2 Chronicles 29 – NIRV & BPH

New International Reader’s Version

2 Chronicles 29:1-36

Hezekiah Purifies the Temple

1Hezekiah was 25 years old when he became king. He ruled in Jerusalem for 29 years. His mother’s name was Abijah. She was the daughter of Zechariah. 2Hezekiah did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, just as King David had done.

3In the first month of Hezekiah’s first year as king, he opened the doors of the Lord’s temple. He repaired them. 4He brought the priests and Levites in. He gathered them together in the open area on the east side of the temple. 5He said, “Levites, listen to me! Set yourselves apart to the Lord. Set apart the temple of the Lord. He’s the God of your people who lived long ago. Remove anything ‘unclean’ from the temple. 6Our people weren’t faithful. They did what was evil in the eyes of the Lord our God. They deserted him. They turned their faces away from the place where he lives. They turned their backs on him. 7They also shut the doors of the temple porch. They put the lamps out. They didn’t burn incense at the temple. They didn’t sacrifice burnt offerings there to the God of Israel. 8So the Lord has become angry with Judah and Jerusalem. He has made them look so bad that everyone is shocked when they see them. They laugh at them. You can see it with your own eyes. 9That’s why our fathers have been killed by swords. That’s why our sons and daughters and wives have become prisoners. 10So I’m planning to make a covenant with the Lord, the God of Israel. Then he’ll stop being angry with us. 11My sons, don’t fail to obey the Lord. He has chosen you to stand in front of him and work for him. He wants you to serve him and burn incense to him.”

12Here are the Levites who went to work.

Mahath and Joel were from the family line of Kohath.

Mahath was the son of Amasai. Joel was the son of Azariah.

Kish and Azariah were from the family line of Merari.

Kish was the son of Abdi. Azariah was the son of Jehallelel.

Joah and Eden were from the family line of Gershon.

Joah was the son of Zimmah. Eden was the son of Joah.

13Shimri and Jeiel were from the family line of Elizaphan.

Zechariah and Mattaniah were from the family line of Asaph.

14Jehiel and Shimei were from the family line of Heman.

Shemaiah and Uzziel were from the family line of Jeduthun.

15All these Levites gathered the other Levites together. They set themselves apart to the Lord. Then they went in to purify the Lord’s temple. That’s what the king had ordered them to do. They did what the Lord told them to. 16The priests went into the Lord’s temple to make it pure. They brought out to the temple courtyard everything that was “unclean.” They had found “unclean” things in the Lord’s temple. The Levites took them and carried them out to the Kidron Valley. 17On the first day of the first month they began to set everything in the temple apart to the Lord. By the eighth day of the month they reached the Lord’s porch. For eight more days they set the Lord’s temple itself apart to him. They finished on the 16th day of the first month.

18Then they went to King Hezekiah. They reported, “We’ve purified the whole temple of the Lord. That includes the altar for burnt offerings and all its tools. It also includes the table for the holy bread and all its objects. 19We’ve prepared all the things King Ahaz had removed. We’ve set them apart to the Lord. Ahaz had removed them while he was king. He wasn’t faithful to the Lord. Those things are now in front of the Lord’s altar.”

20Early the next morning King Hezekiah gathered together the city officials. They all went up to the Lord’s temple. 21They brought seven bulls, seven rams, seven male lambs and seven male goats with them. They sacrificed the animals as a sin offering for the kingdom, for the temple and for Judah. The king commanded the priests to offer them on the Lord’s altar. The priests were from the family line of Aaron. 22They killed the bulls. Then they splashed the blood against the altar. Next they killed the rams and splashed the blood against the altar. Then they killed the lambs and splashed the blood against the altar. 23The goats for the sin offering were brought to the king and the whole community. They placed their hands on them. 24Then the priests killed the goats. They put the blood on the altar as a sin offering. It paid for the sin of the whole nation of Israel. The king had ordered the burnt offering and the sin offering for the whole nation.

25Hezekiah stationed the Levites in the Lord’s temple. They had cymbals, harps and lyres. They did everything in the way King David, his prophet Gad, and Nathan the prophet had required. The Lord had given commands about all these things through his prophets. 26So the Levites stood ready with David’s musical instruments. And the priests had their trumpets ready.

27Hezekiah gave the order to sacrifice the burnt offering on the altar. The offering began. Singing to the Lord also began. The singing was accompanied by the trumpets and by the instruments of David. He had been king of Israel. 28The whole community bowed down. They worshiped the Lord. At the same time the musicians played their musical instruments. The priests blew their trumpets. All of that continued until the burnt offering had been sacrificed.

29So the offerings were finished. King Hezekiah got down on his knees. He worshiped the Lord. So did everyone who was with him. 30The king and his officials ordered the Levites to praise the Lord. They used the words of David and Asaph the prophet. They sang praises with joy. They bowed down and worshiped the Lord.

31Then Hezekiah said, “You have set yourselves apart to the Lord. Come and bring sacrifices and thank offerings to his temple.” So the whole community brought sacrifices and thank offerings. Everyone who wanted to brought burnt offerings.

32The whole community brought 70 bulls, 100 rams and 200 male lambs. They brought all of them as burnt offerings to the Lord. 33The total number of animals set apart as sacrifices to the Lord was 600 bulls and 3,000 sheep and goats. 34But there weren’t enough priests to skin all the burnt offerings. So their relatives, the Levites, helped them. They worked until the task was finished. By that time other priests had been set apart to the Lord. The Levites had been more careful than the priests when they set themselves apart. 35There were large numbers of burnt offerings, along with the drink offerings and the fat from the friendship offerings. They were offered along with the burnt offerings.

So the service of the Lord’s temple was started up again. 36Hezekiah and all the people were filled with joy. That’s because everything had been done so quickly. God had provided for his people in a wonderful way.

Bibelen på hverdagsdansk

2. Krønikebog 29:1-36

Kong Hizkija af Juda genåbner templet

2.Kong. 18,2-3

1Hizkija var 25 år gammel, da han blev konge, og han regerede i Jerusalem i 29 år. Hans mor hed Abija og var datter af Zekarja.

2Hizkija gjorde, hvad der var ret i Herrens øjne, akkurat som sin forfar kong David. 3Allerede i sit første regeringsår, i årets første måned, sørgede han for, at Herrens hus blev åbnet og indgangsdørene istandsat. 4Det første, han gjorde, var at indkalde de ledende præster og levitter til at mødes med ham på den åbne plads øst for templet. 5Så sagde han til dem:

„Hør godt efter, levitter! I skal begynde med at rense jer selv og derefter rense jeres forfædres Guds bolig. Alt det urene skal fjernes fra helligdommen. 6Vores forældre var troløse over for Herren. De gjorde, hvad der var ondt i hans øjne, og svigtede ham. De vendte ryggen til ham og lod templet forfalde. 7De slukkede lamperne og barrikaderede dørene til forhallen. De holdt op med at bringe brændofre og røgelsesofre til Israels Gud i helligdommen. 8Derfor ramte Herrens vrede Judas og Jerusalems indbyggere, så de blev undertrykt, mishandlet og hånet. I har selv set det. 9Vores fædre blev dræbt i krig, og vores sønner, døtre og koner er i fangenskab.

10Men nu vil jeg genoprette vores pagt med Herren, Israels Gud, for at han ikke længere skal være vred på os. 11I levitter må ikke længere forsømme jeres pligter. Herren har jo udvalgt jer til at gå ind i helligdommen, til at tjene ham på folkets vegne og bringe ofre til ham.”

12Det forslag syntes lederne godt om. Der var følgende levitter til stede ved mødet: Fra Kehats slægt: Mahat, søn af Amasaj, og Joel, søn af Azarja; fra Meraris slægt: Kish, søn af Abdi, og Azarja, søn af Jehallelel; fra Gershons slægt: Joa, søn af Zimma, og Eden, søn af Joa; 13fra Elitzafans slægt: Shimri og Jeuel; fra Asafs slægt: Zekarja og Mattanja; 14fra Hemans slægt: Jehiel og Shimi; fra Jedutuns slægt: Shemaja og Uzziel.

15Disse ledere fik fat i de andre levitter, og de gennemgik alle de foreskrevne renselsesceremonier. Derefter gik de i gang med at rydde op i templet i overensstemmelse med kongens befaling, der byggede på Herrens ord. 16Præsterne gik ind i selve helligdommen og bar alt det, som var blevet vanhelliget, ud i forgården. Derefter fragtede levitterne det videre ud af byen til Kedrondalen. 17Udrensningsarbejdet påbegyndtes den første dag i årets første måned. Efter otte dage var de nået til forhallen, og der gik otte dage mere med at rydde selve templet. De blev færdige på den 16. dag i den første måned.

18Derpå gik de op til kongen og sagde: „Vi har nu fuldført udrensningen. Vi har fjernet alt urent fra templet og sat brændofferalteret, bordet med de hellige brød og alle de tilhørende redskaber i stand. 19Alle de ting, som den troløse kong Ahaz vanhelligede, har vi renset og istandsat. De står nu foran brændofferalteret.”

20Tidligt næste morgen samlede kong Hizkija byens ledende mænd og gik i spidsen for dem op til templet. 21Med sig havde de syv ungtyre, syv væddere og syv lam til brændofre, samt syv gedebukke til syndofre. De skulle være syndofre for alle de synder, kongerne, præsterne og hele Judas folk tidligere havde begået. Hizkija gav derpå præsterne ordre til at begynde ofringen af de dyr, der skulle være brændoffer. 22Præsterne slagtede ungtyrene og stænkede blodet på alteret, og det samme gjorde de med vædderne og lammene. 23Gedebukkene, der var beregnet til syndofre, blev ført frem for lederne og for kongen, der alle lagde hænderne på dem. 24Så slagtede præsterne dem og udgød blodet over alteret som et sonoffer for hele Israels folk. Kongen havde sagt, at brændofrene og syndofrene skulle gælde hele Israels folk.

25Kongen opstillede levitterne i templet, for at de skulle spille på deres harper, lyrer og bækkener efter Davids forskrifter, og som Herren havde befalet gennem profeterne Gad og Natan. 26Levitterne stod så med de instrumenter, David havde indført, mens præsterne blæste i trompeterne. 27Derpå befalede kongen, at man lagde brændofrene på alteret og satte ild til. Samtidig begyndte lovsangen til Herren til akkompagnement af trompeter og de øvrige instrumenter. 28Hele forsamlingen tog del i tilbedelsen, som varede indtil alle ofrene var brændt. 29Derefter lagde kongen og de tilstedeværende sig på knæ i tilbedelse. 30Kongen og hans embedsmænd havde befalet levitterne at lovsynge Herren med kong Davids og profeten Asafs salmer. Det gjorde de med glæde, og bagefter knælede de også på jorden i tilbedelse.

31„Nu har I alle indviet jer til at tjene Herren,” sagde kong Hizkija. „Så kan I komme hen til templet med jeres lovprisningsofre til slagtning.” Folk kom derefter med deres lovprisningsofre, og nogle bragte frivillige brændofre. 32I alt kom de med 70 okser, 100 væddere og 200 lam som brændofre. 33Derudover kom de med 600 okser og 3000 stykker småkvæg som gaver til præsterne og levitterne. 34Der var endnu ikke tilstrækkelig mange præster, der havde indviet sig, så de var for få til at klare alle offerdyrene. Levitterne måtte derfor træde til og hjælpe, for de havde vist sig mere villige end præsterne til at indvi sig. 35Foruden det store antal brændofre var der også mange drikofre og en stor mængde fedt fra takofrene.

På den måde blev ofringstjenesten i Herrens hus genoprettet. 36Kong Hizkija og hele folket glædede sig over alt det, Gud havde hjulpet dem med at udrette på så kort tid.