2 Thessalonians 3 – NIRV & CCB

New International Reader’s Version

2 Thessalonians 3:1-18

Paul Asks for Prayer

1Now I want to talk about some other matters. Brothers and sisters, pray for us. Pray that the Lord’s message will spread quickly. Pray that others will honor it just as you did. 2And pray that we will be saved from sinful and evil people. Not everyone is a believer. 3But the Lord is faithful. He will strengthen you. He will guard you from the evil one. 4We trust in the Lord. So we are sure that you are doing the things we tell you to do. And we are sure that you will keep on doing them. 5May the Lord fill your hearts with God’s love. May Christ give you the strength to go on.

Paul Warns Those Who Do Not Want to Work

6Brothers and sisters, here is a command we give you. We give it in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Keep away from every believer who doesn’t want to work and makes trouble. Keep away from any believer who doesn’t live up to the teaching you received from us. 7You know how you should follow our example. We worked when we were with you. 8We didn’t eat anyone’s food without paying for it. In fact, it was just the opposite. We worked night and day. We worked very hard so that we wouldn’t cause any expense to any of you. 9We worked, even though we have the right to receive help from you. We did it in order to be a model for you to follow. 10Even when we were with you, we gave you a rule. We said, “Anyone who won’t work shouldn’t be allowed to eat.”

11We hear that some people among you don’t want to work and are making trouble. They aren’t really busy. Instead, they are bothering others. 12We belong to the Lord Jesus Christ. So we strongly command people like that to settle down. They have to earn the food they eat. 13Brothers and sisters, don’t ever get tired of doing what is good.

14Keep an eye on anyone who doesn’t obey the teachings in our letter. Don’t have anything to do with that person. Then they will feel ashamed. 15But don’t think of them as an enemy. Instead, warn them as you would warn another believer.

Final Greetings

16May the Lord who gives peace give you peace at all times and in every way. May the Lord be with all of you.

17I, Paul, write this greeting in my own handwriting. That’s how I prove that I am the author of all my letters. I always do it that way.

18May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified)

帖撒罗尼迦后书 3:1-18


1弟兄姊妹,最后我还要请你们为我们祷告,好使主的道像在你们那里一样迅速传开,受到尊崇, 2并使我们能避开那些邪恶的人,因为不是人人都有信心。

3主是信实的,祂必使你们刚强,保护你们脱离那恶者。 4我们靠着主深信你们现在遵行了我们的吩咐,而且以后还会继续遵行。



6弟兄姊妹,现在我们奉主耶稣基督的名吩咐你们,要远离那些游手好闲、不遵守我们教导的信徒。 7你们自己知道应该怎样效法我们,因为我们在你们那里的时候,并没有懒懒散散, 8也没有白吃谁的饭,而是昼夜辛勤工作,免得成为你们任何人的负担。 9我们并不是没有权利接受供应,而是要给你们树立学习的榜样。 10我们在你们那里的时候,曾吩咐过你们:不肯工作的人没有资格吃饭。 11我们听说在你们当中有些人游手好闲,无所事事,却专管闲事。 12我们奉主耶稣基督的名吩咐并劝诫这些人要安分守己,自食其力。

13弟兄姊妹,你们要坚持行善,不要灰心。 14如果有人不听从这信上的教导,要注意提防他,不要和他来往,好使他羞愧。 15只是不可把他当作仇人,要像对待弟兄姊妹一样劝诫他。


16愿平安之主随时随地亲自赐你们平安!愿主与你们同在! 17我保罗在这里亲笔问候你们,这是我的笔迹,我所有的信都以此为记号。
