Colossians 1 – NIRV & CCBT

New International Reader’s Version

Colossians 1:1-29

1I, Paul, am writing this letter. I am an apostle of Christ Jesus just as God planned. Our brother Timothy joins me in writing.

2We are sending this letter to you, our brothers and sisters in Colossae. You belong to Christ. You are holy and faithful.

May God our Father give you grace and peace.

Paul Prays and Gives Thanks

3We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you. 4We thank him because we have heard about your faith in Christ Jesus. We have also heard that you love all God’s people. 5Your faith and love are based on the hope you have. What you hope for is stored up for you in heaven. You have already heard about it. You were told about it when the true message was given to you. I’m talking about the good news 6that has come to you. In the same way, the good news is bearing fruit. It is bearing fruit and growing all over the world. It has been doing that among you since the day you heard it. That is when you really understood God’s grace. 7You learned the good news from Epaphras. He is dear to us. He serves Christ together with us. He faithfully works for Christ and for us among you. 8He also told us about your love that comes from the Holy Spirit.

9That’s why we have not stopped praying for you. We have been praying for you since the day we heard about you. We keep asking God to fill you with the knowledge of what he wants. We pray he will give you the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives. 10Then you will be able to lead a life that is worthy of the Lord. We pray that you will please him in every way. So we want you to bear fruit in every good thing you do. We pray that you will grow to know God better. 11We want you to be very strong, in keeping with his glorious power. We want you to be patient. We pray that you will never give up. 12We want you to give thanks with joy to the Father. He has made you fit to have what he will give to all his holy people. You will all receive a share in the kingdom of light. 13He has saved us from the kingdom of darkness. He has brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves. 14Because of what the Son has done, we have been set free. Because of him, all our sins have been forgiven.

The Son of God Is Better Than Everything Else

15The Son is the exact likeness of God, who can’t be seen. The Son is first, and he is over all creation. 16All things were created in him. He created everything in heaven and on earth. He created everything that can be seen and everything that can’t be seen. He created kings, powers, rulers and authorities. All things have been created by him and for him. 17Before anything was created, he was already there. He holds everything together. 18And he is the head of the body, which is the church. He is the beginning. He is the first to be raised from the dead. That happened so that he would be far above everything. 19God was pleased to have his whole nature living in Christ. 20God was pleased to bring all things back to himself. That’s because of what Christ has done. These things include everything on earth and in heaven. God made peace through Christ’s blood, by his death on the cross.

21At one time you were separated from God. You were enemies in your minds because of your evil ways. 22But because Christ died, God has brought you back to himself. Christ’s death has made you holy in God’s sight. So now you don’t have any flaw. You are free from blame. 23But you must keep your faith steady and firm. You must not move away from the hope the good news holds out to you. This is the good news that you heard. It has been preached to every creature under heaven. I, Paul, now serve the good news.

Paul’s Work for the Church

24I am happy because of what I am suffering for you. My suffering joins with and continues the sufferings of Christ. I suffer for his body, which is the church. 25I serve the church. God appointed me to bring the complete word of God to you. 26That word contains the mystery that has been hidden for many ages. But now it has been made known to the Lord’s people. 27God has chosen to make known to them the glorious riches of that mystery. He has made it known among the Gentiles. And here is what it is. Christ is in you. He is your hope of glory.

28Christ is the one we preach about. With all the wisdom we have, we warn and teach everyone. When we bring them to God, we want them to be like Christ. We want them to be grown up as people who belong to Christ. 29That’s what I’m working for. I work hard with all the strength of Christ. His strength works powerfully in me.

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Traditional)

歌羅西書 1:1-29




3-4我們聽說了你們對基督耶穌的信心和對眾聖徒的愛心,為你們禱告的時候,常常感謝我們主耶穌基督的父上帝。 5你們能有這樣的信心和愛心是因為那給你們存在天上的盼望,就是你們從前從福音真道中聽到的盼望。 6這福音不但傳到了你們那裡,也傳到了世界各地,並且開花結果,信主的人數不斷增長,正如你們當初聽了福音,因為明白真理而認識上帝的恩典後的情形。 7這福音是你們從我們親愛的同工以巴弗那裡得知的。他代表我們1·7 我們」有古卷作「你們」。作基督的忠僕, 8並把聖靈賜給你們的愛心告訴了我們。

9因此,從聽到你們的消息那天起,我們便不斷地為你們禱告,求上帝使你們在一切屬靈的智慧和悟性上完全明白祂的旨意, 10以便你們行事為人對得起主,凡事蒙祂喜悅,在一切良善的事上結出果實,對上帝的認識不斷增加。 11願上帝以祂榮耀的權能使你們剛強,無論遇到什麼事都能長久忍耐, 12歡喜地感謝天父,因祂使你們有資格跟眾聖徒在光明中同享基業。 13祂把我們從黑暗的權勢下拯救出來,帶進祂愛子的國度裡。 14我們藉著祂的愛子蒙救贖,罪過得到赦免。


15基督是那不能看見之上帝的真像,超越1·15 超越」或譯「先存於」,希臘文是「長子」,常用來指地位上的優越或時間上的優先。一切受造之物。 16因為萬物都是藉著祂創造的,天上的、地上的、有形的、無形的、作王的、統治的、執政的、掌權的,一切都是藉著祂也是為了祂而創造的。 17祂存在於萬物之前,萬物都靠祂而維繫。 18祂是教會的頭,教會是祂的身體;祂是源頭,是首先從死裡復活的,這樣祂可以在一切事上居首位。 19因為上帝樂意讓一切的豐盛住在祂裡面, 20又藉著祂在十字架上所流的血成就了和平,使天地萬物藉著祂與上帝和好。

21你們從前與上帝隔絕,行事邪惡,心思意念與祂為敵; 22但現在上帝藉著基督肉身的死使你們與祂和好了,讓你們在祂面前成為聖潔無瑕、無可指責的人。 23只是你們必須恆心持守所信的道,根基穩固,堅定不移,不要失去你們聽到福音後所得到的盼望。這福音傳給了天下萬民。我保羅也作了這福音的使者。


24現在我因能夠為你們受苦而歡喜,並且我是為基督的身體——教會的緣故,在自己身上補滿基督未受的苦難。 25我受上帝的委派成為教會的僕人,要把上帝的道完整地傳給你們。 26這道是歷世歷代一直隱藏的奧祕,現在已經向祂的眾聖徒顯明了。 27上帝要他們知道這奧祕在外族人中有何等豐富的榮耀,這奧祕就是基督在你們裡面,使你們有榮耀的盼望。 28我們傳揚基督,用各樣的智慧勸誡、教導眾人,使他們在基督裡長大成熟,好把他們帶到上帝面前。 29為此,我按著祂在我身上運行的大能盡心竭力,不辭勞苦。