Deuteronomy 2 – NIRV & JCB

New International Reader’s Version

Deuteronomy 2:1-37

Israel Wanders in the Desert

1We turned back and started out toward the desert. We went along the road that leads to the Red Sea. That’s how the Lord had directed me. For a long time we made our way around the hill country of Seir.

2Then the Lord spoke to me. He said, 3“You have made your way around this hill country long enough. So now turn north. 4Here are the orders I want you to give the people. Tell them, ‘You are about to pass through the territory of your relatives. They are from the family line of Esau. They live in Seir. They will be afraid of you. But be very careful. 5Do not make them angry. If you do, they will go to war against you. I will not give you any of their land. You will not have even enough to put your foot on. I have given Esau’s people the hill country of Seir as their own. 6Pay them with silver for the food you eat and the water you drink.’ ”

7The Lord your God has blessed you in everything your hands have done. He watched over you when you traveled through that huge desert. For these 40 years the Lord your God has been with you. So you have had everything you need.

8We went on past our relatives. They are from the family line of Esau. They live in Seir. We turned away from the Arabah Valley road. It comes up from Elath and Ezion Geber. We traveled along the desert road of Moab.

9Then the Lord said to me, “Do not attack the Moabites. Do not even make them angry. If you do, they will go to war against you. I will not give you any part of their land. I have given Moab to the people in the family line of Lot. I have given it to them as their own.”

10The Emites used to live there. They were strong people. There were large numbers of them. They were as tall as the Anakites. 11Like the Anakites, they too were thought of as Rephaites. But the Moabites called them Emites. 12The Horites used to live in Seir. But the people of Esau drove them out. They destroyed the Horites to make room for themselves. Then they settled in their territory. They did just as Israel has done in the land the Lord gave them as their own.

13The Lord said, “Now get up. Go across the Zered Valley.” So we went across it.

14Between the time we left Kadesh Barnea and the time we went across the Zered Valley, 38 years had passed. By then, all the fighting men who had been in our camp from the beginning had died. The Lord had warned them that it would happen. 15He used his power against them until he had gotten rid of all of them. Not one was left in the camp.

16Finally, the last of the fighting men among the people died. 17Then the Lord said to me, 18“Today you must pass near the border of Moab. Moab is also called Ar. 19When you come to the Ammonites, do not attack them. Do not make them angry. If you do, they will go to war against you. I will not give you any of their land as your own. I have given it to the people in the family line of Lot. I have given it to them as their own.”

20That land was also thought of as a land of the Rephaites. They used to live there. But the Ammonites called them Zamzummites. 21The Rephaites were strong people. There were large numbers of them. They were as tall as the Anakites. The Lord destroyed the Rephaites to make room for the Ammonites. So the Ammonites drove them out. Then they settled in the territory of the Rephaites. 22The Lord had done the same thing for the people of Esau. They lived in Seir. The Lord destroyed the Horites to make room for Esau’s people. They drove the Horites out. So the people of Esau have lived in Seir in the territory of the Horites to this very day. 23The Avvites lived in villages as far away as Gaza. But people came from Crete and destroyed the Avvites. Then the people of Crete made their home in the territory of the Avvites.

Israel Wins the Battle Over Sihon

24The Lord said, “Start out and go across the valley of the Arnon River. I have handed Sihon over to you. He is the Amorite king of Heshbon. I have also given you his country. Begin to take it as your own. Go to war against him. 25This very day I will bring fear and terror on all the nations because of you. They will hear about you. They will tremble with fear. Pain and suffering will grip them because of you.”

26I sent messengers from the Desert of Kedemoth. I told them to go to Sihon, the king of Heshbon. They offered him peace. They said, 27“Let us pass through your country. We’ll stay on the main road. We won’t turn off it to one side or the other. 28We’ll pay you the right amount of silver for food to eat and water to drink. Just let us walk through your country. 29The people of Esau, who live in Seir, allowed us to do that. The people of Moab, who live in Ar, also allowed us to do it. So let us walk through until we go across the Jordan River. Then we’ll be able to go into the land the Lord our God is giving us.” 30But Sihon, the king of Heshbon, refused to let us walk through. The Lord your God had made him stubborn in his heart and spirit. The Lord wanted to hand him over to you. And that’s exactly what he has done.

31The Lord said to me, “I have begun to hand Sihon and his country over to you. So begin the battle to take his land as your own.”

32Sihon and his whole army came out to fight against us at Jahaz. 33But the Lord our God handed him over to us. We struck him down together with his sons and his whole army. 34At that time we took all his towns. We completely destroyed them. We killed all the men, women and children. We didn’t leave any of them alive. 35But we took for ourselves the livestock and everything else from the towns we had captured. 36Not a single town was too strong for us. That includes all the towns from Aroer on the rim of the Arnon River valley all the way to Gilead. It also includes the town in the valley. The Lord our God gave us all of them. 37And you obeyed the Lord’s command. You didn’t go near any part of the land of the Ammonites. That includes the land along the Jabbok River. It also includes the land around the towns in the hills.

Japanese Contemporary Bible

申命記 2:1-37



1そのあと私たちは、主の告げられたとおり荒野を通って、紅海の方に戻りました。それから、長らくセイル山のあたりをさまよったあげく、 2ようやく主のおことばを頂いたのです。 3『ここにはもう、とどまらなくてよい。北へ行きなさい。 4これからエドム人の国を通る、とみなに知らせなさい。エドム人は、ヤコブの兄でセイルに住みついたエサウの子孫に当たり、あなたたちとは同族だが、ひどく神経をとがらせているから、くれぐれも注意が必要だ。 5間違っても戦いをしかけてはいけない。セイルの山地はみな、わたしが永遠の領地として彼らに与えたからだ。ほんの一部でもあなたがたに与えるつもりはない。 6食糧や水が必要なときは、金を払って買いなさい。 7この四十年間、わたしが守り、祝福していたからこそ、あなたがたは果てしもない荒野をさまよいながらも、不自由なく過ごせたのだ。』

8そこで私たちは、同族のエドム人が住むセイルをあとにし、南のエラテ、エツヨン・ゲベルに至るアラバ街道を横切って北へ向かい、モアブの荒野へと旅を続けました。 9すると主は、『モアブも攻撃してはいけない。そこはロトの子孫のものだ。あなたがたに与えるつもりはない』と警告されたのです。 10――モアブには以前、アナクの巨人と同じように背の高いエミム人が大ぜい住んでいました。 11エミム人もアナク人と同じようにレファイム人だと考えられていたのですが、モアブ人は彼らをエミム人と呼んだのです。 12それより以前、セイル地方にはホリ人が住んでいましたが、追い出され、エサウの子孫のエドム人が代わって住みつきました。ちょうど、イスラエル人がカナン人を追い出し、その地に住みついたようにです。―― 13『さあ、ゼレデ川を渡りなさい』と主に命じられ、私たちは従いました。 14-15こうしてみると、カデシュに着いてからゼレデ川を渡るまで、実に三十八年もかかったことになります。それというのも三十八年前、すでに成人し、戦いに出られるようになっていた者が死に絶えるまでそうはならないと、主が誓われたからです。そのおことばどおり彼らは全員、罪の報いを受けました。

16-17そして、待ちに待った主のおことばがありました。 18『今日、モアブの領土、アルを通って、 19アモン人の国へ入りなさい。ただし、そこはロトの子孫のもので、そこをあなたがたに与えるつもりはないから、戦いをしかけてはいけない。』 20――その地にも以前、アモン人がザムズミム人と呼んだレファイム人が住んでいました。 21アナク人のように背が高く強大な民でしたが、アモン人に侵略されたのです。主が彼らを滅ぼされたので、アモン人が替わって住みつきました。 22同じように主は、今セイル山に住むエサウの子孫のために、先に住んでいたホリ人を滅ぼされました。 23ガザにまで及ぶ地方の村々に散在していたアビム人をカフトル人が侵略し、滅ぼした時も同じです。――


24続けて、主はお語りになりました。『アルノン川を渡り、ヘシュボンの王、エモリ人シホンの国を攻め取りなさい。 25今日から、天下のあらゆる民はあなたがたを恐れ、あなたがたが来ると聞いただけで震え上がるだろう。わたしが彼らを怖がらせるからだ。』

26そこでまず、ケデモテの荒野からヘシュボンの王シホンに使者を送り、和平を申し入れました。 27『あなたの国を通らせてください。わき道にそれたり畑に入ったりはせず、ただ街道をまっすぐ進みます。 28途中で食糧を盗んだりもしません。食糧や水を分けてもらったら、代金をきちんとお払いします。ただ通らせていただくだけです。 29セイルのエドム人や、アルを首都としているモアブ人は、彼らの国を通らせてくれました。私たちはヨルダン川を渡り、私たちの神、主が下さると言われた国へ行く途中なのです。』

30ところが、ヘシュボンの王シホンはこれを断りました。今日見るとおり、王をあなたがたの手で滅ぼそうと、主が強情を張らせたのです。 31そのあと、主は私に、『さあ、シホン王の国を与えよう。遠慮なく占領するがいい。そこは永遠にイスラエルのものだ』と約束なさいました。

32シホン王は宣戦を布告し、ヤハツに軍隊を集めました。 33-34しかし主の助けで、私たちは彼を負かしました。町という町はすべて占領し、男も女も赤ん坊さえも打ち滅ぼし、 35-36家畜以外、生き残ったものはありませんでした。家畜は分捕り物とし、ほかにも戦利品を奪い取って引き揚げました。アルノン渓谷のアロエルやその他の町々をはじめ、ギルアデまでの全地を占領したのです。主が下さった町々ですから、向かうところ敵なしでした。 37ただし、アモン人の国、ヤボク川、山地の町々など、主のお許しがない所には近づきませんでした。