2 Chronicles 33 – NIRV & OL

New International Reader’s Version

2 Chronicles 33:1-25

Manasseh King of Judah

1Manasseh was 12 years old when he became king. He ruled in Jerusalem for 55 years. 2Manasseh did what was evil in the eyes of the Lord. He followed the practices of the nations. The Lord hated those practices. The Lord had driven out those nations to make room for the Israelites. 3Manasseh rebuilt the high places. His father Hezekiah had destroyed them. Manasseh also set up altars to the gods that were named Baal. He made poles used to worship the female god named Asherah. He even bowed down to all the stars and worshiped them. 4He built altars in the Lord’s temple. The Lord had said about his temple, “My Name will remain in Jerusalem forever.” 5In the two courtyards of the Lord’s temple Manasseh built altars to honor all the stars in the sky. 6He sacrificed his children in the fire to other gods. He did it in the Valley of Ben Hinnom. He practiced all kinds of evil magic. He took part in worshiping evil powers. He got messages from people who had died. He talked to the spirits of people who have died. He did many things that were evil in the eyes of the Lord. Manasseh made the Lord very angry.

7Manasseh had carved a statue of a god. He put it in God’s temple. God had spoken to David and his son Solomon about the temple. He had said, “My Name will be in this temple and in Jerusalem forever. Out of all the cities in the tribes of Israel I have chosen Jerusalem. 8I gave this land to your people who lived long ago. I will not make the Israelites leave it again. But they must be careful to do everything I commanded them. They must follow all the laws, directions, and rules I gave them through Moses.” 9But Manasseh led Judah and the people of Jerusalem astray. They did more evil things than the nations the Lord had destroyed to make room for the Israelites.

10The Lord spoke to Manasseh and his people. But they didn’t pay any attention to him. 11So the Lord brought the army commanders of the king of Assyria against them. They took Manasseh as a prisoner. They put a hook in his nose. They put him in bronze chains. And they took him to Babylon. 12When Manasseh was in trouble, he asked the Lord his God to help him. He made himself very humble in the sight of the God of his people. 13Manasseh prayed to him. When he did, the Lord felt sorry for him. He answered his prayer. The Lord brought Manasseh back to Jerusalem and his kingdom. Then Manasseh knew that the Lord is God.

14After that, Manasseh rebuilt the outer wall of the City of David. It was west of the Gihon spring in the valley. It reached all the way to the entrance of the Fish Gate. It went around the entire hill of Ophel. Manasseh also made the wall much higher. He stationed military commanders in all the cities in Judah that had high walls around them.

15Manasseh got rid of the false gods. He removed the statue of one of those gods from the Lord’s temple. He also removed all the altars he had built on the temple hill and in Jerusalem. He threw them out of the city. 16Then he made the Lord’s altar look like new again. He sacrificed friendship offerings and thank offerings on it. He told the people of Judah to serve the Lord, the God of Israel. 17The people continued to offer sacrifices at the high places. But they offered them only to the Lord their God.

18The other events of Manasseh’s rule are written down in the official records of the kings of Judah. These records include his prayer to his God. They also include the words the prophets spoke to him in the name of the Lord, the God of Israel. 19Everything about Manasseh is written in the records of the prophets. That includes his prayer and the fact that God felt sorry for him. It includes everything he did before he made himself humble in the Lord’s sight. It includes all his sins and the fact that he wasn’t faithful to the Lord. It includes the locations where he built high places. It includes the places where he set up poles used to worship the female god named Asherah. And it includes the places where he set up statues of other gods. 20Manasseh joined the members of his family who had already died. He was buried in his palace. Manasseh’s son Amon became the next king after him.

Amon King of Judah

21Amon was 22 years old when he became king. He ruled in Jerusalem for two years. 22Amon did what was evil in the eyes of the Lord, just as his father Manasseh had done. Amon worshiped and offered sacrifices to all the statues of gods that Manasseh had made. 23He didn’t make himself humble in the Lord’s sight as his father Manasseh had done. So Amon became even more guilty.

24Amon’s officials made plans against him. They murdered him in his palace. 25Then the people of the land killed all those who had made plans against King Amon. They made his son Josiah king in his place.

O Livro

2 Crónicas 33:1-25

Manassés rei de Judá

(2 Rs 21.1-18)

1Manassés tinha apenas 12 anos quando começou a reinar. Reinou durante 55 anos em Jerusalém. 2Fez o que era mau aos olhos do Senhor, cometendo as mesmas abominações que as nações que o Senhor tinha desterrado para dar lugar a Israel. 3Tornou a levantar os santuários pagãos que o seu pai, Ezequias, tinha derrubado. Edificou altares a Baal, ídolos de Achera e altares aos astros. 4Chegou mesmo a levantar altares no próprio templo do Senhor, acerca do qual o Senhor tinha dito: “Ali porei o meu nome para sempre.” 5Levantou altares para adorar os astros nos dois pátios do templo. 6Chegou ao ponto de sacrificar seus próprios filhos no fogo, em holocausto, no vale de Ben-Hinom. Praticou adivinhação e feitiçaria, consultou médiuns e adivinhos, e encorajou toda a espécie de maldades, atraindo a ira do Senhor.

7Pôs uma imagem esculpida no templo, no lugar acerca do qual Deus tinha dito a David e a Salomão: “Colocarei para sempre o meu nome neste templo e em Jerusalém, a cidade que escolhi entre todas as tribos de Israel. 8Se obedecerem aos meus mandamentos, a toda a Lei e instruções que vos dei através de Moisés, nunca mais deixarei partir Israel desta terra que dei aos seus antepassados.” 9Manassés, pelo contrário, encorajou a população de Judá e de Jerusalém a praticar ainda mais maldades do que as nações que o Senhor tinha destruído quando Israel tomou a terra.

10Avisos repetidos foram desprezados, tanto pelo próprio Manassés como pelo povo. 11Por essa razão, o Senhor enviou os exércitos da Assíria que o prenderam com ganchos, amarraram com cadeias e o levaram para a Babilónia. 12Ali a sua consciência despertou, na angústia, e humilhou-se sinceramente perante o Deus dos seus antepassados, orando e rogando-lhe por socorro. 13O Senhor respondeu à sua súplica e tornou a trazê-lo para Jerusalém, restaurando o seu reino. Manassés reconheceu, por fim, que o Senhor era realmente o Deus verdadeiro.

14Foi depois disto que mandou reconstruir o muro exterior da Cidade de David, assim como a muralha, desde o ocidente da fonte de Giom, no vale de Cedron, até à porta do Peixe, rodeando a colina de Ofel, onde a muralha se elevava a grande altura. Também colocou guarnições militares, comandadas por oficiais, em todas as cidades fortificadas de Judá.

15Retirou os ídolos estrangeiros das colinas e a imagem que fora colocada no templo; derrubou os altares que tinha levantado na colina onde se erguia o templo de Deus, assim como todos os altares que havia em Jerusalém, fazendo um montão de lixo fora da cidade. 16Depois reconstruiu o altar do Senhor, sacrificou sobre ele ofertas de paz e louvor e pediu que o povo de Judá adorasse o Senhor, o Deus de Israel. 17Contudo, o povo continuou a sacrificar sobre os antigos santuários pagãos, embora os sacrifícios fossem oferecidos ao Senhor, seu Deus.

18O resto da história de Manassés, a sua oração a Deus e a resposta que o Senhor, Deus de Israel, lhe deu através dos videntes e profetas, está tudo escrito nos Livros dos Reis de Israel. 19A sua oração e a forma como Deus lhe respondeu, assim como um relato dos seus erros e dos seus pecados, incluindo a lista dos locais, as colinas e os bosques onde colocou santuários pagãos e postes ídolos de Achera, antes de se ter humilhado perante o Senhor, está tudo relatado nos Livros dos Videntes. 20Quando Manassés faleceu foi sepultado junto ao seu próprio palácio.

Amom rei de Judá

(2 Rs 21.19-26)

O novo rei de Judá foi Amom. 21Tinha a idade de 22 anos quando começou a reinar. O seu reinado durou apenas 2 anos, tendo como capital Jerusalém. 22Fez o que era mau aos olhos do Senhor, tal como o seu pai Manassés nos primeiros tempos, porque ofereceu sacrifícios a todos os ídolos. 23Mas não se arrependeu perante o Senhor, como ele, antes foi agravando o seu pecado.

24Morreu assassinado pelos seus próprios colaboradores no seu palácio. 25Contudo, uns quantos cidadãos resolveram fazer justiça por suas mãos, matando aqueles que o tinham assassinado, declarando o seu filho Josias rei da nação.