Exodus 34 – NIRV & JCB

New International Reader’s Version

Exodus 34:1-35

The New Stone Tablets

1The Lord said to Moses, “Cut out two stone tablets that are just like the first ones. I will write on them the words that were on the first tablets, which you broke. 2Be ready in the morning. Then come up on Mount Sinai. Meet with me there on top of the mountain. 3No one must come with you. No one must be seen anywhere on the mountain. Not even the flocks and herds must be allowed to eat grass in front of the mountain.”

4So Moses carved out two stone tablets just like the first ones. Early in the morning he went up Mount Sinai. He carried the two stone tablets in his hands. He did as the Lord had commanded him to do. 5Then the Lord came down in the cloud. He stood there with Moses and announced his name, the Lord. 6As he passed in front of Moses, he called out. He said, “I am the Lord, the Lord. I am the God who is tender and kind. I am gracious. I am slow to get angry. I am faithful and full of love. 7I continue to show my love to thousands of people. I forgive those who do evil. I forgive those who refuse to obey me. And I forgive those who sin. But I do not let guilty people go without punishing them. I cause the sins of the parents to affect their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.”

8Moses bowed down to the ground at once and worshiped. 9“Lord,” he said, “if you are pleased with me, then go with us. Even though these people are stubborn, forgive the evil things we have done. Forgive our sin. And accept us as your people.”

10Then the Lord said, “I am making a covenant with you. I will do wonderful things in front of all your people. I will do amazing things that have never been done before in any nation in the whole world. The people you live among will see the things that I, the Lord, will do for you. And they will see how wonderful those things really are. 11Obey what I command you today. I will drive out the Amorites, Canaanites, Hittites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites to make room for you. 12Be careful. Do not make a peace treaty with those who live in the land where you are going. They will be a trap to you. 13Break down their altars. Smash their sacred stones. Cut down the poles they use to worship the female god named Asherah. 14Do not worship any other god. The Lord is a jealous God. In fact, his name is Jealous.

15“Be careful not to make a peace treaty with the people living in the land. They commit sin by offering sacrifices to their gods. They will invite you to eat their sacrifices, and you will do it. 16You will choose some of their daughters as wives for your sons. And those daughters will commit sin by worshiping their gods. Then they will lead your sons to do the same thing.

17“Do not make any statues of gods.

18“Celebrate the Feast of Unleavened Bread. For seven days eat bread made without yeast, just as I commanded you. Do it at the appointed time in the month of Aviv. You came out of Egypt in that month.

19“Every male animal born first to its mother belongs to me. That includes your livestock. It includes herds and flocks alike. 20Sacrifice a lamb to buy back every male donkey born first to its mother. But if you do not buy the donkey back, break its neck. Buy back all your oldest sons.

“You must not come to worship me with your hands empty.

21“Do your work in six days. But you must rest on the seventh day. Even when you are plowing your land or gathering your crops, you must rest on the seventh day.

22“Celebrate the Feast of Weeks. Bring the first share of your wheat crop. Celebrate the Feast of Booths. Hold it in the fall. 23Three times a year all your men must come to worship me. I am your Lord and King, the God of Israel. 24I will drive out nations ahead of you. I will increase your territory. Go up three times a year to worship me. While you are doing that, I will keep others from wanting to take any of your land for themselves. I am the Lord your God.

25“Do not include anything made with yeast when you offer me the blood of a sacrifice. You must not keep any of the meat from the sacrifice of the Passover Feast until morning.

26“Bring the best of the first share of your crops to the house of the Lord your God.

“Do not cook a young goat in its mother’s milk.”

27Then the Lord said to Moses, “Write down the words I have spoken. I have made a covenant with you and with Israel in keeping with those words.” 28Moses was there with the Lord for 40 days and 40 nights. He didn’t eat any food or drink any water. The Lord wrote on the tablets the words of the covenant law. Those words are the Ten Commandments.

The Face of Moses Shines

29Moses came down from Mount Sinai. He had the two tablets of the covenant law in his hands. His face was shining because he had spoken with the Lord. But he didn’t realize it. 30Aaron and all the people of Israel saw Moses. His face was shining. So they were afraid to come near him. 31But Moses called out to them. So Aaron and all the leaders of the community came to him. And Moses spoke to them. 32After that, all the Israelites came near him. And he gave them all the commands the Lord had given him on Mount Sinai.

33Moses finished speaking to them. Then he covered his face with a veil. 34But when he would go to speak with the Lord, he would remove the veil. He would keep it off until he came out. Then he would tell the people what the Lord had commanded. 35They would see that his face was shining. So Moses would cover his face with the veil again. He would keep it on until he went in again to speak with the Lord.

Japanese Contemporary Bible

出エジプト記 34:1-35



1主はモーセに命じました。「前と同じ石板を二枚用意しなさい。あなたが割った板に書いたのと同じことばを、もう一度その板に書こう。 2朝になったら、準備を整えてシナイ山に登りなさい。山頂でわたしと会うのだ。 3だれもいっしょに来てはならない。山のどこにも人がいてはならない。羊や牛の群れも、山の近くでは放牧しないようにしなさい。」

4そこで、モーセは前と同じ石板を二枚用意し、東の空が白むころ、主に命じられたとおり、二枚の石板をかかえてシナイ山に登りました。 5-6主は雲の柱となって天から下り、モーセのそばに立ちました。それから彼の前を通り過ぎ、ご自分の名によって宣言しました。「わたしは主である。あわれみと情けに富み、怒るのに遅く、恵み深い神である。わたしは愛と真実の神である。 7わたしは人々の罪を赦し、千代にもわたって彼らを愛し通す。しかしまた、罰すべき者を見過ごしにはしない。父親の犯した罪のために、息子や孫、さらにのちの世代の者が報いを受ける。」

8それを聞いて、モーセは思わず主の前にひざまずき、ひれ伏して願いました。 9「主よ、ほんとうに私があなたのお心にかなっているのでしたら、どうぞ私たちといっしょに約束の国まで行ってください。彼らは確かに頑固でわがままな民に違いありません。けれどもお願いです。どうぞその罪をお赦しください。神の民として受け入れてください。」

10「では、あなたと契約を結ぼう。かつて地のどこでも、見たことも聞いたこともない奇跡を行う。イスラエル人はみな、主の力を目の当たりにするのだ。あなたによって、わたしは恐るべき力を示す。 11契約の相手としてのあなたの義務は、わたしの戒めをすべて守ることである。そうすれば、あなたの前からエモリ人、カナン人、ヘテ人、ペリジ人、ヒビ人、エブス人を追い払う。

12目指す約束の国へ着いたら、そこの住民と決して妥協しないよう、くれぐれも気をつけなさい。一度でも妥協すれば、知らず知らずのうちに、彼らの悪習に染まってしまうからだ。 13異教の祭壇や礼拝用の石柱などは取り壊しなさい。偶像も切り倒しなさい。 14わたし以外に、どんな神々も拝んではならない。わたしは絶対の忠誠と、心からの献身を求める神である。

15その地の住民と、どんな契約も結んではならない。彼らは、偶像を慕ってみだらなことをし、神々にいけにえをささげることによって姦淫を行っている。万一あなたが彼らと親しくなり、食事に招かれると、偶像にささげられた食物を拒むことができなくなるだろう。 16他の神々を拝む娘たちを息子の嫁に迎えると、息子たちは妻の信じる神々を拝み、堕落した道徳が持ち込まれ、わたしに反逆することになる。 17だから、偶像とはいっさい関係を持たないようにしなければならない。

18種なしパンの祭りを七日間、必ず祝わなければならない。毎年第一の月(太陽暦では三月)の決まった時に、教えておいたとおりに祭りを守りなさい。それは、あなたがたがエジプトを出た月である。 19牛、羊、どんな家畜も最初に生まれた雄は、わたしのものだ。 20ろばの初子は代わりに羊をささげて買い戻すことができる。買い戻さないなら、首を折らなければならない。しかし人間の場合、長男はみな買い戻さなければならない。ささげ物を持たずにわたしの前に出てはならない。


22毎年、祭りを祝うことを忘れてはならない。小麦の最初の収穫の時には七週の祭りを、それに収穫の祭りを祝いなさい。 23年に三度、祭りの時にはイスラエルの男子はみな、わたしの前に出なければならない。 24男子全員が主の前に出るこの時は、だれもイスラエルに攻撃をしかけない。しかけてくるような国はわたしが追い払い、イスラエルの国境を広げる。

25わたしへのささげ物を、パン種を入れたパンに添えてささげてはならない。過越の子羊の肉は、どの部分でも翌朝まで取っておいてはならない。 26毎年の最初の収穫から、一番良い物をあなたの神、主の天幕に持って来なければならない。子やぎを母親の乳で煮てはならない。」




29それから、モーセは二枚の石板をかかえて山を下りました。それまで神と話していたので、モーセの顔は輝いていましたが、自分では気がつきませんでした。 30彼の顔の輝きを見て、アロンをはじめ、人々はそばに行くのを恐れました。 31モーセに呼ばれてやっとアロンと指導者たちは来て、彼と話しました。 32そのあと、今度は人々が全員集まったので、モーセは山で主に告げられたことを伝えました。

33話し終えると、モーセは顔にベールをかけました。 34主と話すために天幕に入る時はいつでもベールを取り、外へ出るまでそのままにしていました。そして、神から示されたことは全部人々に伝えました。 35外に出て来る彼の顔を見ると光り輝いていました。そこでまた、彼は主と語るために天幕に入るまでベールをかけました。