2 Samuel 7 – NIRV & CCBT

New International Reader’s Version

2 Samuel 7:1-29

God’s Promise to David

1The king moved into his palace. The Lord had given him peace and rest from all his enemies around him. 2Then the king spoke to Nathan the prophet. He said, “Here I am, living in a house that has beautiful cedar walls. But the ark of God remains in a tent.”

3Nathan replied to the king, “Go ahead and do what you want to. The Lord is with you.”

4But that night the word of the Lord came to Nathan. The Lord said,

5“Go and speak to my servant David. Tell him, ‘The Lord says, “Are you the one to build me a house to live in? 6I brought the Israelites up out of Egypt. But I have not lived in a house from then until now. I have been moving from place to place. I have been living in a tent. 7I have moved from place to place with all the Israelites. I commanded their rulers to be shepherds over them. I never asked any of those rulers, ‘Why haven’t you built me a house that has beautiful cedar walls?’ ” ’

8“So tell my servant David, ‘The Lord who rules over all says, “I took you away from the grasslands. That’s where you were taking care of your father’s sheep and goats. I made you ruler over my people Israel. 9I have been with you everywhere you have gone. I have destroyed all your enemies. Now I will make you famous. Your name will be just as respected as the names of the most important people on earth. 10I will provide a place where my people Israel can live. I will plant them in the land. Then they will have a home of their own. They will not be bothered anymore. Evil people will no longer crush them, as they did at first. 11That is what your enemies have done ever since I appointed leaders over my people Israel. But I will give you peace and rest from all of them.

“ ‘ “I tell you that I, the Lord, will set up a royal house for you. 12Some day your life will come to an end. You will join the members of your family who have already died. Then I will make one of your own sons the next king after you. And I will make his kingdom secure. 13He is the one who will build a house where I will put my Name. I will set up the throne of his kingdom. It will last forever. 14I will be his father. And he will be my son. When he does what is wrong, I will use other men to beat him with rods and whips. 15I took my love away from Saul. I removed him from being king. You were there when I did it. But I will never take my love away from your son. 16Your royal house and your kingdom will last forever in my sight. Your throne will last forever.” ’ ”

17Nathan reported to David all the words that the Lord had spoken to him.

David’s Prayer to the Lord

18Then King David went into the holy tent. He sat down in front of the Lord. He said,

Lord and King, who am I? My family isn’t important. So why have you brought me this far? 19I would have thought that you had already done more than enough for me. But now, Lord and King, you have also said what will happen to my royal house in days to come. And, my Lord and King, this promise is for a mere human being!

20“What more can I say to you? Lord and King, you know all about me. 21You have done a wonderful thing. You have made it known to me. You have done it because that’s what you said you would do. It’s exactly what you wanted to do for me.

22Lord and King, how great you are! There isn’t anyone like you. There isn’t any God but you. We have heard about it with our own ears. 23Who is like your people Israel? God, we are the one nation on earth you have saved. You have set us free for yourself. Your name has become famous. You have done great and wonderful things. You have driven out nations and their gods to make room for your people. You saved us when you set us free from Egypt. 24You made Israel your very own people forever. Lord, you have become our God.

25“And now, Lord God, keep forever the promise you have made to me and my royal house. Do exactly as you promised. 26Then your name will be honored forever. People will say, ‘The Lord rules over all. He is God over Israel.’ My royal house will be made secure in your sight.

27Lord who rules over all, you are the God of Israel. Here’s what you have shown me. You told me, ‘I will build you a royal house.’ So I can boldly pray this prayer to you. 28Lord and King, you are God! Your covenant can be trusted. You have promised many good things to me. 29Now please bless my royal house. Then it will continue forever in your sight. Lord and King, you have spoken. Because you have given my royal house your blessing, it will be blessed forever.”

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Traditional)

撒母耳記下 7:1-29


1大衛住在王宮裡,耶和華使他安享太平,不受四圍的仇敵侵擾。 2一天,王對拿單先知說:「你看!我住在香柏木造的王宮中,但上帝的約櫃還留在帳篷裡。」 3拿單答道:「你只管照著自己的想法去做吧,因為耶和華與你同在。」 4當晚耶和華對拿單說: 5「你去告訴我的僕人大衛,『耶和華說,你豈是為我建造殿宇的人? 6從我把以色列人帶出埃及那天起,直到今天,我從未住過殿宇,一路上都住在帳篷裡。 7在我與以色列人同行的日子,我從未責問任何我委派牧養我子民的士師,你為何不為我建香柏木的殿宇呢?』

8「現在你要告訴我的僕人大衛,萬軍之耶和華說,『你原本在草場牧羊,我召你來做我以色列子民的首領。 9無論你去哪裡,我都與你同在,為你剷除所有仇敵。現在我要使你聲名遠播,與世上的偉人齊名。 10-11我必為我的以色列子民預備一個地方,栽培他們,讓他們住在自己的家園,不再受驚擾,不會像從前我設立士師治理他們的時候那樣受惡人壓迫。我必使你安定,免受仇敵的侵擾。我耶和華向你宣告,我必建立你的王室。 12你壽終正寢、與祖先同眠之後,我必立你的後裔接替你的王位,使他江山穩固。 13他必為我的名建造聖殿,我必使他的王位堅立,直到永遠。 14我要做他的父親,他要做我的兒子。如果他犯了罪,我必用人的杖、世人的鞭子來懲治他, 15但我的慈愛卻不會像離開從你面前被廢的掃羅那樣離開他。 16你的家和你的國必在我面前永遠堅立,你的王位必永遠穩固。』」



18於是,大衛王走進會幕,在耶和華面前坐下,說:「主耶和華啊,我是誰?我的家算什麼?你竟如此厚待我。 19主耶和華啊,你覺得這還不夠,你還要施恩賜福給你僕人的後代。主耶和華啊,這樣的福分豈是常人可以得到的? 20主耶和華啊,我還能對你說什麼呢?你深知你的僕人。 21你讓僕人知道你憑自己的應許、按自己的旨意行了這大事。 22主耶和華啊,你真偉大!我們從未聽過有誰能與你相比,你是獨一無二的上帝。 23世上哪個民族比得上你的以色列子民呢?你從埃及救出他們,讓他們做你的子民,又彰顯你的大名,行神蹟奇事,把列國及其神明從你的以色列子民面前趕走。 24你讓以色列人永遠做你的子民,你耶和華做他們的上帝。

25「耶和華上帝啊,求你永遠信守你對僕人和僕人家的應許。 26這樣,你的名必永遠被尊崇,人們必說,『萬軍之耶和華是治理以色列的上帝。』願你僕人大衛的家在你面前堅立。 27以色列的上帝——萬軍之耶和華啊,因為你曾啟示僕人,說你要使我家世代為王,僕人才有勇氣這樣向你禱告。 28主耶和華啊,只有你是上帝,你的話真實可靠,你給了僕人美好的應許。 29現在求你賜福給僕人家,讓僕人家在你面前永續不斷。主耶和華啊,這些都是你的應許,願你永遠賜福給僕人家。」