2 Chronicles 24 – NIRV & NVI-PT

New International Reader’s Version

2 Chronicles 24:1-27

Joash Repairs the Temple

1Joash was seven years old when he became king. He ruled in Jerusalem for 40 years. His mother’s name was Zibiah. She was from Beersheba. 2Joash did what was right in the eyes of the Lord. Joash lived that way as long as Jehoiada the priest was alive. 3Jehoiada chose two wives for Joash. They had sons and daughters by Joash.

4Some time later Joash decided to make the Lord’s temple look like new again. 5He called together the priests and Levites. He said to them, “Go to the towns of Judah. Collect the money that the nation of Israel owes every year. Use it to repair the temple of your God. Do it now.” But the Levites didn’t do it right away.

6So the king sent for Jehoiada the chief priest. He said to him, “Why haven’t you required the Levites to bring in the tax from Judah and Jerusalem? It was set up by the Lord’s servant Moses and the whole community of Israel. It was used for the tent where the tablets of the covenant law were kept.”

7The children of that evil woman Athaliah had broken into God’s temple. They had used even its sacred objects for the gods that were named Baal.

8King Joash commanded that a wooden chest be made. It was placed outside near the gate of the Lord’s temple. 9Then a message went out in Judah and Jerusalem. It said that the people should bring the tax to the Lord. God’s servant Moses had required Israel to pay that tax when they were in the desert. 10All the officials and people gladly brought their money. They dropped it into the chest until it was full. 11The chest was brought in by the Levites to the king’s officials. Every time the officials saw there was a large amount of money in the chest, it was emptied out. The royal secretary and the officer of the chief priest came and emptied it. Then they carried it back to its place. They did it regularly. They collected a great amount of money. 12The king and Jehoiada gave it to the people who were doing the work on the Lord’s temple. They hired people who could lay the stones and people who could work with wood. They also hired people who could work with iron and bronze. They hired all of them to repair the temple.

13The men in charge of the work did their best. The repairs went very well under them. They rebuilt God’s temple. They did it in keeping with its original plans. They made the temple even stronger. 14So they finished the work. Then they brought the rest of the money to the king and Jehoiada. It was used to pay for the objects that were made for the Lord’s temple. The objects were used for serving at the temple. They were also used for the burnt offerings. The objects included dishes and other things made out of gold and silver. As long as Jehoiada lived, burnt offerings were sacrificed continually at the Lord’s temple.

15Jehoiada had become very old. He died at the age of 130. 16He was buried with the kings in the City of David. That’s because he had done so many good things in Israel for God and his temple.

The Evil Things Joash Did

17After Jehoiada died, the officials of Judah came to King Joash. They bowed down to him. He listened to them. 18They turned their backs on the temple of the Lord, the God of their people. They worshiped poles made to honor the female god named Asherah. They also worshiped statues of other gods. Because Judah and Jerusalem were guilty of sin, God became angry with them. 19The Lord sent prophets to the people to bring them back to him. The prophets told the people what they were doing wrong. But the people wouldn’t listen.

20Then the Spirit of God came on Zechariah the priest. He was the son of Jehoiada. Zechariah stood in front of the people. He told them, “God says, ‘Why do you refuse to obey my commands? You will not have success. You have deserted me. So I have deserted you.’ ”

21But the people made evil plans against Zechariah. The king ordered them to kill Zechariah by throwing stones at him. They did it in the courtyard of the Lord’s temple. 22King Joash didn’t remember how kind Zechariah’s father Jehoiada had been to him. So he killed Jehoiada’s son. As Zechariah was dying he said, “May the Lord see this. May he hold you responsible.”

23In the spring, the army of Aram marched into Judah and Jerusalem against Joash. They killed all the leaders of the people. They took a large amount of goods from Judah. They sent it to their king in Damascus. 24The army of Aram had come with only a few men. But the Lord allowed them to win the battle over a much larger army. Judah had deserted the Lord, the God of their people. That’s why the Lord punished Joash. 25The army of Aram pulled back. They left Joash badly wounded. His officials planned to do evil things to him. That’s because he murdered the son of Jehoiada the priest. They killed Joash in his bed. So he died. He was buried in the City of David. But he wasn’t placed in the tombs of the kings.

26Those who made the plans against Joash were Zabad and Jehozabad. Zabad was the son of Shimeath. She was from Ammon. Jehozabad was the son of Shimrith. She was from Moab. 27The story of the sons of Joash is written in the notes on the records of the kings. The many prophecies about him are written there too. So is the record of how he made God’s temple look like new again. Joash’s son Amaziah became the next king after him.

Nova Versão Internacional

2 Crônicas 24:1-27

As Reformas de Joás no Templo

1Joás tinha sete anos de idade quando se tornou rei e reinou quarenta anos em Jerusalém. O nome de sua mãe era Zíbia; ela era de Berseba. 2Joás fez o que o Senhor aprova enquanto viveu o sacerdote Joiada. 3Este escolheu para Joás duas mulheres, e ele teve filhos e filhas.

4Algum tempo depois, Joás decidiu fazer reparos no templo do Senhor. 5Ele reuniu os sacerdotes e os levitas e lhes disse: “Vão às cidades de Judá e recolham o imposto devido anualmente por todo o Israel, para fazer reparos no templo de seu Deus. Vão agora mesmo!” Os levitas, porém, não agiram imediatamente.

6Por isso o rei convocou Joiada, o sumo sacerdote, e lhe perguntou: “Por que você não exigiu que os levitas trouxessem de Judá e de Jerusalém o imposto determinado por Moisés, servo do Senhor, e pela assembleia de Israel, para a tenda da arca da aliança24.6 Hebraico: Tenda do Testemunho.?”

7De fato, Atalia, aquela mulher ímpia, e os seus filhos tinham arrombado o templo de Deus e tinham até usado os seus objetos sagrados para cultuar os baalins.

8Então, por ordem do rei, fizeram uma caixa e a colocaram do lado de fora, à entrada do templo do Senhor. 9Fez-se a seguir uma proclamação em Judá e em Jerusalém para que trouxessem ao Senhor o imposto que Moisés, servo de Deus, havia exigido de Israel no deserto. 10Todos os líderes e todo o povo trouxeram com alegria as suas contribuições, colocando-as na caixa até enchê-la. 11Sempre que os levitas levavam a caixa até os supervisores do rei e estes viam que havia muita prata, o secretário real e o oficial do sumo sacerdote esvaziavam-na e a levavam de volta. Fazendo isso regularmente, ajuntaram uma grande quantidade de prata. 12O rei e Joiada entregavam essa prata aos homens que executavam os trabalhos necessários no templo do Senhor. Eles contratavam pedreiros, carpinteiros e também operários que trabalhavam em ferro e em bronze para restaurarem o templo do Senhor.

13Os homens encarregados do trabalho eram diligentes, o que garantiu o progresso da obra de reforma. Eles reconstruíram o templo de Deus de acordo com o modelo original e o reforçaram. 14Quando terminaram, trouxeram o restante da prata ao rei e a Joiada, e com ela foram feitos utensílios para o templo do Senhor; utensílios para o serviço e para os holocaustos, além de tigelas e outros objetos de ouro e de prata. Enquanto Joiada viveu, holocaustos foram apresentados continuamente no templo do Senhor.

15Joiada morreu com idade avançada, com cento e trinta anos. 16Foi sepultado com os reis na Cidade de Davi, em atenção ao bem que havia feito em Israel em favor de Deus e do seu templo.

A Impiedade de Joás

17Depois da morte de Joiada, os líderes de Judá foram falar com o rei e lhe prestaram reverência, e ele aceitou o que disseram. 18Então abandonaram o templo do Senhor, o Deus dos seus antepassados, e prestaram culto aos postes sagrados e aos ídolos. Por culpa deles, a ira de Deus veio sobre Judá e Jerusalém. 19Embora o Senhor tivesse enviado profetas ao povo para trazê-lo de volta para ele, e os profetas tivessem testemunhado contra ele, o povo não quis ouvi-los.

20Então o Espírito de Deus apoderou-se de Zacarias, filho do sacerdote Joiada. Ele se colocou diante do povo e disse: “Isto é o que Deus diz: ‘Por que vocês desobedecem aos mandamentos do Senhor? Vocês não prosperarão. Já que abandonaram o Senhor, ele os abandonará’ ”.

21Mas alguns conspiraram contra ele e, por ordem do rei, apedrejaram-no até a morte no pátio do templo do Senhor. 22O rei Joás não levou em conta que Joiada, pai de Zacarias, tinha sido bondoso com ele, e matou o seu filho. Este, ao morrer, exclamou: “Veja isto o Senhor e faça justiça!”

23Na virada do ano24.23 Provavelmente na primavera., o exército arameu marchou contra Joás; invadiu Judá e Jerusalém, matou todos os líderes do povo e enviou para Damasco, ao seu rei, tudo o que saqueou. 24Embora o exército arameu fosse pequeno, o Senhor entregou nas mãos dele um exército muito maior, por Judá ter abandonado o Senhor, o Deus dos seus antepassados. Assim o juízo foi executado sobre Joás. 25Quando os arameus foram embora, deixaram Joás seriamente ferido. Seus oficiais conspiraram contra ele, porque ele tinha assassinado o filho do sacerdote Joiada, e o mataram em sua cama. Assim ele morreu e foi sepultado na Cidade de Davi, mas não nos túmulos dos reis.

26Os que conspiraram contra ele foram Zabade, filho da amonita Simeate, e Jeozabade, filho da moabita Sinrite. 27Quanto a seus filhos, às muitas profecias a seu respeito e ao relato da restauração do templo de Deus, tudo está escrito nas anotações dos livros dos reis. E seu filho Amazias foi o seu sucessor.