Exodus 35 – NIRV & CCBT

New International Reader’s Version

Exodus 35:1-35

Rules for the Sabbath Day

1Moses gathered the whole community of Israel together. He said to them, “Here are the things the Lord has commanded you to do. 2You must do your work in six days. But the seventh day will be your holy day. It will be a day of sabbath rest to honor the Lord. You must rest on it. Anyone who does any work on it must be put to death. 3Do not even light a fire in any of your homes on the Sabbath day.”

Supplies for the Holy Tent

4Moses spoke to the whole community of Israel. He said, “Here is what the Lord has commanded. 5Take an offering for the Lord from what you have. Those who want to can bring an offering to the Lord. Here is what they can bring.

“gold, silver and bronze

6blue, purple and bright red yarn and fine linen

goat hair

7ram skins that are dyed red

another kind of strong leather

acacia wood

8olive oil for the lights

spices for the anointing oil and for the sweet-smelling incense

9onyx stones and other jewels for the linen apron and the chest cloth

10“All the skilled workers among you must come. They must make everything the Lord has commanded 11for the holy tent and its covering. Here is what they must make.

“hooks, frames, crossbars, posts and bases

12the ark of the covenant law, the poles and cover for the ark, and the curtain that hides the ark

13the table for the holy bread, the poles and all the things for the table, and the holy bread

14the lampstand for light and everything used with it, the lamps, and the olive oil that gives light

15the altar for burning incense, the poles for the altar, the anointing oil and the sweet-smelling incense

the curtain for the entrance to the holy tent

16the altar for burnt offerings with its bronze grate, its poles and all its tools

the large bronze bowl with its stand

17the curtains of the courtyard with their posts and bases, and the curtain for the entrance to the courtyard

18the ropes and tent stakes for the holy tent and for the courtyard

19and the sacred clothes for Aaron the priest and the clothes for his sons when they serve as priests”

20Then the whole community of Israel left Moses. 21Everyone who wanted to give offerings to the Lord brought them to him. The offerings were for the work on the tent of meeting. They were also for the sacred clothes and for any other purpose at the tent. 22Every man and woman who wanted to give came. They brought gold jewelry of all kinds. They brought pins, earrings, rings and other jewelry. All of them gave their gold as a wave offering to the Lord. 23People brought what they had. They brought blue, purple or bright red yarn or fine linen. They brought goat hair, ram skins dyed red, or the other kind of strong leather. 24Some brought silver or bronze as an offering to the Lord. Others brought acacia wood for any part of the work. 25All the skilled women spun yarn with their hands. They brought blue, purple or bright red yarn or fine linen. 26All the skilled women who wanted to spin the goat hair did so. 27The leaders brought onyx stones and other jewels for the linen apron and the chest cloth. 28They also brought spices and olive oil. They brought them for the light, for the anointing oil, and for the sweet-smelling incense. 29All the men and women of Israel who wanted to bring offerings to the Lord brought them to him. The offerings were for all the work the Lord had commanded Moses to tell them to do.

Bezalel and Oholiab

30Then Moses spoke to the people of Israel. He said, “The Lord has chosen Bezalel, the son of Uri. Uri is the son of Hur. Bezalel is from the tribe of Judah. 31The Lord has filled him with the Spirit of God. He has filled him with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skill. 32Bezalel can make beautiful patterns in gold, silver and bronze. 33He can cut and set stones. He can work with wood. In fact, he can work in all kinds of arts and crafts. 34And the Lord has given both him and Oholiab the ability to teach others. Oholiab, the son of Ahisamak, is from the tribe of Dan. 35The Lord has filled Bezalel and Oholiab with skill to do all kinds of work. They can carve things and make patterns. They can sew skillfully with blue, purple and bright red yarn and on fine linen. They use thread to make beautiful cloth. Both of them have the skill to work in all kinds of crafts.

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Traditional)

出埃及記 35:1-35


1摩西招聚以色列全體會眾,對他們宣佈說:「以下是耶和華吩咐你們遵守的事。 2一週可以工作六天,但第七天是聖日,是你們為耶和華守安息的日子。凡在這一天工作的,必被處死。 3在安息日,家家戶戶都不可生火。」



5「凡慷慨樂捐的,都可以把下列物品獻給耶和華為禮物,即金,銀,銅, 6細麻線,山羊毛,藍色、紫色和朱紅色的線, 7染成紅色的公羊皮,海狗皮,皂莢木, 8燈油,製作膏油和香的香料, 9鑲嵌在以弗得和胸牌上的紅瑪瑙及其他寶石。

10「你們當中的能工巧匠都要來建造耶和華所吩咐的物件, 11即聖幕和聖幕的罩棚、頂蓋、鉤子、木板、橫閂、柱子和底座; 12約櫃和抬約櫃的橫杠、施恩座和遮掩約櫃的幔子; 13桌子和抬桌子的橫杠、桌上的一切器具和供餅; 14燈臺和燈臺用的器具、燈盞和燈油; 15香壇和抬香壇的橫杠、膏油和芬芳的香;聖幕門口的簾子; 16燔祭壇、祭壇的銅網、抬祭壇的橫杠、祭壇用的一切器具、洗濯盆和盆座; 17院子的帷幔、懸掛幔子的柱子和底座、遮擋院子入口的門簾; 18聖幕和院子用的橛子和繩索; 19在聖所供職時穿的精製禮服、亞倫祭司的聖衣及其眾子供祭司之職時穿的衣服。」

20摩西說完後,以色列全體會眾便從他面前退去。 21凡心裡有感動又甘願奉獻的,都把禮物拿來獻給耶和華,作會幕、會幕中的一切器具及聖衣之用。 22凡甘心奉獻的,不論男女,都把別針、耳環、戒指、項鏈等各樣金飾拿來獻給耶和華。 23凡有細麻線,山羊毛,藍色、紫色和朱紅色的線,染成紅色的公羊皮,海狗皮的,都把它們拿來了。 24凡奉獻銀器和銅器的,都拿來獻給耶和華。凡有皂莢木的,只要用得上,都拿來奉獻。 25凡懂得紡線的婦女,都把親手紡成的細麻線和藍色、紫色、朱紅色的線拿來奉獻。 26凡心裡受感動又懂得紡織的婦女都來紡山羊毛。 27眾首領奉獻了紅瑪瑙和其他寶石,用來鑲嵌在以弗得和胸牌上。 28他們又獻出香料和油,用來做香、點燈、做膏油。 29以色列人,不論男女、凡是甘心樂意奉獻的,都把禮物帶來獻給耶和華,好完成耶和華藉摩西吩咐他們的一切工作。

30摩西以色列人說:「看啊,耶和華已經親自選出猶大支派中戶珥的孫子、烏利的兒子比撒列31上帝的靈已經充滿他,使他有聰明智慧,精於各種技能和手藝, 32懂得用金、銀和銅製造各式各樣精巧的器具, 33又能雕刻和鑲嵌寶石,精通木工和各種手藝。 34耶和華又使他與支派亞希撒抹的兒子亞何利亞伯有能力教授別人。 35耶和華使他們成為能工巧匠,精通各樣技藝,包括雕刻、圖案設計、紡織以及用細麻線和藍色、紫色、朱紅色的線刺繡。」