1 Samuel 26 – NIRV & JCB

New International Reader’s Version

1 Samuel 26:1-25

Once Again David Doesn’t Kill Saul When He Has the Chance

1Some people from Ziph went to Saul at Gibeah. They said, “David is hiding on the hill of Hakilah. It faces Jeshimon.”

2So Saul went down to the Desert of Ziph. He took 3,000 of the best soldiers in Israel with him. They went to the desert to look for David. 3Saul set up his camp beside the road. It was on the hill of Hakilah facing Jeshimon. But David stayed in the desert. He saw that Saul had followed him there. 4So he sent out scouts. From them he learned that Saul had arrived.

5Then David started out. He went to the place where Saul had camped. He saw where Saul and Abner were lying down. Saul was lying inside the camp. The army was camped all around him. Abner was commander of the army. He was the son of Ner.

6Then David spoke to Ahimelek, the Hittite. He also spoke to Joab’s brother Abishai, the son of Zeruiah. He asked them, “Who will go down with me into the camp to Saul?”

“I’ll go with you,” said Abishai.

7So that night David and Abishai went into the camp. They found Saul lying asleep inside the camp. His spear was stuck in the ground near his head. Abner and the soldiers were lying asleep around him.

8Abishai said to David, “Today God has handed your enemy over to you. So let me pin him to the ground. I can do it with one jab of the spear. I won’t even have to strike him twice.”

9But David said to Abishai, “Don’t destroy him! No one can do any harm to the Lord’s anointed king and not be guilty. 10You can be sure that the Lord lives,” he said. “And you can be just as sure that the Lord himself will strike Saul down. Perhaps he’ll die a natural death. Or perhaps he’ll go into battle and be killed. 11May the Lord keep me from doing anything to harm his anointed king. Now get the spear and water jug that are near his head. Then let’s leave.”

12So David took the spear and water jug that were near Saul’s head. Then he and Abishai left. No one saw them. No one knew about what they had done. In fact, no one even woke up. Everyone was sleeping. That’s because the Lord had put them into a deep sleep.

13David went across to the other side of the valley. He stood on top of a hill far away from Saul’s camp. There was a wide space between them. 14He called out to the army and to Abner, the son of Ner. He said, “Abner! Aren’t you going to answer me?”

Abner replied, “Who is calling out to the king?”

15David said, “You are a great soldier, aren’t you? There isn’t anyone else like you in Israel. So why didn’t you guard the king? He’s your master, isn’t he? Someone came into the camp to destroy him. 16You didn’t guard him. And that isn’t good. You can be sure that the Lord lives. And you can be just as sure that you and your men must die. That’s because you didn’t guard your master. He’s the Lord’s anointed king. Look around you. Where are the king’s spear and water jug that were near his head?”

17Saul recognized David’s voice. He said, “My son David, is that your voice?”

David replied, “Yes it is, King Saul, my master.” 18He continued, “Why are you chasing me? What evil thing have I done? What am I guilty of? 19King Saul, please listen to what I’m saying. Was it the Lord who made you angry with me? If it was, may he accept my offering. Was it people who made you angry at me? If it was, may the Lord see them cursed. They have driven me today from my share of the Lord’s land. By doing that, they might as well have said, ‘Go and serve other gods.’ 20Don’t spill my blood on the ground far away from where the Lord lives. King Saul, you have come out to look for nothing but a flea. It’s as if you were hunting a partridge in the mountains.”

21Then Saul said, “I have sinned. My son David, come back. Today you thought my life was very special. So I won’t try to harm you again. I’ve really acted like a foolish person. I’ve made a huge mistake.”

22“Here’s your spear,” David answered. “Send one of your young men over to get it. 23The Lord rewards everyone for doing what is right and being faithful. He handed you over to me today. But I wouldn’t harm you. You are the Lord’s anointed king. 24Today I thought your life had great value. In the same way, may the Lord think of my life as having great value. May he save me from all trouble.”

25Then Saul said to David, “May the Lord bless you, David my son. You will do great things. You will also have great success.”

So David went on his way. And Saul returned home.

Japanese Contemporary Bible

サムエル記Ⅰ 26:1-25



1ところで、ジフの人々はギブアにいたサウル王に、ダビデがジフの荒野に舞い戻り、ハキラの丘に隠れていることを知らせました。 2王は三千の精兵を率いて、ダビデ討伐に向かいました。 3-4そして、ダビデが潜んでいる荒野のはずれにある道のかたわらに陣を張ったのです。サウル到来を知ったダビデは、偵察を送って、王の動静を探らせました。

5-7ある夜、ダビデは王の陣営にもぐり込み、様子を見て回りました。サウルとアブネル将軍は、ぐっすり眠りこけている兵士たちに囲まれて寝入っていました。ダビデは、ヘテ人アヒメレクと、ツェルヤの息子で、ヨアブとは兄弟のアビシャイとに、「だれか私といっしょに行くのを志願する者はいないか」と尋ねました。アビシャイが、「お供いたします」と進み出ました。そこでダビデとアビシャイは、サウルの陣営に行き、眠っている王を見つけました。枕もとには槍が突き刺してあります。 8アビシャイはダビデの耳もとでささやきました。「今日こそ、神様は間違いなく敵を討ち取らせてくださいます。どうか、あの槍で王を刺し殺させてください。ひと突きでしとめてごらんにいれます。」

9ダビデはそれを制しました。「殺してはならない。主がお選びになった王に手を下して、罪を犯してはいけない。 10主が、いつの日か必ず王をお打ちになるだろう。年老いて死ぬか、戦場で倒れるかして。 11しかし、主が王としてお選びになった人を、この手で殺すわけにはいかない。今はあの槍と水差しを取って行くだけにしよう。」


13二人は安全な距離を隔てた、敵の陣営を見下ろせる山に登りました。 14ダビデは、アブネルやサウル王に大声で呼びかけました。「アブネル、目を覚ませ!」


15「アブネル、大した男だよ、おまえは。イスラエル中探したって、おまえほどおめでたいやつはいない。主君と仰ぐ王の警護はどうしたのだ。神に選ばれた王を殺そうと、忍び込んだ者がいるというのに、 16全くけしからんじゃないか。主にかけて言うが、おまえみたいな愚か者は死罪に当たるぞ。王様の枕もとにあった槍と水差しはどうした。よく見てみるがいい!」


「はい、私です。なぜあなたは私を追い回すのですか。私が何をしましたか。どんな罪があるとおっしゃるのでしょう。 19もし主が、あなたを私に敵対させようと図っておられるのなら、主にあなたの和解のいけにえを受け入れていただきましょう。しかし、これが人間の計略にすぎないのであれば、その人は主にのろわれるでしょう。あなたは私を追い払って、主の民とともにいられないようにし、異教の神々を押しつけようとなさったからです。 20どうして、主の前から遠く離され、異国の地に骨を埋めなければならないのでしょうか。イスラエルの王ともあろうお方が、たかがうずらのような私をねらって、山の中まで追い回られるとは。」


22「王の槍はここにあります。若者の一人を、取りに来させてください。 23主は、良いことを行う者に、また真実を貫く者に、正しく報いてくださいます。主はあなたのおいのちを、私の手の届くところに置いてくださいましたが、私は手出しいたしませんでした。 24今日、私があなたのおいのちをお救いしたように、主は私をお救いくださるでしょう。すべての苦しみから助け出してくださるはずです。」

