2 Chronicles 13 – NIRV & CCL

New International Reader’s Version

2 Chronicles 13:1-22

Abijah King of Judah

1Abijah became king of Judah. It was in the 18th year of Jeroboam’s rule over Israel. 2Abijah ruled in Jerusalem for three years. His mother’s name was Maakah. She was a daughter of Uriel. Uriel was from Gibeah.

There was war between Abijah and Jeroboam. 3Abijah went into battle with an army of 400,000 capable fighting men. Jeroboam lined up his soldiers against them. He had 800,000 able troops.

4Abijah stood on Mount Zemaraim. It’s in the hill country of Ephraim. Abijah said, “Jeroboam and all you Israelites, listen to me! 5The Lord is the God of Israel. Don’t you know that he has placed David and his sons after him on Israel’s throne forever? The Lord made a covenant of salt with David. The salt means the covenant will last for all time to come. 6Jeroboam, the son of Nebat, was an official of David’s son Solomon. But he refused to obey his master. 7Some worthless and evil men gathered around him. They opposed Solomon’s son Rehoboam. At that time Rehoboam was young. He couldn’t make up his mind. He wasn’t strong enough to stand up against those men.

8“Now you plan to stand up against the kingdom of the Lord. His kingdom is in the hands of men in David’s family line. It’s true that you have a huge army. You have the statues of the golden calves that Jeroboam made to be your gods. 9But you drove out the priests of the Lord, the sons of Aaron. You also drove out the Levites. You appointed your own priests. That’s what the people of other nations do. Anyone can come and set himself apart. All he has to do is sacrifice a young bull and seven rams. Then he becomes a priest of gods that aren’t really gods at all!

10“But the Lord is our God. We haven’t deserted him. The priests who serve the Lord belong to the family line of Aaron. The Levites help them. 11Every morning and evening the priests bring burnt offerings and sweet-smelling incense to the Lord. They set out the holy bread on the table. That table is ‘clean.’ They light the lamps on the gold lampstand every evening. We always do what the Lord our God requires in his law. But you have deserted him. 12God is with us. He’s our leader. His priests will blow their trumpets. They will sound the battle cry against you. People of Israel, don’t fight against the Lord. He’s the God of your people who lived long ago. You can’t possibly succeed.”

13Jeroboam had sent some troops behind Judah’s battle lines. He told them to hide and wait there. He and his men stayed in front of Judah’s lines. 14Judah turned and saw that they were being attacked from the front and from the back. Then they cried out to the Lord. The priests blew their trumpets. 15The men of Judah shouted the battle cry. When they did, God drove Jeroboam and all the Israelites away from Abijah and Judah. 16The Israelites ran away from them. God handed Israel over to Judah. 17Abijah and his troops wounded and killed large numbers of them. In fact, 500,000 of Israel’s capable men lay dead or wounded. 18So at that time the Israelites were brought under Judah’s control. The people of Judah won the battle over them. That’s because they trusted in the Lord, the God of their people.

19Abijah chased Jeroboam. He captured from him the towns of Bethel, Jeshanah and Ephron. He also captured the villages around them. 20Jeroboam didn’t get his power back during the time of Abijah. In fact, the Lord struck Jeroboam down, and he died.

21But Abijah grew stronger. He married 14 wives. He had 22 sons and 16 daughters.

22The other events of Abijah’s rule are written down. The things he did and said are written in the notes of Iddo the prophet.

Mawu a Mulungu mu Chichewa Chalero

2 Mbiri 13:1-22

Abiya Mfumu ya Yuda

1Mʼchaka cha 18 cha ulamuliro wa Yeroboamu, Abiya analowa ufumu wa Yuda, 2ndipo analamulira mu Yerusalemu kwa zaka zitatu. Dzina la amayi ake linali Maaka mwana wa Urieli wa ku Gibeya.

Koma panali nkhondo pakati pa Abiya ndi Yeroboamu. 3Abiya anapita ku nkhondo ndi asilikali odziwa bwino nkhondo 400,000, ndipo Yeroboamu anandandalitsa ankhondo, asilikali 800,000 odziwa bwino nkhondo, osankhidwa ndi amphamvu, woti amenyane naye.

4Abiya anayima pa phiri la Zemaraimu, mʼdziko lamapiri la Efereimu, ndipo anati, “Yeroboamu ndi Aisraeli onse, tandimverani! 5Kodi inu simukudziwa kuti Yehova, Mulungu wa Israeli, wapereka ufumu wa Israeli kwa Davide ndi zidzukulu zake mpaka muyaya ndiponso pangano la mchere? 6Komabe Yeroboamu mwana wa Nebati, mtumiki wa Solomoni mwana wa Davide, anawukira mbuye wake. 7Ndipo anthu ena achabechabe anasonkhana kwa iye ndipo anatsutsana ndi Rehobowamu mwana wa Solomoni pamene anali wamngʼono ndi wosalimba mtima ndi wopanda mphamvu kuti athe kulimbana nawo.

8“Ndipo tsopano inu mwakonzekera kutsutsana ndi ufumu wa Yehova, umene uli mʼmanja mwa zidzukulu za Davide. Inu ndithu mulipo ankhondo ambirimbiri ndipo muli ndi ana angʼombe agolide amene Yeroboamu anapanga kuti akhale milungu yanu. 9Koma kodi inu simunathamangitse ansembe a Yehova, ana a Aaroni ndiponso Alevi ndi kudzisankhira ansembe anuanu monga anthu ena amachitira? Aliyense amene amabwera kuti adzipatule atatenga mwana wangʼombe wamwamuna ndi nkhosa zazimuna zisanu ndi ziwiri amakhala wansembe wa zinthu zimene sizili milungu.

10“Koma kunena za ife, Yehova ndiye Mulungu wathu, ndipo sitinamusiye. Ansembe amene amatumikira Yehova ndi ana a Aaroni ndipo amathandizidwa ndi Alevi. 11Mmawa uliwonse ndi madzulo aliwonse amapereka nsembe zopsereza ndi kufukiza lubani kwa Yehova. Iwo amayika buledi pa tebulo loyeretsedwa monga mwa mwambo ndipo amayatsa nyale pa zoyikapo nyale zagolide madzulo aliwonse. Ife timachita zofuna za Yehova Mulungu wathu. Koma inu mwamusiya. 12Mulungu ali nafe pakuti ndiye mtsogoleri wathu. Ansembe ake atanyamula malipenga, adzayimba mfuwu wankhondo kulimbana nanu. Inu Aisraeli musalimbane ndi Yehova, Mulungu wa makolo anu, pakuti simungathe kupambana.”

13Tsono Yeroboamu anali atatumiza asilikali kumbuyo mowazungulira, kotero kuti iye ali kutsogolo kwa anthu a ku Yuda, anthu owabisalira anali kumbuyo kwawo. 14Asilikali a Yuda anatembenuka ndipo anaona kuti nkhondo imachitikira kutsogolo ndi kumbuyo. Ndipo iwo anafuwulira Yehova. Ansembe anayimba malipenga awo 15ndipo asilikali a Yuda anafuwula mawu ankhondo. Atafuwula mawu ankhondowo, Mulungu anagonjetsa Yeroboamu pamodzi ndi Aisraeli onse pamaso pa Abiya ndi Yuda. 16Aisraeli anathawa Ayuda. Ndipo Mulungu anawapereka mʼmanja mwawo. 17Abiya pamodzi ndi anthu ake anapha anthu ambiri, kotero kuti Aisraeli 500,000 odziwa bwino nkhondo anaphedwa. 18Ankhondo a Israeli anagonjetsedwa pa nthawi imeneyi, ndipo ankhondo a Yuda anapambana chifukwa anadalira Yehova, Mulungu wa makolo awo.

19Abiya anathamangitsa Yeroboamu ndipo anamulanda mizinda ya Beteli, Yesana, ndi Efroni pamodzi ndi midzi yawo yozungulira. 20Yeroboamu sanapezenso mphamvu nthawi ya Abiya. Ndipo Yehova anamukantha nafa.

21Koma Abiya mphamvu zake zinakula. Iye anakwatira akazi 14 ndipo anali ndi ana aamuna 22 ndi ana aakazi 16.

22Zina ndi zina zokhudza Abiya, zimene anachita ndi zimene anayankhula, zinalembedwa mʼbuku la mbiri ya mneneri Ido.