2 Kings 23 – NIRV & BPH

New International Reader’s Version

2 Kings 23:1-37

Josiah Promises Again to Obey the Covenant

1Then the king called together all the elders of Judah and Jerusalem. 2He went up to the Lord’s temple. The people of Judah and Jerusalem went with him. So did the priests and prophets. All of them went, from the least important of them to the most important. The king had all the words of the Book of the Covenant read to them. The book had been found in the Lord’s temple. 3The king stood next to his pillar. He agreed to the terms of the covenant in front of the Lord. The king promised to serve the Lord and obey his commands, directions and rules. He promised to obey them with all his heart and with all his soul. So he agreed to the terms of the covenant written down in that book. Then all the people committed themselves to the covenant as well.

4Certain things in the Lord’s temple had been made to honor other gods. They were the god named Baal, the female god named Asherah and all the stars in the sky. The king ordered Hilkiah the high priest to remove those things. The king ordered the priests who were next in rank and the men who guarded the doors to help Hilkiah. Josiah took those things that had been in the Lord’s temple and burned them outside Jerusalem. He burned them in the fields in the Kidron Valley. And he took the ashes to Bethel. 5Josiah got rid of the priests who served other gods. The kings of Judah had appointed those priests to burn incense. They burned the incense on the high places of the towns of Judah. And they burned it on the high places around Jerusalem. They burned incense to honor Baal and the sun and moon. They burned it to honor all the stars. 6Josiah removed the Asherah pole from the Lord’s temple. It had been used to worship the female god named Asherah. He took it to the Kidron Valley outside Jerusalem. There he burned it. He ground it into powder. And he scattered it over the graves of the ordinary people. 7He also tore down the rooms where the male temple prostitutes stayed. Those rooms were in the Lord’s temple. Women had made cloth for Asherah in them.

8Josiah brought all the priests from the towns of Judah and destroyed the high places. He destroyed them from Geba all the way to Beersheba. The priests had burned incense on them. Josiah broke down the gate at the entrance of the Gate of Joshua. It was on the left side of Jerusalem’s city gate. Joshua was the city governor. 9The priests of the high places didn’t serve at the Lord’s altar in Jerusalem. In spite of that, they ate with the other priests. All of them ate bread made without yeast.

10Josiah destroyed the high place at Topheth in the Valley of Ben Hinnom. He didn’t want anyone to use the high place to sacrifice his son or daughter in the fire to the god named Molek. 11Josiah removed the statues of horses from the entrance to the Lord’s temple. The kings of Judah had set them apart to honor the sun. The statues were in the courtyard. They were near the room of an official named Nathan-Melek. Josiah burned the chariots that had been set apart to honor the sun.

12He pulled down the altars the kings of Judah had set up. They had put them on the palace roof near the upstairs room of Ahaz. Josiah also pulled down the altars Manasseh had built. They were in the two courtyards of the Lord’s temple. Josiah removed the altars from there. He smashed them to pieces. Then he threw the broken pieces into the Kidron Valley. 13The king also destroyed the high places that were east of Jerusalem. They were at the southern end of the Mount of Olives. They were the ones Solomon, the king of Israel, had built. He had built a high place for worshiping Ashtoreth. She was the evil female god of the people of Sidon. Solomon had also built one for worshiping Chemosh. He was the evil god of Moab. And Solomon had built one for worshiping Molek. He was the god of the people of Ammon. The Lord hated that god. 14Josiah smashed the sacred stones. He cut down the poles used to worship the female god named Asherah. Then he covered all those places with human bones.

15There was an altar at Bethel. It was at the high place made by Jeroboam, the son of Nebat. Jeroboam had caused Israel to commit sin. Even that altar and high place were destroyed by Josiah. He burned the high place. He ground it into powder. He also burned the Asherah pole. 16Then Josiah looked around. He saw the tombs on the side of the hill. He had the bones removed from them. And he burned them on the altar to make it “unclean.” That’s what the Lord had said would happen. He had spoken that message through a man of God. The man had announced those things long before they took place.

17The king asked, “What’s that stone on the grave over there?”

The people of the city said, “It marks the tomb where the man of God is buried. He came from Judah. He spoke against the altar at Bethel. He announced the very things you have done to it.”

18“Leave it alone,” Josiah said. “Don’t let anyone touch his bones.” So they spared his bones. They also spared the bones of the prophet who had come from the northern kingdom of Israel.

19Josiah did in the rest of the northern kingdom the same things he had done at Bethel. He removed all the small temples at the high places. He made them “unclean.” The kings of Israel had built them in the towns of the northern kingdom. The people in those towns had made the Lord very angry. 20Josiah killed all the priests of those high places on the altars. He burned human bones on the altars. Then he went back to Jerusalem.

21The king gave an order to all the people. He said, “Celebrate the Passover Feast to honor the Lord your God. Do what is written in this Book of the Covenant.” 22A Passover Feast like that one had not been held for a long time. There hadn’t been any like it in the days of the judges who led Israel. And there hadn’t been any like it during the whole time the kings of Israel and Judah were ruling. 23King Josiah celebrated the Passover Feast in Jerusalem to honor the Lord. It was in the 18th year of his rule.

24And that’s not all. Josiah got rid of those who got messages from people who had died. He got rid of those who talked to the spirits of people who had died. He got rid of the statues of family gods and the statues of other gods. He got rid of everything else the Lord hates that was in Judah and Jerusalem. He did it to carry out what the law required. That law was written in the book that Hilkiah the priest had found in the Lord’s temple. 25There was no king like Josiah either before him or after him. None of them turned to the Lord as he did. He obeyed the Lord with all his heart and all his soul. He obeyed him with all his strength. He did everything the Law of Moses required.

26In spite of that, the Lord didn’t turn away from his great anger against Judah. That’s because of everything Manasseh had done to make him very angry. 27So the Lord said, “I will remove Judah from my land. I will do to them what I did to Israel. I will turn my back on Jerusalem. It is the city I chose. I will also turn my back on this temple. I spoke about it. I said, ‘I will put my Name there.’ ” (1 Kings 8:29)

28The other events of the rule of Josiah are written down. Everything he did is written in the official records of the kings of Judah.

29Pharaoh Necho was king of Egypt. He marched up to the Euphrates River. He went there to help the king of Assyria. It happened while Josiah was king. Josiah marched out to meet Necho in battle. When Necho saw him at Megiddo, he killed him. 30Josiah’s servants brought his body in a chariot from Megiddo to Jerusalem. They buried him in his own tomb. Then the people of the land went and got Jehoahaz. They anointed him as king in place of his father Josiah.

Jehoahaz King of Judah

31Jehoahaz was 23 years old when he became king. He ruled in Jerusalem for three months. His mother’s name was Hamutal. She was the daughter of Jeremiah. She was from Libnah. 32Jehoahaz did what was evil in the eyes of the Lord. He did just as the kings who had ruled before him had done. 33Pharaoh Necho put him in chains at Riblah in the land of Hamath. That kept him from ruling in Jerusalem. Necho made the people of Judah pay him a tax of almost four tons of silver and 75 pounds of gold. 34Pharaoh Necho made Eliakim king in place of his father Josiah. Necho changed Eliakim’s name to Jehoiakim. But he took Jehoahaz with him to Egypt. And that’s where Jehoahaz died. 35Jehoiakim paid Pharaoh Necho the silver and gold he required. To get the money, Jehoiakim taxed the land. He forced the people to give him the silver and gold. He made each one pay him what he required.

Jehoiakim King of Judah

36Jehoiakim was 25 years old when he became king. He ruled in Jerusalem for 11 years. His mother’s name was Zebidah. She was the daughter of Pedaiah. She was from Rumah. 37Jehoiakim did what was evil in the eyes of the Lord. He did just as the kings who had ruled before him had done.

Bibelen på hverdagsdansk

2. Kongebog 23:1-37

Josias og folket lover atter at overholde pagtens betingelser

1Kong Josias indkaldte nu alle Judas og Jerusalems ledere, 2alle præsterne, profeterne og resten af folket, kendte såvel som ukendte, til et stort møde på tempelpladsen. Han bekendtgjorde, at pagtens bog var blevet fundet i templet, og befalede, at der skulle læses op fra den. 3Derefter stillede han sig ved søjlen foran indgangen til templet og aflagde et højtideligt løfte til Herren om altid at adlyde ham og omhyggeligt overholde bogens befalinger og forskrifter af hele sit hjerte og med hele sin sjæl. Han indviede sig til at opfylde alle pagtens betingelser. På samme måde indviede hele folket sig til at følge pagtens betingelser.

Josias’ reformkampagne

4Derpå begyndte kongen en omfattende udrensning i hele landet. Først gav han ypperstepræsten Hilkija, de øvrige præster og tempelvagterne ordre til at smide samtlige genstande, der havde at gøre med afgudsdyrkelsen af Ba’al, Ashera, solguden, måneguden og stjerneguderne, ud af templet, hvorefter han personligt sørgede for, at det hele blev brændt i Kedrondalen uden for Jerusalem. Asken lod han fragte til Betel.

5Desuden afsatte han alle de afgudspræster, som kongerne før ham havde indsat, alle dem, der havde bragt ofre til afguderne på offerhøjene rundt omkring i landet og i selve Jerusalem, alle, som havde ofret til Ba’al, solen, månen eller stjernerne. 6Han fjernede også frugtbarhedssymbolet fra templet og fik det slæbt ud til Kedrondalen, hvor han fik det brændt og pulveriseret, hvorefter asken blev spredt på de fattiges grave. 7Han rev de huse ned omkring templet, som blev brugt af de mandlige og kvindelige prostituerede i frugtbarhedskulten. Det var her, kvinderne vævede de specielle dragter, som blev brugt i Asherakulten.

8Alle Herrens præster blev indkaldt fra de byer rundt omkring i Juda, hvor de opholdt sig, og alle offerstederne på bakketoppene, hvor disse præster havde foretaget ofringer, blev sløjfet, lige fra Geba i nord til Be’ersheba i syd. Der var et alter i Jerusalem til venstre, når man går ind ad byporten ved Jehoshuas, borgmesterens, hus. Også det blev ødelagt. 9Men selv om de præster, der havde gjort tjeneste ved offerstederne rundt omkring i landet, fik lov at spise det usyrnede brød sammen med tempelpræsterne, fik de ikke lov at gøre tjeneste ved Herrens alter i Jerusalem.

10Dernæst ødelagde Josias Tofet, det afgudsoffersted i Ben-Hinnoms dal, som blev brugt til børneofringer til guden Molok. 11Han nedrev også statuen af hesteforspandet og stridsvognen nær tempelindgangen ved hofmanden Netan-Meleks bolig i tilbygningen, en statue, som var blevet opstillet dér af tidligere konger i Juda og indviet til solguden. 12Så ødelagde han altrene, som Judas konger havde ladet bygge på paladsets tag oven over Ahaz’ værelse, og altrene, som Manasse havde ladet bygge i tempelforgårdene. Han knuste det hele og spredte støvet ud over Kedrondalen.

13Derefter fjernede han offerstederne på højene øst for Jerusalem og syd for Ødelæggelsens Bjerg. De var i sin tid blevet opført af Salomon til ære for Astarte (sidoniernes afskyelige gudinde), Kemosh (moabitternes afskyelige gud) og Milkom (ammonitternes forfærdelige gud). 14Han smadrede alle gudinden Asheras frugtbarhedssymboler og spredte menneskeknogler, hvor de havde stået.

15Så tog han til Betel og nedrev det store alter som Jeroboam, Nebats søn, havde opstillet der, han, som var den første til at forlede folket til afgudsdyrkelse. Josias knuste stenene til pulver, brændte frugtbarhedssymbolerne og jævnede højen med jorden.

16Da han så sig omkring, fik han øje på adskillige gravhuler i bjergvæggen, og han gav sine mænd ordre til at tage knoglerne fra gravene og brænde dem på det sted, hvor alteret i Betel havde stået, for derved at vanhellige stedet, sådan som Herrens profet tidligere havde sagt, at det ville ske med Jeroboams alter.

17„Hvad er det for et gravmæle derovre?” spurgte Josias. Byens indbyggere forklarede ham, at det var den profets grav, som i sin tid var kommet fra Juda og havde forudsagt, hvad der ville ske med alteret i Betel. „Det er dig, som netop i dette øjeblik opfylder den profeti,” svarede de.

18„Lad graven være,” befalede han. „Rør ikke den profets knogler.” Så lod de profetens knogler ligge, og de fjernede heller ikke knoglerne af den samaritanske profet, som var begravet samme sted.23,18 Se 1.Kong. 13.

19Kong Josias tog nu rundt til byerne i Samaria23,19 Efter at Samaria var blevet hovedstad i Nordriget, blev hele landet ofte kaldt Samaria, især efter at hovedparten af befolkningen var sendt i eksil. og ødelagde samtlige offersteder på højene. De var blevet bygget af Israels forskellige konger, som derved havde fremkaldt Herrens vrede. Men nu fjernede Josias alle spor af disse afgudshøje, nøjagtig som han havde gjort i Betel. 20Desuden henrettede han afgudspræsterne og brændte dem på de samme steder, hvor de selv havde ofret deres brændofre. Da udrensningskampagnen var slut, vendte han hjem til Jerusalem.

Josias befaler, at der skal holdes påske igen

21Kong Josias gav derefter følgende befaling til folket: „Nu skal vi holde påske for Herren, nøjagtig efter de forskrifter, der står i pagtsbogen.” 22Man havde ikke holdt påsken på den rigtige måde siden dommertiden. Ingen af Judas eller Israels konger havde fejret påsken efter forskrifterne.23,22 Kong Hizkija af Juda holdt også påske, men ikke på den rigtige dato og ikke helt efter forskrifterne, jf. 2.Krøn. 30. Flere detaljer om Josias’ påske findes i 2.Krøn. 35. 23Men nu skete det i kongens 18. regeringsår. Man fejrede påske for Herren i Jerusalem.

Resten af Josias’ regeringstid

24Josias udryddede også spiritisterne og deres medier, husguderne og alt andet i Jerusalem og Juda, der havde med afgudsdyrkelse at gøre, for Josias tog alle de love og forskrifter alvorligt, som var skrevet i den bog, præsten Hilkija havde fundet i Herrens hus. 25Aldrig tidligere havde der været en konge, der så radikalt omvendte sig til Herren og med ildhu adlød de love, som Moses fik fra Herren, og aldrig senere fremstod der en konge, hvis lydighed kunne måle sig med hans.

26Herrens vrede imod Juda kunne imidlertid ikke formildes, for kong Manasse havde gjort utrolig skade med sin uovertrufne ondskab. 27Herren sagde: „Jeg vil tilintetgøre Juda, ligesom jeg tilintetgjorde Israel. Jeg vil forkaste Jerusalem, den by jeg selv har udvalgt, og forkaste det hus, som jeg ellers havde lovet at knytte mit navn til for altid.”23,27 Se 1.Kong. 8,29 og 9,3.

28Kong Josias’ øvrige liv og virke er beskrevet i Judas kongers krønikebog. 29Det var i Josias’ regeringstid, at kong Neko af Egypten med sin hær drog op imod den assyriske konge, der lå med sin hær ved Eufratfloden. Josias drog imod egypterkongen med sin hær, og de to hære mødtes ved Megiddopasset, hvor Josias blev dræbt i slaget. 30Josias’ officerer kørte hans lig fra Megiddo til Jerusalem og begravede ham dér. Derefter indsatte folket hans søn Joahaz som konge.

Kong Joahaz af Juda

31Joahaz var 23 år gammel, da han blev konge i Juda, og han regerede i Jerusalem i tre måneder. Hans mor hed Hamutal og var en datter af Jirmeja fra byen Libna. 32Han slægtede ikke sin far på, men gjorde, hvad der var ondt i Herrens øjne akkurat som sine forfædre. 33Kong Neko af Egypten kastede ham i fængsel i Ribla i Hamats land og forlangte en årlig skat af Juda på 3 tons sølv og 30 kilo guld.23,33 Ordret: 100 talenter sølv og en talent guld. 34Derefter indsatte kong Neko en anden af Josias’ sønner, Eljakim, som konge i Jerusalem og ændrede samtidig hans navn til Jojakim. Joahaz tog han med sig til Egypten, og der døde han.

Kong Jojakim af Juda

35Jojakims opgave var først og fremmest at sørge for at inddrive den skat fra landets indbyggere, som egypterkongen havde forlangt. 36Jojakim var 25 år gammel, da han blev konge, og han regerede i Jerusalem i 11 år. Hans mor hed Zebida og var en datter af Pedaja fra byen Ruma. 37Han gjorde, hvad der var ondt i Herrens øjne, akkurat som sine forfædre.