2 Samuel 24 – NIRV & CCBT

New International Reader’s Version

2 Samuel 24:1-25

David Counts His Fighting Men

1The Lord was very angry with Israel. He stirred up David against them. He said, “Go! Count the men of Israel and Judah.”

2So the king spoke to Joab and the army commanders with him. He said, “Go all through the territories of the tribes of Israel. Go from the town of Dan all the way to Beersheba. Count the fighting men. Then I’ll know how many there are.”

3Joab replied to the king. He said, “King David, you are my master. May the Lord your God multiply the troops 100 times. And may you live to see it. But why would you want me to count the fighting men?”

4The king’s word had more authority than the word of Joab and the army commanders. That was true in spite of what Joab had said. So they left the king and went out to count the fighting men of Israel.

5They went across the Jordan River. They camped south of the town in the middle of the Arnon River valley near Aroer. Then they went through Gad and continued on to Jazer. 6They went to Gilead and the area of Tahtim Hodshi. They continued to Dan Jaan and on around toward Sidon. 7Then they went toward the fort of Tyre. They went to all the towns of the Hivites and Canaanites. Finally, they went on to Beersheba. It was in the Negev Desert of Judah.

8They finished going through the entire land. Then they came back to Jerusalem. They had been gone for nine months and 20 days.

9Joab reported to the king how many fighting men he had counted. In Israel there were 800,000 men who were able to handle a sword. In Judah there were 500,000.

10David felt sorry that he had counted the fighting men. So he said to the Lord, “I committed a great sin when I counted Judah and Israel’s men. Lord, I beg you to take away my guilt. I’ve done a very foolish thing.”

11Before David got up the next morning, a message from the Lord came to Gad the prophet. He was David’s seer. The message said, 12“Go and tell David, ‘The Lord says, “I could punish you in three different ways. Choose one of them for me to use against you.” ’ ”

13So Gad went to David. He said to him, “Take your choice. Do you want three years when there won’t be enough food in your land? Or do you want three months when you will run away from your enemies while they chase you? Or do you want three days when there will be a plague in your land? Think it over. Then take your pick. Tell me how to answer the one who sent me.”

14David said to Gad, “I’m suffering terribly. Let us fall into the hands of the Lord. His mercy is great. But don’t let me fall into human hands.”

15So the Lord sent a plague on Israel. It lasted from that morning until he decided to end it. From Dan all the way to Beersheba 70,000 people died. 16The angel reached his hand out to destroy Jerusalem. But the Lord stopped sending the plague. So he spoke to the angel who was making the people suffer. He said, “That is enough! Do not kill any more people.” The angel of the Lord was at Araunah’s threshing floor. Araunah was from the city of Jebus.

17David saw the angel who was striking down the people. David said to the Lord, “I’m the one who has sinned. I’m the one who has done what is wrong. I’m like a shepherd for these people. These people are like sheep. What have they done? Let your judgment be on me and my family.”

David Builds an Altar

18On that day Gad went to David. Gad said to him, “Go up to the threshing floor of Araunah, the Jebusite. Build an altar there to honor the Lord.” 19So David went up and did it. He did what the Lord had commanded through Gad. 20Araunah looked and saw the king and his officials coming toward him. So he went out to welcome them. He bowed down to the king with his face toward the ground.

21Araunah said, “King David, you are my master. Why have you come to see me?”

“To buy your threshing floor,” David answered. “I want to build an altar there to honor the Lord. When I do, the plague on the people will be stopped.”

22Araunah said to David, “Take anything you wish. Offer it up. Here are oxen for the burnt offering. Here are threshing sleds. And here are wooden collars from the necks of the oxen. Use all the wood to burn the offering. 23Your Majesty, I’ll give all of it to you.” Araunah continued, “And may the Lord your God accept you.”

24But the king replied to Araunah, “No. I want to pay you for it. I won’t sacrifice to the Lord my God burnt offerings that haven’t cost me anything.”

So David bought the threshing floor and the oxen. He paid 20 ounces of silver for them. 25David built an altar there to honor the Lord. He sacrificed burnt offerings and friendship offerings. Then the Lord answered David’s prayer and blessed the land. The plague on Israel was stopped.

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Traditional)

撒母耳記下 24:1-25


1耶和華又向以色列人發怒,祂促使大衛來對付他們,讓大衛統計以色列猶大的人口。 2大衛對統領軍隊的約押說:「你去走遍以色列各支派,從別示巴,統計以色列猶大的人口,讓我知道國民的數目。」 3約押說:「我主我王,願你的上帝耶和華使國民增加百倍,讓你親眼看到。但我主我王為什麼要統計人口呢?」 4大衛不聽約押和其他將領的規勸。他們只好去統計以色列的人數。 5他們過了約旦河,在谷中亞羅珥城南面安營,又經過迦得前往雅謝6然後,他們到基列他停·合示地區、但·雅安,繞到西頓7再去泰爾的堡壘及希未人和迦南人的城邑。最後,他們到了猶大南部的別示巴8他們花了九個月零二十天的時間,走遍全國,最後回到耶路撒冷9約押把統計的人數奏告大衛:「以色列有八十萬英勇的刀兵,猶大有五十萬。」

10大衛統計了人口以後,內心不安,就對耶和華說:「我做這事犯了大罪。耶和華啊,求你赦免僕人的罪,我做了極其愚昧的事。」 11第二天早上,耶和華對大衛的先見——迦得先知說: 12「你去告訴大衛,耶和華說,『我有三樣災禍,你可以選擇讓我降哪一樣給你。』」 13迦得就來見大衛,對他說:「你願意國內有七年饑荒呢?還是被敵人追殺三個月呢?還是國內發生三天瘟疫呢?請你考慮好後告訴我,我好回覆那差我來的。」 14大衛說:「我實在為難!不過我寧願落在耶和華的手中,也不願落在人的手中,因為耶和華有無限的憐憫。」

15於是,那天早晨,耶和華在以色列降下瘟疫,瘟疫持續了三天,從別示巴共有七萬人死亡。 16當天使準備伸手毀滅耶路撒冷的時候,耶和華心生憐憫,就對滅命天使說:「夠了,住手吧!」當時,耶和華的天使正站在耶布斯亞勞拿的麥場上。 17大衛看見滅命天使,就對耶和華說:「是我犯了罪,做了惡事,這些百姓有什麼過錯呢?願你的手懲罰我和我的家族。」

18就在那天,迦得來見大衛,對他說:「你要去耶布斯亞勞拿的麥場,在那裡為耶和華築一座壇。」 19大衛就照耶和華藉迦得所說的話去了亞勞拿的麥場。 20亞勞拿看見王及他的臣僕來了,就上前俯伏在地,向王跪拜, 21說:「我主我王到僕人這裡有什麼事?」大衛說:「我要買你的麥場,好在這裡為耶和華築一座壇,使百姓當中的瘟疫止住。」 22亞勞拿說:「我主我王喜歡什麼,就拿去獻祭吧。這裡有牛可以作燔祭,還有麥場的工具和牛軛可以作柴。 23王啊,僕人亞勞拿願意把這一切都獻給你,願你的上帝耶和華悅納你。」 24王卻說:「不可,我一定要出錢買,我不願意用白白得來之物作為燔祭獻給我的上帝耶和華。」大衛就用六百克銀子買了亞勞拿的麥場和牛。 25大衛在麥場上為耶和華建了一座壇,獻上燔祭和平安祭,耶和華垂聽了他的禱告,瘟疫就在以色列止住了。