2 Chronicles 22 – NIRV & KLB

New International Reader’s Version

2 Chronicles 22:1-12

Ahaziah King of Judah

1The people of Jerusalem made Ahaziah king in place of Jehoram. Ahaziah was Jehoram’s youngest son. Robbers had come with the Arabs into Jehoram’s camp. The robbers had killed all his older sons. So Ahaziah, the king of Judah, began to rule. He was the son of Jehoram.

2Ahaziah was 22 years old when he became king. He ruled in Jerusalem for one year. His mother’s name was Athaliah. She was a granddaughter of Omri.

3Ahaziah also followed the ways of the royal family of Ahab. That’s because Ahaziah’s mother gave him bad advice. She told him to do what was wrong. 4So he did what was evil in the eyes of the Lord. He did what the family of Ahab had done. After Ahaziah’s father died, the members of Ahab’s family became his advisers. That’s what destroyed him. 5He also followed their advice when he joined forces with Joram, the king of Israel. They went to war against Hazael at Ramoth Gilead. Joram was the son of Ahab. Hazael was king of Aram. The soldiers of Aram wounded Joram. 6So he returned to Jezreel to give his wounds time to heal. His enemies had wounded him at Ramoth in his battle against Hazael, the king of Aram.

Ahaziah, the son of Jehoram, went down to Jezreel. He went there to see Joram. That’s because Joram had been wounded. Ahaziah was king of Judah. Joram was the son of Ahab.

7Through Ahaziah’s visit to Joram, God caused Ahaziah to fall from power. When Ahaziah arrived, he rode out with Joram to meet Jehu, the son of Nimshi. The Lord had anointed Jehu to destroy the royal family of Ahab. 8So Jehu punished Ahab’s family, just as the Lord had told him to. While he was doing it, he found the officials of Judah and the sons of Ahaziah’s relatives. They had been serving Ahaziah. So Jehu killed them. 9Then he went to look for Ahaziah. Jehu’s men captured him while he was hiding in Samaria. Ahaziah was brought to Jehu and put to death. People buried him, because they said, “He was a grandson of Jehoshaphat, who followed the Lord with all his heart.” So no one in the royal family of Ahaziah was powerful enough to keep the kingdom.

Athaliah and Joash

10Athaliah was Ahaziah’s mother. She saw that her son was dead. So she began to wipe out the whole royal family of Judah. 11But Jehosheba went and got Joash, the son of Ahaziah. Jehosheba was the daughter of King Jehoram. She stole Joash away from among the royal princes. All of them were about to be murdered. She put Joash and his nurse in a bedroom. Jehosheba, the daughter of King Jehoram, was the wife of Jehoiada the priest. She was also Ahaziah’s sister. So Jehosheba hid the child from Athaliah. That’s why Athaliah couldn’t kill him. 12The child remained hidden with the priest and his wife at God’s temple for six years. Athaliah ruled over the land during that time.

Korean Living Bible

역대하 22:1-12

유다의 6대 왕 아하시야

1예루살렘 주민들은 여호람의 막내 아들 아하시야를 왕위에 앉혔다. 이 것은 전에 아라비아 사람과 함께 온 약탈 부대가 그의 형들을 모조리 죽였기 때문이었다.

2아하시야는 22:2 또는 ‘42세에’22세에 왕위에 올라 예루살렘에서 년을 통치하였다. 그리고 그의 어머니는 오므리의 손녀 아달랴였다.

3그도 역시 아합을 본받아 악한 길을 걸었는데 이것은 그의 어머니가 그를 꾀어 악을 행하도록 하였기 때문이었다.

4아하시야는 그의 아버지가 죽은 다음에 그의 친척인 아합 집안 사람들의 가르침을 좇아 아합 못지않게 여호와께서 보시기에 악을 행하였다.

5아하시야는 아합 집안 사람들의 조언에 따라 아합의 아들인 이스라엘의 요람왕과 함께 시리아의 하사엘왕을 치러 갔다. 그들이 길르앗의 라못에서 접전을 벌이던 중 요람왕이 부상을 입었다.

6그래서 그가 부상을 치료하기 위해 이스르엘로 돌아가자 유다의 아하시야왕이 이스르엘로 가서 그를 문병하였다.

7그러나 이 문병이 오히려 그에게는 치명적인 화가 되고 말았다. 이것은 하나님께서 아하시야를 벌하시기로 이미 작정하셨기 때문이었다. 아하시야는 그 곳에 갔다가 요람왕과 함께 님시의 아들 예후를 만나게 되었는데 그는 여호와께서 아합의 집안을 파멸시키기 위해 택한 사람이었다.

8예후는 아합의 집안 사람들을 찾아 죽일 때에 유다의 지도자들과 아하시야왕의 조카들을 만나 그들을 모조리 죽여 버렸다.

9예후가 아하시야를 찾고 있던 중 그의 부하들은 그가 사마리아성에 숨어 있다는 것을 알고 가서 그를 예후 앞에 끌어다가 죽여 버렸다. 그러나 그들은 진심으로 여호와를 섬겼던 그의 할아버지 여호사밧을 생각하여 그를 장사해 주었다. 이리하여 아하시야의 집안에는 나라를 다스릴 만한 자가 없었다.

아달랴와 요아스

10아하시야왕의 어머니 아달랴는 자기 아들이 죽었다는 것을 알고 유다 집안의 왕족을 씨도 없이 죽여 버리려고 하였다.

11그러나 여호람왕의 딸인 22:11 또는 ‘여호사브앗’여호세바가 아하시야의 아들 요아스를 죽음 직전에 구출하여 그와 그 유모를 침실에 숨겨 두었기 때문에 아달랴가 그를 죽일 수 없었다. 여호세바는 여호람왕의 딸이자 아하시야의 누이이며 제사장 여호야다의 아내였다.

12요아스가 성전에서 6년을 숨어 있는 동안 아달랴가 나라를 다스렸다.