2 Samuel 21 – NIRV & NASV

New International Reader’s Version

2 Samuel 21:1-22

David Makes Things Right for the People of Gibeon

1For three years in a row there wasn’t enough food in the land. That was while David was king. So David asked the Lord why he wasn’t blessing his people. The Lord said, “It is because Saul and his family committed murder. He put the people of Gibeon to death.”

2The people of Gibeon weren’t a part of Israel. Instead, they were some of the Amorites who were still left alive. The Israelites had promised to spare them. But Saul had tried to put an end to them. That’s because he wanted to make Israel and Judah strong. So now King David sent for the people of Gibeon and spoke to them. 3He asked them, “What would you like me to do for you? How can I make up for the wrong things that were done to you? I want you to be able to pray that the Lord will once again bless his land.”

4The people of Gibeon answered him. They said, “No amount of silver or gold can make up for what Saul and his family did to us. And we can’t put anyone in Israel to death.”

“What do you want me to do for you?” David asked.

5They answered the king, “Saul nearly destroyed us. He made plans to wipe us out. We don’t have anywhere to live in Israel. 6So let seven of the males in his family line be given to us. We’ll kill them. We’ll put their dead bodies out in the open in the sight of the Lord. We’ll do it at Gibeah of Saul. Saul was the Lord’s chosen king.”

So King David said, “I’ll give seven males to you.”

7The king spared Mephibosheth. He was the son of Jonathan and the grandson of Saul. David had made a promise in front of the Lord. He had promised to be kind to Jonathan and the family line of his father Saul. 8But the king chose Armoni and another Mephibosheth. They were the two sons of Aiah’s daughter Rizpah. Saul was their father. The king also chose the five sons of Saul’s daughter Merab. Adriel, the son of Barzillai, was their father. Adriel was from Meholah. 9King David handed them over to the people of Gibeon. They killed them. They put their dead bodies out in the open on a hill in the sight of the Lord. All seven of them died together. They were put to death during the first days of the harvest. It happened just when people were beginning to harvest the barley.

10Aiah’s daughter Rizpah took some rough cloth people wear when they’re sad. She spread it out for herself on a rock. She stayed there from the beginning of the harvest until it rained. The rain poured down from the sky on the dead bodies of the seven males. She didn’t let the birds touch them by day. She didn’t let the wild animals touch them at night. 11Someone told David what Rizpah had done. She was Aiah’s daughter and Saul’s concubine. 12David went and got the bones of Saul and his son Jonathan. He got them from the citizens of Jabesh Gilead. They had stolen their bodies from the main street in Beth Shan. That’s where the Philistines had hung their bodies up on the city wall. They had done it after they struck Saul down on Mount Gilboa. 13David brought the bones of Saul and his son Jonathan from Jabesh Gilead. The bones of the seven males who had been killed and put out in the open were also gathered up.

14The bones of Saul and his son Jonathan were buried in the tomb of Saul’s father Kish. The tomb was at Zela in the territory of Benjamin. Everything the king commanded was done. After that, God answered prayer and blessed the land.

Wars Against the Philistines

15Once again there was a battle between the Philistines and Israel. David went down with his men to fight against the Philistines. He became very tired. 16Ishbi-Benob belonged to the family line of Rapha. The tip of his bronze spear weighed seven and a half pounds. He was also armed with a new sword. He said he would kill David. 17But Abishai, the son of Zeruiah, came to save David. He struck down the Philistine and killed him. Then David’s men made a promise. They said to David, “We never want you to go out with us to battle again. You are the lamp of Israel’s kingdom. We want that lamp to keep on burning brightly.”

18There was another battle against the Philistines. It took place at Gob. At that time Sibbekai killed Saph. Sibbekai was a Hushathite. Saph was from the family line of Rapha.

19In another battle against the Philistines at Gob, Elhanan killed Goliath’s brother. Elhanan was the son of Jair from Bethlehem. Goliath was from the city of Gath. His spear was as big as a weaver’s rod.

20There was still another battle. It took place at Gath. A huge man lived there. He had six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot. So the total number of his toes and fingers was 24. He was also from the family of Rapha. 21He made fun of Israel. So Jonathan killed him. Jonathan was the son of David’s brother Shimeah.

22Those four Philistine men lived in Gath. They were from the family line of Rapha. David and his men killed them.

New Amharic Standard Version

2 ሳሙኤል 21:1-22

የገባዖናውያን ብቀላ

1በዳዊት ዘመነ መንግሥት፣ በተከታታይ ለሦስት ዓመት ራብ ሆነ፤ ስለዚህ ዳዊት እግዚአብሔርን ጠየቀ፤ እግዚአብሔርም፣ “ሳኦል ገባዖናውያንን ስለ ገደለ፣ እርሱና ቤቱ የደም ዕዳ አለባቸው” አለ።

2ንጉሡ ገባዖናውያንን ጠርቶ አነጋገራቸው። ገባዖናውያን ከአሞራውያን የተረፉ እንጂ ከእስራኤል ወገን አልነበሩም፤ እስራኤላውያን ሊጠብቋቸው ቢምሉላቸውም፣ ሳኦል ግን ለእስራኤልና ለይሁዳ ካለው ቅናት የተነሣ ሙሉ በሙሉ ሊያጠፋቸው ፈልጎ ነበር፤ 3ዳዊትም ገባዖናውያንን፣ “ምን ላድርግላችሁ? የእግዚአብሔርን ርስት ትባርኩ ዘንድ ማስተስረያውን ምን ማድረግ አለብኝ?” ሲል ጠየቃቸው።

4ገባዖናውያንም፣ “ከሳኦልም ሆነ ከቤተ ሰቡ ብር ወይም ወርቅ የመጠየቅ መብት የለንም፤ እንዲሁም ከእስራኤል ማንንም ለመግደል መብት የለንም” ብለው መለሱለት።

ዳዊትም፣ “ታዲያ ምን ላድርግላችሁ?” ሲል ጠየቃቸው።

5እነርሱም፣ “እንድንፈራርስና በእስራኤልም ውስጥ በየትኛውም ስፍራ እንዳንኖር ካጠፋንና ደባ ከፈጸመብን ሰው 6ከእርሱ ዘሮች ሰባት ወንዶች ልጆች ይሰጠን፤ እኛም ከእግዚአብሔር በተመረጠው በሳኦል አገር በጊብዓ በእግዚአብሔር ፊት እንስቀላቸው” ብለው መለሱለት።

ስለዚህ ንጉሡ፣ “እሺ እሰጣችኋለሁ” አለ።

7ንጉሥ ዳዊት በራሱና በሳኦል ልጅ በዮናታን መካከል በእግዚአብሔር ፊት ስላደረጉት መሐላ ሲል የሳኦልን ልጅ፣ የዮናታንን ልጅ ሜምፊቦስቴን ከሞት አተረፈ። 8ነገር ግን ንጉሡ፣ የኢዮሄል ልጅ ሪጽፋ ለሳኦል የወለደቻቸውን ሁለቱን ወንዶች ልጆች ሄርሞንንና ሜምፊቦስቴን፤ የሳኦል ልጅ ሜሮብ21፥8 ሁለት የዕብራይስጥ ቅጆች፤ አንዳንድ የሰብዓ ሊቃናትና የሱርስት ትርጕሞች ከዚህ ጋር ይስማማሉ (እንዲሁም 1ሳሙ 18፥19 ይመ)፤ አብዛኞቹ የዕብራይስጥና የሰብዓ ሊቃናት ቅጆች ግን፣ ሜልኮል ይላሉ። ለመሓላታዊው ለቤርዜሊ ልጅ ለኤስድሪኤል የወለደችለትን አምስት ወንዶች ልጆች ጭምር ወሰደ፤ 9ለገባዖናውያን አሳልፎ ሰጣቸው፤ እነርሱም ገድለው በኰረብታው ላይ በእግዚአብሔር ፊት ሰቀሏቸው። ሰባቱም በአንድነት ወደቁ፤ የተገደሉትም በመከሩ ወራት የመጀመሪያ ቀኖች፣ የገብስ ዐጨዳ በተጀመረበት ዕለት ነበር።

10የኢዮሄል ልጅ ሪጽፋ ማቅ ወስዳ፣ በቋጥኝ ላይ ለራሷ አነጠፈች፤ ከመከር ወቅት መጀመሪያ አንሥቶ ዝናብ ከሰማይ በሬሳዎቹ ላይ እስከ ወረደ ጊዜ ድረስ፣ ቀን የሰማይ ወፎች ሌሊት የዱር አራዊት እንዲነኳቸው አልፈቀደችም፤ 11የሳኦል ቁባት የኢዮሄል ልጅ ሪጽፋ ያደረገችውን ዳዊት በሰማ ጊዜ፣ 12ሄዶ የሳኦልንና የልጁን የዮናታንን ዐፅም ከኢያቢስ ገለዓድ ሰዎች ወሰደ፤ የኢያቢስ ሰዎች፣ ፍልስጥኤማውያን ሳኦልን በጊልቦዓ ከገደሉ በኋላ እነርሱን ከሰቀሉት ከቤትሳን አደባባይ በድብቅ ወስደዋቸው ነበር። 13ዳዊትም የሳኦልንና የልጁን የዮናታንን ዐፅም ከዚያ አመጣ፤ እንዲሁም የእነዚያን የተገደሉትን ሰዎች ዐፅም ሰበሰቡ።

14የሳኦልንና የልጁን የዮናታንን ዐፅም በብንያም አገር ጼላ በተባለ ስፍራ በሳኦል አባት በቂስ መቃብር ቀበሩት፤ ንጉሡ ያዘዘውንም ሁሉ አደረጉ። ከዚያ በኋላም ስለ ምድሪቱ የቀረበውን ጸሎት እግዚአብሔር ሰማ።

በፍልስጥኤማውያን ላይ የተደረገ ጦርነት

21፥15-22 ተጓ ምብ – 1ዜና 20፥4-8

15እንደ ገና በፍልስጥኤማውያንና በእስራኤል መካከል ጦርነት ተደረገ። ዳዊትም ከሰዎቹ ጋር ሆኖ ፍልስጥኤማውያንን ለመውጋት ወረደ፤ በዚያም ደከመው። 16ከራፋይም ዘሮች አንዱ የሆነ ይሽቢብኖብ የተባለ፣ የናስ ጦሩ ሦስት መቶ ሰቅል21፥16 3.5 ኪሎ ግራም ያህል ነው። የሚመዝንና አዲስ ሰይፍ የታጠቀ ሰው ነበረ፤ እርሱም ዳዊትን ለመግደል ዐሰበ። 17የጽሩያ ልጅ አቢሳ ግን ዳዊትን ለመታደግ መጣ፤ ፍልስጥኤማዊውንም ወግቶ ገደለው። ከዚያም የዳዊት ሰዎች፣ “የእስራኤል መብራት እንዳይጠፋ ከእንግዲህ አንተ ከእኛ ጋር ወደ ጦርነት መውጣት የለብህም” ብለው ማሉለት።

18ከዚህ በኋላ ጎብ በተባለ ስፍራ ከፍልስጥኤማውያን ጋር ሌላ ጦርነት ተደረገ። በዚያን ጊዜም ኩሳታዊው ሴቦካይ፣ ከራፋይም ዘሮች አንዱ የሆነውን፣ ሳፍን ገደለው።

19ጎብ ላይ ከፍልስጥኤማውያን ጋር በተደረገ ሌላ ጦርነትም፣ የቤተ ልሔሙ የየዓሬዓርጊም ልጅ ኤልያናን21፥19 1ዜና 20፥5 ይመ፤ ዕብራይስጡ ያዔር ኦረጊም ይለዋል።፣ የጦሩ ዘንግ እንደ ሸማኔ መጠቅለያ የሆነውን የጌት ሰው ጎልያድን21፥19 1ዜና 20፥5 ይመ፤ ገደለው።

20እንደ ገና ጌት ላይ በተደረገው ጦርነት በእያንዳንዱ እጁና በእያንዳንዱ እግሩ ስድስት ስድስት ጣቶች በአጠቃላይ ሃያ አራት ጣቶች የነበሩት አንድ ግዙፍ ሰው ነበረ፤ እርሱም ደግሞ ከራፋይም ዘር ነበረ። 21ይህም ሰው እስራኤልን በተገዳደረ ጊዜ፣ የዳዊት ወንድም የሣማ ልጅ ዮናታን ገደለው።

22እነዚህ አራቱ በጌት የራፋይም ዘሮች የነበሩ ናቸው፤ እነርሱም በዳዊትና በሰዎቹ እጅ ወደቁ።