2 Kings 14 – NIRV & PCB

New International Reader’s Version

2 Kings 14:1-29

Amaziah King of Judah

1Amaziah began to rule as king over Judah. It was in the second year that Jehoash was king of Israel. He was the son of Jehoahaz. Amaziah was the son of Joash. 2Amaziah was 25 years old when he became king. He ruled in Jerusalem for 29 years. His mother’s name was Jehoaddan. She was from Jerusalem. 3Amaziah did what was right in the eyes of the Lord. But he didn’t do what King David had done. He always followed the example of his father Joash. 4But the high places weren’t removed. The people continued to offer sacrifices and burn incense there.

5The kingdom was firmly under his control. So he put to death the officials who had murdered his father, the king. 6But he didn’t put their children to death. He obeyed what is written in the Book of the Law of Moses. There the Lord commanded, “Parents must not be put to death because of what their children do. And children must not be put to death because of what their parents do. People must die because of their own sins.” (Deuteronomy 24:16)

7Amaziah won the battle over 10,000 men of Edom. It happened in the Valley of Salt. During the battle he captured the town of Sela. He called it Joktheel. That’s the name it still has to this day.

8After the battle, Amaziah sent messengers to Jehoash, the king of Israel. Jehoash was the son of Jehoahaz, the son of Jehu. Amaziah said, “Come on. Let us face each other in battle.”

9But Jehoash, the king of Israel, answered Amaziah, the king of Judah. Jehoash said, “A thorn bush in Lebanon sent a message to a cedar tree there. The thorn bush said, ‘Give your daughter to be married to my son.’ Then a wild animal in Lebanon came along. It crushed the thorn bush by walking on it. 10It’s true that you have won the battle over Edom. So you are proud. Enjoy your success while you can. But stay home and enjoy it! Why ask for trouble? Why bring yourself crashing down? Why bring Judah down with you?”

11But Amaziah wouldn’t listen. So Jehoash, the king of Israel, attacked. He and Amaziah, the king of Judah, faced each other in battle. The battle took place at Beth Shemesh in Judah. 12Israel drove Judah away. Every man ran home. 13Jehoash king of Israel captured Amaziah king of Judah at Beth Shemesh. Amaziah was the son of Joash. Joash was the son of Ahaziah. Jehoash went to Jerusalem. He broke down part of its wall. It’s the part that went from the Ephraim Gate to the Corner Gate. That part of the wall was 600 feet long. 14Jehoash took all the gold, silver and objects that were in the Lord’s temple. He also took all those same kinds of things that were among the treasures of the royal palace. And he took prisoners. Then he returned to Samaria.

15The other events of the rule of Jehoash are written down. That includes his war against Amaziah, the king of Judah. Everything he did and accomplished is written in the official records of the kings of Israel. 16Jehoash joined the members of his family who had already died. He was buried in Samaria in the royal tombs of Israel. Jehoash’s son Jeroboam became the next king after him.

17Amaziah king of Judah lived for 15 years after Jehoash king of Israel died. Amaziah was the son of Joash. Jehoash was the son of Jehoahaz. 18The other events of Amaziah’s rule are written down. They are written in the official records of the kings of Judah.

19Some people made evil plans against Amaziah in Jerusalem. So he ran away to Lachish. But they sent men to Lachish after him. There they killed him. 20His body was brought back on a horse. Then he was buried in the family tomb in Jerusalem, the City of David.

21All the people of Judah made Uzziah king. He was 16 years old. They made him king in place of his father Amaziah. 22Uzziah rebuilt Elath. He brought it under Judah’s control again. He did it after Amaziah joined the members of his family who had already died.

Jeroboam II King of Israel

23Jeroboam became king of Israel in Samaria. It was in the 15th year that Amaziah was king of Judah. Jeroboam ruled for 41 years. Amaziah was the son of Joash. Jeroboam was the son of Jehoash. 24Jeroboam did what was evil in the eyes of the Lord. He didn’t turn away from any of the sins the earlier Jeroboam, the son of Nebat, had committed. That Jeroboam had caused Israel to commit those same sins. 25Jeroboam, the son of Jehoash, made the borders of Israel the same as they were before. They reached from Lebo Hamath all the way to the Dead Sea. That’s what the Lord, the God of Israel, had said would happen. He had spoken that message through his servant Jonah. Jonah the prophet was the son of Amittai. Jonah was from the town of Gath Hepher.

26The Lord had seen how much everyone in Israel was suffering. It didn’t matter whether they were slaves or free. They didn’t have anyone to help them. 27The Lord hadn’t said he would wipe out Israel’s name from the earth. So he saved them by the power of Jeroboam, the son of Jehoash.

28The other events of the rule of Jeroboam are written down. What he and his army accomplished is written down. That includes how he brought Damascus and Hamath back under Israel’s control. Damascus and Hamath had belonged to the territory of Judah. Everything he did is written in the official records of the kings of Israel. 29Jeroboam joined the members of his family who had already died. He was buried in the royal tombs of Israel. Jeroboam’s son Zechariah became the next king after him.

Persian Contemporary Bible

دوم پادشاهان 14:1-29

امصيا، پادشاه يهودا

(دوم تواريخ 25‏:1‏-24)

1در دومين سال سلطنت يهوآش، پادشاه اسرائيل، امصيا (پسر يوآش) پادشاه يهودا شد. 2امصيا بيست و پنج ساله بود كه پادشاه شد و بيست و نه سال در اورشليم سلطنت كرد. مادرش يهوعدان نام داشت و اهل اورشليم بود. 3امصيا مانند پدرش يوآش هر چه در نظر خداوند پسنديده بود انجام می‌داد، اما نه به اندازهٔ جدش داوود. 4او بتخانه‌های روی تپه‌ها را از بين نبرد و از اين رو قوم هنوز در آنجا قربانی می‌كردند و بخور می‌سوزانيدند.

5وقتی امصيا زمام امور را در دست گرفت، افرادی را كه پدرش را كشته بودند، از بين برد، 6ولی فرزندان ايشان را نكشت، زيرا خداوند در تورات موسی امر فرموده بود كه پدران به سبب گناه پسران كشته نشوند و نه پسران برای گناه پدران؛ بلكه هر كس به سبب گناه خود مجازات شود. 7امصيا يكبار ده هزار ادومی را در درهٔ نمک كشت. همچنين شهر سالع را تصرف كرد و اسم آن را به يقت‌ئيل تغيير داد كه تا به امروز به همان نام خوانده می‌شود.

8يک روز امصيا قاصدانی نزد يهوآش، پادشاه اسرائيل (پسر يهواخاز و نوهٔ ييهو) فرستاده، به او اعلام جنگ داد.

9اما يهوآش پادشاه با اين مثل جواب امصيا را داد: «روزی در لبنان يک بوتهٔ خار به درخت سرو آزاد گفت: ”دخترت را به پسر من به زنی بده.“ ولی درست در همين وقت حيوانی وحشی از آنجا عبور كرد و آن خار را پايمال نمود! 10تو ادوم را نابود كرده‌ای و مغرور شده‌ای؛ ولی به اين پيروزيت قانع باش و پا را از گليمت بيرون نگذار. چرا می‌خواهی كاری كنی كه به زيان تو و قومت تمام شود؟»

11ولی امصيا توجهی ننمود، پس يهوآش، پادشاه اسرائيل، سپاه خود را آمادهٔ جنگ كرد. جنگ در بيت‌شمس، يكی از شهرهای يهودا، درگرفت. 12سپاه يهودا شكست خورد و سربازان به شهرهای خود فرار كردند. 13امصيای پادشاه اسير شد و سپاه اسرائيل بر اورشليم تاخت و حصار آن را از دروازهٔ افرايم تا دروازهٔ زاويه كه طولش در حدود دويست متر بود، در هم كوبيد. 14يهوآش عده‌ای را گروگان گرفت و تمام طلا و نقره و لوازم خانهٔ خداوند و كاخ سلطنتی را برداشت و به سامره بازگشت.

15شرح بقيهٔ رويدادهای دوران سلطنت يهوآش، جنگهای او با امصيا (پادشاه يهودا)، كارها و فتوحات او در كتاب «تاريخ پادشاهان اسرائيل» ثبت شده است. 16يهوآش مرد و در آرامگاه سلطنتی سامره دفن شد و پسرش يربعام دوم به جای او به سلطنت رسيد.

مرگ امصيا، پادشاه يهودا

(دوم تواريخ 25‏:25‏-28)

17امصيا بعد از مرگ يهوآش پانزده سال ديگر هم زندگی كرد. 18شرح بقيهٔ رويدادهای دوران سلطنت امصيا در كتاب «تاريخ پادشاهان يهودا» نوشته شده است. 19در اورشليم عليه او توطئه چيدند و او به لاكيش گريخت، ولی دشمنانش او را تعقيب كرده، در آنجا او را كشتند. 20سپس جنازه‌اش را روی اسب گذاشته، به اورشليم برگرداندند و در آرامگاه سلطنتی شهر داوود دفن كردند.

21مردم يهودا، پسرش عزيا را در سن شانزده سالگی به جای او پادشاه خود ساختند. 22عزيا بعد از مرگ پدرش شهر ايلت را برای يهودا پس گرفت و آن را بازسازی نمود.

يربعام دوم، پادشاه اسرائيل

23يربعام دوم (پسر يهوآش) در پانزدهمين سال سلطنت امصيا، پادشاه يهودا، پادشاه اسرائيل شد و چهل و يک سال در سامره سلطنت نمود. 24او نيز مانند يربعام اول (پسر نباط) نسبت به خداوند گناه ورزيد و اسرائيل را به گناه كشاند. 25يربعام دوم زمينهای از دست رفتهٔ اسرائيل را كه بين گذرگاه حمات در شمال و دريای مرده در جنوب واقع شده بود، پس گرفت؛ درست همانطور كه خداوند، خدای اسرائيل توسط يونس نبی (پسر امتای) اهل جت حافر پيشگويی فرموده بود.

26خداوند مصيبت تلخ اسرائيل را ديد؛ و كسی نبود كه به داد ايشان برسد. 27ولی خواست خداوند اين نبود كه نام اسرائيل را از روی زمين محو كند، پس توسط يربعام دوم ايشان را نجات داد.

28شرح بقيهٔ دوران سلطنت يربعام دوم، كارها و فتوحات و جنگهای او، و اينكه چطور دمشق و حمات را كه در تصرف يهودا بودند باز به دست آورد، همه در كتاب «تاريخ پادشاهان اسرائيل» نوشته شده است. 29وقتی يربعام دوم مرد، جنازهٔ او را در كنار ساير پادشاهان اسرائيل به خاک سپردند و پسرش زكريا بر تخت سلطنت اسرائيل نشست.