2 Samuel 16 – NIRV & PCB

New International Reader’s Version

2 Samuel 16:1-23

David and Ziba

1David went just beyond the top of the Mount of Olives. Ziba was waiting there to meet him. He was Mephibosheth’s manager. He had several donkeys with saddles on them. They were carrying 200 loaves of bread and 100 raisin cakes. They were also carrying 100 fig cakes and a bottle of wine. The bottle was made out of animal skin.

2The king asked Ziba, “Why have you brought all these things?”

Ziba answered, “The donkeys are for the king’s family to ride on. The bread and fruit are for the people to eat. The wine will make those who get tired in the desert feel like new again.”

3Then the king asked, “Where is your master’s grandson Mephibosheth?”

Ziba said to him, “He’s staying in Jerusalem. He thinks, ‘Today the Israelites will cause me to rule once again over my grandfather Saul’s kingdom.’ ”

4Then the king said to Ziba, “Everything that belonged to Mephibosheth belongs to you now.”

“You are my king and master,” Ziba said. “I make myself humble in front of you. I bow down to you. May you be pleased with me.”

Shimei Curses David

5King David approached Bahurim. As he did, a man came out toward him. The man was from the same family group that Saul was from. His name was Shimei. He was the son of Gera. As he came out of the town, he cursed David. 6He threw stones at David and all his officials. He did it even though all the troops and the special guard were there. They were to the right and left of David. 7As Shimei cursed, he said, “Get out! Get out, you murderer! You are a worthless and evil man! 8You spilled the blood of a lot of people in Saul’s family. You took over his kingdom. Now the Lord is paying you back. He has handed the kingdom over to your son Absalom. You have been destroyed because you are a murderer!”

9Then Abishai, the son of Zeruiah, spoke to the king. He said, “King David, why should we let this dead dog curse you? Let me go over there. I’ll cut off his head.”

10But the king said, “You and Joab are sons of Zeruiah. What does this have to do with you? Maybe the Lord said to him, ‘Curse David.’ If he did, who can ask him, ‘Why are you doing this?’ ”

11Then David spoke to Abishai and all his officials. He said, “My very own son Absalom is trying to kill me. How much more should this man from Benjamin want to kill me! Leave him alone. Let him curse. The Lord has told him to do it. 12Maybe the Lord will see how much I’m suffering. Maybe he’ll bring back to me his covenant blessing instead of his curse I’m hearing today.”

13So David and his men kept going along the road. At the same time, Shimei was going along the hillside across from him. He was cursing David as he went. He was throwing stones at David. He was showering him with dirt. 14The king and all the people with him came to the place they had planned to go to. They were very tired. So David rested there.

Ahithophel and Hushai Give Advice to Absalom

15During that time, Absalom and all the men of Israel came to Jerusalem. Ahithophel was with him. 16Then Hushai, the Arkite, went to Absalom. He said to him, “May the king live a long time! May the king live a long time!” Hushai was David’s trusted friend.

17Absalom said to Hushai, “So this is the way you show love to your friend? If he’s your friend, why didn’t you go with him?”

18Hushai said to Absalom, “Why should I? You are the one the Lord has chosen. These people and all the men of Israel have also chosen you. I want to be on your side. I want to stay with you. 19After all, who else should I serve? Shouldn’t I serve the king’s son? I will serve you, just as I served your father.”

20Absalom said to Ahithophel, “Give us your advice. What should we do?”

21Ahithophel answered, “Your father left some concubines behind to take care of the palace. Go and sleep with them. Then all the Israelites will hear about it. They will hear that you have made your father hate you. Everyone with you will be encouraged to give you more support.” 22So they set up a tent for Absalom on the roof of the palace. He went in and slept with his father’s concubines. Everyone in Israel saw it.

23In those days the advice Ahithophel gave was as good as advice from someone who asks God for guidance. That’s what David and Absalom thought about all of Ahithophel’s advice.

Persian Contemporary Bible

دوم سموئيل 16:1-23

داوود و صيبا

1داوود از آن طرف كوه سرازير می‌شد كه به صيبا، خدمتگزار مفيبوشت كه منتظر او بود برخورد. صيبا با خود يک جفت الاغ پالان شده آورده بود كه روی آنها دويست نان معمولی، صد نان كشمشی، صد خوشه انگور و يک مشک شراب بود. 2پادشاه از صيبا پرسيد: «اينها را برای چه آورده‌ای؟»

صيبا جواب داد: «الاغها را برای اهل خانهٔ تو آورده‌ام تا بر آنها سوار شوند. نان و ميوه برای خوراک افرادت می‌باشد تا آنها را بخورند و شراب هم برای كسانی كه در بيابان خسته می‌شوند.»

3پادشاه از او پرسيد: «پس مفيبوشت كجاست؟»

صيبا پاسخ داد: «در اورشليم ماند، چون فكر می‌كند اسرائيلی‌ها امروز تاج و تخت پدر بزرگش شائول را به او بازمی‌گردانند.»

4پادشاه به صيبا گفت: «در اين صورت، هر چه مال او بود از اين پس مال تو باشد.»

صيبا گفت: «من غلام شما هستم؛ لطفتان از سر من كم نشود.»

داوود و شمعی

5وقتی داوود و همراهانش به بحوريم رسيدند، با مردی روبرو شدند كه از شهر خارج می‌شد. او با ديدن داوود شروع كرد به ناسزا گفتن. اين مرد شمعی پسر جيرا، از طايفهٔ شائول بود. 6با اينكه داوود توسط محافظان و افرادش از دو طرف محافظت می‌شد، با اين حال شمعی به سوی او و درباريانش سنگ می‌انداخت، 7و فرياد می‌زد: «از اينجا دور شو ای قاتل! ای جنايتكار! 8خداوند انتقام خون خاندان شائول را از تو می‌گيرد. تو تاج و تخت او را دزديدی و حال، خداوند آن را به پسرت ابشالوم داده است! ای آدمكش بالاخره به سزايت رسيدی!»

9ابيشای پسر صرويه گفت: «ای پادشاه، چرا اجازه می‌دهيد اين سگ مرده به شما دشنام بدهد؟ اجازه بفرماييد بروم سرش را از تنش جدا كنم!»

10پادشاه خطاب به ابيشای و برادرش يوآب گفت: «شما چه كار داريد؟ اگر خداوند به او گفته است كه به من دشنام دهد، من كی هستم كه مانع كار او شوم؟ 11پسر خودم به خونم تشنه است، اين كه يک بنيامينی است و فقط به من ناسزا می‌گويد. بگذاريد دشنام دهد، بدون شک دست خداوند در اين كار است. 12شايد خداوند ظلمی را كه به من می‌شود ببيند و به جای اين ناسزاها، مرا بركت بدهد.»

13پس داوود و افرادش راه خود را پيش گرفتند و شمعی همچنان به دنبال آنها از كنار كوه می‌رفت و دشنام می‌داد، سنگ پرت می‌كرد و خاک به هوا می‌پاشيد. 14پادشاه و همراهانش خسته به مقصد خود رسيدند و استراحت كردند.

ابشالوم در اورشليم

15در اين هنگام، ابشالوم و افرادش وارد اورشليم شدند. اخيتوفل هم با آنها بود. 16حوشای اركی دوست داوود وقتی ابشالوم را ديد به سوی او رفت و گفت: «زنده باد پادشاه! زنده باد پادشاه!»

17ابشالوم از او پرسيد: «با دوست خود داوود اينطور رفتار می‌كنی؟ چرا همراه او نرفتی؟»

18حوشای جواب داد: «من به كسی خدمت می‌كنم كه از طرف خداوند و قوم اسرائيل انتخاب شده باشد. 19حال، چه كسی بهتر از پسر اربابم؟ من پيش از اين به پدرت خدمت می‌كردم، ولی از اين پس در خدمت تو خواهم بود!»

20ابشالوم رو به اخيتوفل كرده، پرسيد: «حال كه به اينجا رسيديم چه بايد كرد؟»

21اخيتوفل به او گفت: «برو و با كنيزان پدرت همبستر شو. داوود آنها را در اينجا گذاشته تا از كاخ او نگهداری كنند. با اين كار، تمام اسرائيلی‌ها متوجه می‌شوند كه تو و داوود واقعاً دشمن يكديگر شده‌ايد، آنگاه پيروانت با دلگرمی از تو پشتيبانی خواهند كرد.»

22پس روی پشت بام كاخ سلطنتی، جايی كه در معرض ديد همه بود، چادری زدند و ابشالوم به داخل چادر رفت تا با كنيزان پدرش همبستر شود.

23در آن روزها، هر نصيحتی كه اخيتوفل می‌داد، ابشالوم آن را مانند كلام خدا می‌پذيرفت. داوود هم قبلاً به همين شكل نصيحت‌های اخيتوفل را می‌پذيرفت.