2 Chronicles 32 – NIRV & CCL

New International Reader’s Version

2 Chronicles 32:1-33

Sennacherib Warns Jerusalem

1Hezekiah had been completely faithful to the Lord. However, Sennacherib king of Assyria came and marched into Judah. Sennacherib surrounded the cities that had high walls around them. He got ready to attack them. He thought he could win the battle over them. He thought he could take them for himself. 2Hezekiah saw that Sennacherib had come to Jerusalem to fight against it. 3So he asked his officials and military leaders for advice. He asked them about blocking off the water from the springs outside the city. They gave him the advice he asked for. 4They gathered together a large group of people. They blocked all the springs. They also blocked the stream that flowed through the land. “Why should the kings of Assyria come and find plenty of water?” they asked. 5Then Hezekiah worked hard repairing all the broken parts of the wall. He built towers on it. He built another wall outside that one. He built up the areas that had been filled in around the City of David. He also made large numbers of weapons and shields.

6He appointed military officers over the people. He gathered the officers together in front of him in the open area at the city gate. He gave them words of hope. He said, 7“Be strong. Be brave. Don’t be afraid. Don’t lose hope. The king of Assyria has a huge army with him. But there’s a greater power with us than there is with him. 8The only thing he has is human strength. But the Lord our God is with us. He will help us. He’ll fight our battles.” The people had great faith in what Hezekiah, the king of Judah, said.

9Later Sennacherib, the king of Assyria, and all his forces surrounded Lachish. They prepared to attack it. At that time, Sennacherib sent his officers to Jerusalem. They went there with a message for Hezekiah, the king of Judah. The message was also for all the people of Judah who were there. The message said,

10“Sennacherib, the king of Assyria, says, ‘Why are you putting your faith in what your king says? Why do you remain in Jerusalem when you are surrounded? 11Hezekiah says, “The Lord our God will save us from the power of the king of Assyria.” But he isn’t telling you the truth. If you listen to him, you will die of hunger and thirst. 12Didn’t Hezekiah himself remove your god’s high places and altars? Didn’t Hezekiah say to the people of Judah and Jerusalem, “You must worship at one altar. You must burn sacrifices on it”?

13“ ‘Don’t you know what I and the kings who ruled before me have done? Don’t you know what we’ve done to all the peoples of the other lands? Were the gods of those nations ever able to save their lands from my power? 14The kings who ruled before me destroyed many nations. Which one of the gods of those nations has been able to save his people from me? So how can your god save you from my power? 15Don’t let Hezekiah trick you. He’s telling you lies. Don’t believe him. No god of any nation or kingdom has been able to save his people from my power. No god has been able to save his people from the power of the kings who ruled before me. So your god won’t save you from my power either!’ ”

16Sennacherib’s officers spoke even more things against the Lord God and his servant Hezekiah. 17The king also wrote letters against the Lord. His letters made fun of the God of Israel. They said, “The peoples of other lands have their gods. But those gods didn’t save their people from my power. So the god of Hezekiah won’t save his people from my power either.” 18Then the officers called out in the Hebrew language to the people of Jerusalem who were on the wall. They were trying to scare them and make them afraid. That’s because they wanted to capture the city. 19They were comparing the God of Jerusalem to the gods of the other nations of the world. But those gods were only statues. They had been made by human hands.

20King Hezekiah cried out in prayer to God in heaven. He prayed about the problem Jerusalem was facing. So did Isaiah the prophet. He was the son of Amoz. 21The Lord sent an angel. The angel wiped out all the enemy’s fighting men, commanders and officers. He put an end to them right there in the camp of the Assyrian king. So Sennacherib went back to his own land in shame. He went into the temple of his god. There some of his own sons, the people closest to him, killed him with their swords.

22So the Lord saved Hezekiah and the people of Jerusalem. He saved them from the power of Sennacherib, the king of Assyria. He also saved them from all their other enemies. He took care of them on every side. 23Many people brought offerings to Jerusalem for the Lord. They brought expensive gifts for Hezekiah, the king of Judah. From then on, all the nations thought well of him.

Hezekiah’s Pride, Success and Death

24In those days Hezekiah became sick. He knew he was about to die. So he prayed to the Lord. And the Lord answered him. He gave him a miraculous sign. 25But Hezekiah’s heart was proud. He didn’t give thanks for the many kind things the Lord had done for him. So the Lord became angry with him. He also became angry with Judah and Jerusalem. 26Then Hezekiah had a change of heart. He was sorry he had been proud. The people of Jerusalem were also sorry they had sinned. So the Lord wasn’t angry with them as long as Hezekiah was king.

27Hezekiah was very rich. He received great honor. He made storerooms for his silver and gold. He also made them for his jewels, spices, shields and all kinds of expensive things. 28He made buildings to store the harvest of grain, fresh wine and olive oil. He made barns for all kinds of cattle. He made sheep pens for his flocks. 29He built villages. He gained large numbers of flocks and herds. God had made him very rich.

30Hezekiah blocked up the upper opening of the Gihon spring. He directed the water to flow down to the west side of the City of David. He had success in everything he did. 31The rulers of Babylon sent messengers to him. They asked him about the miraculous sign that had taken place in the land. Then God left Hezekiah to test him. God wanted to know everything in Hezekiah’s heart.

32Hezekiah did many things that showed he was faithful to the Lord. Those things and the other events of his rule are written down. They are written in the record of the vision of the prophet Isaiah, the son of Amoz. That record is part of the records of the kings of Judah and Israel. 33Hezekiah joined the members of his family who had already died. He was buried on the hill where the tombs of David’s family are. The whole nation of Judah honored him when he died. So did the people of Jerusalem. Hezekiah’s son Manasseh became the next king after him.

Mawu a Mulungu mu Chichewa Chalero

2 Mbiri 32:1-33

Senakeribu Aopseza Yerusalemu

1Zitatha zonse zimene Hezekiya anachita mokhulupirika, Senakeribu mfumu ya ku Asiriya anabwera ndi kuthira nkhondo dziko la Yuda. Iye anazinga mizinda yotetezedwa ya Yuda, kuganiza kuti ayigonjetsa. 2Pamene Hezekiya anaona kuti Senakeribu wabwera ndipo wakonzeka kuchita nkhondo ndi Yerusalemu, 3iye anakambirana ndi akuluakulu ake pamodzi ndi atsogoleri a gulu lankhondo za kutseka akasupe ochoka ku kasupe amene anali kunja kwa mzinda, ndipo iwo anamuthandiza. 4Gulu lalikulu la anthu linasonkhana, ndipo anatseka akasupe onse pamodzi ndi mtsinje umene umayenda mʼkati mwa nthakamo. Iwo ankanena kuti, “Nʼchifukwa chiyani mafumu a Asiriya akabwera kuno adzapeze madzi ambiri?” 5Kenaka iye anagwira ntchito molimbika kukonza madera ogumuka a khoma ndi kumangapo msanja. Anamanganso mpanda wina kunja kwa mpanda winawo ndipo anamanga zolimbitsa Milo ku mzinda wa Davide.

6Iye anasankha atsogoleri a ankhondo olamulira anthu ndipo anawasonkhanitsa pamaso pake pa bwalo la chipata cha mzinda ndi kuwalimbikitsa ndi mawu awa: 7“Khalani amphamvu ndi olimba mtima. Musachite mantha kapena kutaya mtima chifukwa cha mfumu ya ku Asiriya ndi gulu lalikulu lankhondo limene ali nalo, pakuti ife tili ndi mphamvu yayikulu kuposa imene ili ndi iye. 8Iye ali ndi mphamvu ya anthu basi, koma ife tili ndi Yehova Mulungu wathu kutithandiza ndi kuchita nkhondo zathu.” Ndipo anthu anapeza chilimbikitso kuchokera pa zimene Hezekiya mfumu ya Yuda ananena.

9Nthawi ina, pamene Senakeribu mfumu ya ku Asiriya ndi gulu lake lonse lankhondo anali atazinga Lakisi, iye anatumiza atsogoleri ake ankhondo ku Yerusalemu ndi uthenga uwu kwa Hezekiya mfumu ya Yuda ndi anthu onse a ku Yuda amene anali kumeneko:

10“Senakeribu mfumu ya ku Asiriya akuti: Kodi inu mukukhulupirira chiyani, kuti mukukhalabe mu Yerusalemu mutazingidwa? 11Pamene Hezekiya akunena kuti ‘Yehova Mulungu wathu adzatipulumutsa kuchoka mʼdzanja la mfumu ya ku Asiriya,’ iye akukusocheretsani, kuti mufe ndi njala ndi ludzu. 12Kodi si Hezekiya amene anachotsa malo opembedzerapo Mulungu ameneyu ndi maguwa ansembe ndi kunena kwa anthu a ku Yuda ndi Yerusalemu kuti, ‘Muzipembedza pa guwa lansembe limodzi ndi kupserezapo nsembe?’

13“Kodi inu simukudziwa zimene ine ndi makolo anga tachita kwa anthu a mitundu ina? Kodi milungu ya mitundu imeneyi inatha kupulumutsa dziko lawo kuchoka mʼdzanja langa? 14Kodi ndi milungu iti mwa milungu ya mitundu ina ya anthuwo, imene makolo anga anayiwononga kotheratu, inatha kupulumutsa anthu ake mʼdzanja langa? Nanga tsono Mulungu wanuyo adzakupulumutsani mʼdzanja langa motani? 15Choncho inu musalole kuti Hezekiya akunamizeni ndi kukusocheretsani motere. Musamukhulupirire, pakuti palibe mulungu wa mtundu wina uliwonse kapena ufumu wina uliwonse umene unatha kupulumutsa anthu ake kuchoka mʼdzanja langa kapena mʼdzanja la makolo anga. Nanga bwanji Mulungu wanuyo, sadzatha kukupulumutsani kuchoka mʼdzanja langa!”

16Atsogoleri a ankhondo a Senakeribu anapitiriza kuyankhula zotsutsana ndi Yehova Mulungu ndi mtumiki wake Hezekiya. 17Mfumunso inalemba makalata onyoza Yehova, Mulungu wa Israeli, ndipo inanena zotsutsana naye izi: “Monga momwe milungu ya anthu a mayiko ena sinathe kuwapulumutsa kuchoka mʼdzanja langa, chonchonso Mulungu wa Hezekiya sadzapulumutsa anthu ake kuchoka mʼdzanja langa.” 18Kenaka iwo anafuwula mu Chihebri kwa anthu a mu Yerusalemu amene anali pa khoma, kuwaopseza ndi kuwachititsa mantha ndi cholinga choti alande mzindawo. 19Iwo anayankhula za Mulungu wa Yerusalemu monga anayankhulira za milungu ya anthu ena a pa dziko lapansi, ntchito ya manja a anthu.

20Mfumu Hezekiya ndi mneneri Yesaya mwana wa Amozi anafuwulira kumwamba mʼpemphero chifukwa cha zimenezi. 21Ndipo Yehova anatumiza mngelo amene anadzapha anthu onse odziwa nkhondo ndi atsogoleri ndiponso oyangʼanira misasa ya mfumu ya ku Asiriya. Choncho Senakeribu anabwerera kwawo wamanyazi. Ndipo atalowa mʼnyumba ya mulungu wake, ena mwa ana ake anamupha ndi lupanga.

22Kotero Yehova anapulumutsa Hezekiya ndi anthu a ku Yerusalemu kuchoka mʼdzanja la Senakeribu mfumu ya ku Asiriya ndi mʼdzanja la anthu ena. Yehova anawateteza ku mbali zonse. 23Anthu ambiri anabweretsa zopereka kwa Yehova ku Yerusalemu ndi mphatso zamtengowapatali kwa Hezekiya mfumu ya Yuda. Kuyambira nthawi imeneyo Hezekiya ankalemekezedwa kwambiri ndi mitundu ina yonse.

Kunyada, Kupambana ndi Imfa ya Hezekiya

24Pa nthawi imeneyo Hezekiya anadwala ndipo anali pafupi kufa. Iye anapemphera kwa Yehova, amene anamuyankha ndi kumupatsa chizindikiro chodabwitsa. 25Koma Hezekiya anali ndi mtima wonyada ndipo sanachite molingana ndi kukoma mtima kumene Mulungu anamuonetsera. Choncho mkwiyo wa Yehova unali pa iye ndi pa Yuda ndi Yerusalemu. 26Koma kenaka Hezekiya analapa za kunyada kwakeko, monga anachitanso anthu a mu Yerusalemu. Choncho mkwiyo wa Yehova sunafike pa iwo pa nthawi ya Hezekiya.

27Hezekiya anali ndi chuma ndi ulemu wambiri ndipo anamanga nyumba zosungiramo chuma cha siliva wake ndi golide ndi za miyala yokongola, zokometsera zakudya, zishango ndi mtundu uliwonse wa zinthu zamtengowapatali. 28Iye anamanganso nyumba zosungiramo tirigu, vinyo watsopano ndi mafuta a olivi, ndiponso anamanga nyumba zodyeramo ngʼombe zosiyanasiyana, ndi makola a nkhosa. 29Iyeyo anamanga midzi ndipo anali ndi nkhosa ndi ngʼombe zambiri, pakuti Mulungu anamupatsa chuma chambiri.

30Ndi Hezekiya amene anatseka ku mtunda kwa kasupe wa Gihoni, ndi kumuwongolera kuti madzi ake apite mbali ya kumadzulo kwa Mzinda wa Davide. Iye ankachita bwino pa ntchito iliyonse imene ankagwira. 31Koma pamene nthumwi zotumizidwa ndi atsogoleri a ku Babuloni zinabwera kudzamufunsa za chizindikiro chozizwitsa chimene chinachitika mʼdzikomo, Mulungu anamusiya yekha, kumuyesa kuti adziwe zonse zimene zinali mu mtima mwake.

32Zina ndi zina zokhudza ulamuliro wa Hezekiya ndi ntchito za kudzipereka kwake zalembedwa mʼmasomphenya a Yesaya mwana wa Amozi, mʼbuku la mafumu a Yuda ndi Israeli. 33Hezekiya anamwalira ndipo anayikidwa mʼmanda pa phiri pamene pali manda a zidzukulu za Davide. Ayuda onse ndi anthu a mu Yerusalemu anamulemekeza atamwalira. Ndipo Manase mwana wake analowa ufumu mʼmalo mwake.