Acts 11 – NIRV & GKY

New International Reader’s Version

Acts 11:1-30

Peter Explains His Actions

1The apostles and the believers all through Judea heard that Gentiles had also received God’s word. 2Peter went up to Jerusalem. There the Jewish believers found fault with him. 3They said, “You went into the house of Gentiles. You ate with them.”

4Starting from the beginning, Peter told them the whole story. 5“I was in the city of Joppa praying,” he said. “There I had a vision. I saw something that looked like a large sheet. It was being let down from heaven by its four corners. It came down to where I was. 6I looked into it and saw four-footed animals of the earth. There were also wild animals, reptiles and birds. 7Then I heard a voice speaking to me. ‘Get up, Peter,’ the voice said. ‘Kill and eat.’

8“I replied, ‘No, Lord! I will not! Nothing that is not pure and “clean” has ever entered my mouth.’

9“A second time the voice spoke from heaven. The voice said, ‘Do not say anything is not pure that God has made “clean.” ’ 10This happened three times. Then the sheet was pulled up into heaven.

11“Just then three men stopped at the house where I was staying. They had been sent to me from Caesarea. 12The Holy Spirit told me not to let anything keep me from going with them. These six brothers here went with me. We entered the man’s house. 13He told us how he had seen an angel appear in his house. The angel said, ‘Send to Joppa for Simon Peter. 14He has a message to bring to you. You and your whole family will be saved through it.’

15“As I began to speak, the Holy Spirit came on them. He came just as he had come on us at the beginning. 16Then I remembered the Lord’s words. ‘John baptized with water,’ he had said. ‘But you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.’ 17God gave them the same gift he gave those of us who believed in the Lord Jesus Christ. So who was I to think that I could stand in God’s way?”

18When they heard this, they didn’t object anymore. They praised God. They said, “So then, God has allowed even Gentiles to turn away from their sins. He did this so that they could live.”

The Believers in Antioch

19Some believers had been scattered by the suffering that unbelievers had caused them. They were scattered after Stephen was killed. Those believers traveled as far as Phoenicia, Cyprus and Antioch. But they spread the word only among Jews. 20Some believers from Cyprus and Cyrene went to Antioch. There they began to speak to Greeks also. They told them the good news about the Lord Jesus. 21The Lord’s power was with them. Large numbers of people believed and turned to the Lord.

22The church in Jerusalem heard about this. So they sent Barnabas to Antioch. 23When he arrived and saw what the grace of God had done, he was glad. He told them all to remain true to the Lord with all their hearts. 24Barnabas was a good man. He was full of the Holy Spirit and of faith. Large numbers of people came to know the Lord.

25Then Barnabas went to Tarsus to look for Saul. 26He found him there. Then he brought him to Antioch. For a whole year Barnabas and Saul met with the church. They taught large numbers of people. At Antioch the believers were called Christians for the first time.

27In those days some prophets came down from Jerusalem to Antioch. 28One of them was named Agabus. He stood up and spoke through the Spirit. He said there would not be nearly enough food anywhere in the Roman world. This happened while Claudius was the emperor. 29The believers decided to provide help for the brothers and sisters living in Judea. All of them helped as much as they could. 30They sent their gift to the elders through Barnabas and Saul.

Holy Bible in Gĩkũyũ

Atũmwo 11:1-30

Petero Gũtaarĩria Gĩtũmi gĩa Ciĩko Ciake

111:1 Atũm 1:16; Ahib 4:12Na rĩrĩ, atũmwo, na ariũ na aarĩ a Ithe witũ arĩa maarĩ Judea guothe makĩigua atĩ andũ-a-Ndũrĩrĩ o nao nĩmarĩkĩtie kwamũkĩra kiugo kĩa Ngai. 211:2 Atũm 10:45Nĩ ũndũ ũcio rĩrĩa Petero aambatire agĩthiĩ Jerusalemu, andũ arĩa meetĩkĩtie a thiritũ ya arĩa maruaga makĩmũrũithia 311:3 Atũm 10:25, 28; Agal 2:12makĩmwĩra atĩrĩ, “Wee nĩwatoonyire nyũmba ya andũ arĩa mataruaga, na ũkĩrĩĩanĩra nao.”

4Nowe Petero akĩambĩrĩria kũmataarĩria maũndũ mothe wega o ta ũrĩa meekĩkĩte, akĩmeera atĩrĩ: 511:5 Atũm 10:9-32“Ndaarĩ itũũra-inĩ rĩa Jopa ngĩhooya Ngai, na rĩrĩa ndaagoocereire-rĩ, ngĩona kĩoneki. Ngĩona kĩndũ gĩatariĩ ta gĩtama kĩnene gĩkĩharũrũkio kuuma igũrũ na mĩthia yakĩo ĩna, na gĩgĩikũrũka o harĩa ndaarĩ. 6Ndaacũthĩrĩria thĩinĩ wakĩo ngĩona nyamũ cia thĩ iria irĩ magũrũ mana, na nyamũ cia gĩthaka, na nyamũ iria itambaga thĩ na nyoni cia rĩera-inĩ. 7Ngĩcooka ngĩigua mũgambo ũkĩnjĩĩra atĩrĩ, ‘Petero, ũkĩra. Thĩnja, na ũrĩe!’

8“Na niĩ ngĩcookia atĩrĩ, ‘Aca, Mwathani! Gũtirĩ kĩndũ gĩtarĩ kĩamũre kana kĩrĩ thaahu kĩrĩ gĩatoonya kanua gakwa.’

9“Naguo mũgambo ũcio ũkĩaria riita rĩa keerĩ kuuma igũrũ ũkĩnjĩĩra atĩrĩ, ‘Ndũkanoige kĩndũ o na kĩrĩkũ kĩrĩa Ngai atheretie atĩ ti kĩamũre.’ 10Ũndũ ũyũ wekĩkire maita matatũ, nakĩo gĩtama kĩu gĩkĩguucio na igũrũ.

11“O hĩndĩ ĩyo andũ atatũ arĩa maatũmĩtwo kũrĩ niĩ kuuma Kaisarea magĩkinya nyũmba-inĩ ĩrĩa ndaikaraga. 1211:12 Atũm 8:29; Atũm 15:9Nake Roho akĩnjĩĩra thiĩ nao na ndikagĩe na ngaanja. Nao ariũ a Ithe witũ aya atandatũ tũgĩthiĩ nao na tũgĩtoonya nyũmba ya mũndũ ũcio. 13Nake agĩtwĩra ũrĩa oimĩrĩirwo nĩ mũraika arĩ gwake nyũmba, akĩmwĩra atĩrĩ, ‘Tũmana Jopa wĩtĩrwo Simoni ũrĩa wĩtagwo Petero. 14Nĩegũkũrehera ndũmĩrĩri ĩrĩa ĩgũtũma wee na nyũmba yaku yothe mũhonoke.’

1511:15 Atũm 2:4“Na rĩrĩa ndaambĩrĩirie kwaria-rĩ, Roho Mũtheru akĩmaikũrũkĩra o ta ũrĩa aatũikũrũkĩire hĩndĩ ya mbere. 1611:16 Mar 1:8Hĩndĩ ĩyo ngĩririkana ũrĩa Mwathani oigĩte atĩrĩ, ‘Johana aabatithanagia na maaĩ, no inyuĩ mũkaabatithio na Roho Mũtheru.’ 1711:17 Atũm 10:45, 47Angĩkorwo Ngai nĩamaheire kĩheo o kĩrĩa aatũheire ithuĩ andũ arĩa twetĩkirie Mwathani Jesũ Kristũ-rĩ, niĩ ndaarĩ ũũ nĩguo ndĩciirie atĩ no ngararie Ngai?”

18Rĩrĩa maaiguire ũguo, magĩtiga ngarari na makĩgooca Ngai, makiuga atĩrĩ, “Gwakorwo nĩ ũguo-rĩ, Ngai nĩakinyĩirie andũ-a-Ndũrĩrĩ o nao ũhoro wa kwĩrira nĩguo magĩe na muoyo.”

Kanitha wa Antiokia

1911:19 Atũm 8:1, 4; Agal 2:11Na rĩrĩ, andũ arĩa maahurunjũkire nĩ ũndũ wa kũnyariirwo thuutha wa kũũragwo gwa Stefano magĩthiĩ o nginya Foinike, na Kuporo, na Antiokia, no matiahunjagĩria andũ angĩ ũhoro tiga o Ayahudi oiki. 2011:20 Atũm 4:36; Atũm 2:41O na kũrĩ o ũguo, andũ amwe ao, arĩa moimĩte Kuporo, na Kurene, magĩthiĩ Antiokia na makĩambĩrĩria kwarĩria Ayunani o nao, makĩmahunjĩria ũhoro mwega ũkoniĩ Mwathani Jesũ. 2111:21 Luk 1:66Guoko kwa Mwathani kwarĩ hamwe nao; na andũ aingĩ magĩĩtĩkia makĩgarũrũkĩra Mwathani.

22Nayo ngumo ya maũndũ macio igĩkinyĩra andũ a kanitha ũrĩa warĩ kũu Jerusalemu; nao magĩtũma Baranaba athiĩ Antiokia. 2311:23 Atũm 13:43; Atũm 14:22Rĩrĩa aakinyire na akĩona ũira wa wega wa Ngai, agĩkena na akĩmomĩrĩria marĩ othe, atĩ maikarage maathĩkĩire Mwathani na ngoro ciao ciothe. 24Baranaba aarĩ mũndũ mwega waiyũrĩtwo nĩ Roho Mũtheru na warĩ na wĩtĩkio, nao andũ aingĩ magĩĩtĩkia Mwathani.

25Nake Baranaba agĩthiĩ Tariso gũcaria Saũlũ, 26na rĩrĩa aamuonire akĩmũrehe Antiokia. Nĩ ũndũ ũcio kwa ihinda rĩa mwaka ũmwe Baranaba na Saũlũ makĩgomana na kanitha na makĩruta andũ aingĩ. Kũu Antiokia nĩkuo arutwo meetirwo Akristiano riita rĩa mbere.

2711:27 1Akor 12:28, 29Ihinda-inĩ rĩu anabii amwe magĩikũrũka kuuma Jerusalemu nginya Antiokia. 2811:28 Atũm 21:10Ũmwe wao wetagwo Agabo akĩrũgama, na nĩ ũndũ wa kũmenyithio nĩ Roho Mũtheru, akĩratha atĩ nĩ gũkũgĩa ngʼaragu nene Roma guothe. (Ũndũ ũcio wekĩkire hĩndĩ ya wathani wa Kilaudio.) 29Nao arutwo, magĩĩciiria kũheana ũteithio nĩ ũndũ wa ariũ a Ithe witũ arĩa maatũũraga kũu Judea, o ta ũrĩa mũndũ aahotithĩtio. 3011:30 Atũm 12:25Nĩmekire ũndũ ũcio, makĩnengera Baranaba na Saũlũ iheo ciao matwarĩre athuuri a kanitha.