个银底座。

31-32他用皂荚木做横闩,圣幕左右两边和后面的墙板上各有五根横闩, 33拦腰固定墙板的那根横闩从这端贯穿到那端。 34所有的木板和横闩都包上金,并在木板上造金环,用来穿横闩。

35他用细麻线和蓝色、紫色、朱红色的线织成一幅幔子,精工绣上基路伯天使, 36把这幅幔子挂在四根用皂荚木造的柱子上,柱子外面包上金,加上金钩,四根柱子下面有四个银底座。 37他又用细麻线和蓝色、紫色、朱红色的线绣制圣幕的门帘, 38用皂荚木做五根挂门帘的柱子,上面有金钩,柱顶和横杆包上金。柱子的五个底座是铜造的。