2 Chronicles 4 – NIRV & KLB

New International Reader’s Version

2 Chronicles 4:1-22

More Facts About the Temple

1Solomon made a bronze altar 30 feet long, 30 feet wide and 15 feet high. 2He made a huge metal bowl for washing. Its shape was round. It measured 15 feet from rim to rim. It was seven and a half feet high. And it was 45 feet around. 3Below the rim there was a circle of bull figures around the bowl. In every 18 inches around the bowl there were ten bulls. The bulls were arranged in two rows. They were made as part of the bowl itself.

4The bowl stood on 12 bulls. Three of them faced north. Three faced west. Three faced south. And three faced east. The bowl rested on top of them. Their rear ends were toward the center. 5The bowl was three inches thick. Its rim was like the rim of a cup. The rim was shaped like the bloom of a lily. The bowl held 18,000 gallons of water.

6Solomon made ten smaller bowls for washing. He placed five of them on the south side of the huge bowl. He placed the other five on the north side. The things used for the burnt offerings were rinsed in the smaller bowls. But the priests used the huge bowl for washing.

7Solomon made ten gold lampstands. He followed the pattern the Lord had given him. He placed the lampstands in the temple. He put five of them on the south side. He put the other five on the north side.

8He made ten tables. He placed them in the temple. He put five of them on the south side. He put the other five on the north side. He also made 100 gold sprinkling bowls.

9He made the courtyard of the priests. He also made the large courtyard. He made doors for it. He covered the doors with bronze. 10He placed the huge bowl on the south side of the courtyard. He put it at the southeast corner.

11And Huram also made the pots, shovels and sprinkling bowls.

So Huram finished the work he had started for King Solomon. Here’s what he made for God’s temple.

12He made the two pillars.

He made the two tops for the pillars. The tops were shaped like bowls.

He made the two sets of chains that were linked together. They decorated the two bowl-shaped tops of the pillars.

13He made the 400 pomegranates for the two sets of chains. There were two rows of pomegranates for each chain. They decorated the bowl-shaped tops of the pillars.

14He made the stands and their bowls.

15He made the huge bowl. He made the 12 bulls that were under it.

16He made the pots, shovels and meat forks. He also made all the things used with them.

Huram-Abi made all these objects for King Solomon for the Lord’s temple. He made them out of bronze. Then he shined them up. 17The king had them made in clay molds. It was done on the plains of the Jordan River between Sukkoth and Zarethan. 18Solomon made huge numbers of these things. There were too many of them to weigh. In fact, it was impossible to add up the weight of all the bronze.

19Solomon also made all the objects that were in God’s temple.

He made the golden altar.

He made the tables for the holy bread.

20He made the pure gold lampstands and their lamps. The lamps burned in front of the Most Holy Room, just as the law required.

21He made the gold flowers. He made the gold lamps and tongs. They were made out of solid gold.

22He made the wick cutters, sprinkling bowls, dishes, and shallow cups for burning incense. All of them were made out of pure gold. He made the gold doors of the temple. They were the inner doors to the Most Holy Room and the doors of the main hall.

Korean Living Bible

역대하 4:1-22

성전 비품

1솔로몬은 또 놋으로 단을 만들었다. 그 단의 길이와 폭은 각각 4:1 히 ‘20규빗’9미터이고 높 이는 4.5미터였다.

2그는 또 둥근 모양의 큰 물탱크 하나를 만들었다. 그것은 직경이 4.5미터, 높이가 약 2.3미터, 둘레는 13.5미터였으며

3그 가장자리 아래에는 돌아가면서 4.5센티미터 간격으로 두 줄의 놋조롱박이 하나씩 달려 있었는데 이것은 물탱크와 하나로 주조된 것이었다.

4그 물탱크는 서로 엉덩이를 맞대고 있는 열두 마리의 놋소 위에 얹혀 있었으며 그 놋소들은 동서남북으로 각각 세 마리씩 바깥쪽으로 향하였다.

5그리고 이 물탱크의 두께는 손바닥 넓이만하였고 그 가장자리는 백합화처럼 밖으로 휘어진 잔 모양같이 만들었으며 그 용량은 4:5 원문에는 ‘3,000밧’ 66킬로리터로되어있다.44킬로리터였다.

6또 솔로몬은 제물을 씻을 물통 10개를 만들어 다섯은 성전 오른편에, 다섯은 성전 왼편에 두었다. 제사장들이 몸을 씻을 때는 이 물통을 사용하지 않고 물탱크를 사용하였다.

7또 솔로몬은 하나님이 지시한 대로 금등대 열 개를 만들어 성전 안에 좌우로 다섯 개씩 놓았으며

8상도 열 개를 만들어 성전 안의 좌우에 다섯 개씩 놓았고 또 금대접 100개도 만들었다.

9그런 다음 그는 제사장들을 위한 안뜰과 일반 대중을 위한 바깥뜰을 만들고 이 뜰의 문을 놋으로 입혔다.

10그리고 물탱크는 성전 우측의 남동쪽 모퉁이에 두었다.

11후람은 또 솥과 부삽과 대접을 만들어 솔로몬왕이 지시한 성전 일을 다 완성하였다.

12그가 만든 것은 두 개의 기둥, 기둥 꼭대기에 얹을 두 개의 기둥머리, 꽃줄 모양의 두 그물 장식,

13기둥머리 그물에 두 줄로 단 400개의 놋석류,

14물통과 그 받침대,

15물탱크와 그것을 떠받치는 열두 마리의 놋소,

16그 밖에 솥과 부삽과 고기 갈고리였다. 후람은 솔로몬왕을 위해 이 모든 것을 빛나는 놋으로 만들었는데

17솔로몬왕은 숙곳과 4:17 또는 ‘스레다’사르단 사이에 있는 요단 평야에서 찰흙으로 주형을 떠서 그 모든 기구를 만들도록 하였다.

18이처럼 솔로몬왕이 만든 물건이 너무 많아 그 놋의 중량을 아무도 측정할 수가 없었다.

19또 솔로몬은 성전 안의 모든 기구도 만들었다. 그것은 제단, 항상 빵을 차려 놓는 차림상,

20지성소 앞에서 불을 켤 등대와 등잔,

21꽃장식물, 부젓가락,

22불 집게, 주발, 숟가락, 그리고 불 옮기는 그릇이었다. 이 모든 것은 순금으로 만들었으며 지성소 문과 성전 출입문도 모두 금으로 입혔다.