1 Samuel 15 – NIRV & NVI-PT

New International Reader’s Version

1 Samuel 15:1-35

The Lord Is Sad That He Made Saul King

1Samuel said to Saul, “The Lord sent me to anoint you as king over his people Israel. So listen now to a message from him. 2The Lord who rules over all says, ‘I will punish the Amalekites because of what they did to Israel. As the Israelites came up from Egypt, the Amalekites attacked them. 3Now go. Attack the Amalekites. Completely destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare the Amalekites. Put the men and women to death. Put the children and babies to death. Also kill the cattle, sheep, camels and donkeys.’ ”

4So Saul brought his men together at Telaim. The total number was 200,000 soldiers on foot from Israel and 10,000 from Judah. 5Saul went to the city of Amalek. Then Saul had some of his men hide and wait in the valley. 6Then Saul said to the Kenites, “You were kind to all the Israelites when they came up out of Egypt. Get away from the Amalekites. Then I won’t have to destroy you along with them.” So the Kenites moved away from the Amalekites.

7Saul attacked the Amalekites. He struck them down all the way from Havilah to Shur. Shur was near the eastern border of Egypt. 8Saul captured Agag, the king of the Amalekites. But he and his men totally destroyed with their swords all Agag’s people. 9So Saul and the army spared Agag. They spared the best of the sheep and cattle. They spared the fat calves and lambs. They spared everything that was valuable. They weren’t willing to completely destroy any of those things. But they totally destroyed everything that was worthless and weak.

10Then the Lord gave Samuel a message. He said, 11“I am very sad I have made Saul king. He has turned away from me. He has not done what I directed him to do.” When Samuel heard that, he was angry. He cried out to the Lord during that whole night.

12Early the next morning Samuel got up. He went to see Saul. But Samuel was told, “Saul went to Carmel. There he set up a monument in his own honor. Now he has gone on down to Gilgal.”

13When Samuel got there, Saul said, “May the Lord bless you. I’ve done what he directed me to do.”

14But Samuel said, “Then why do I hear the baaing of sheep? Why do I hear the mooing of cattle?”

15Saul answered, “The soldiers brought them from the Amalekites. They spared the best of the sheep and cattle. They did it to sacrifice them to the Lord your God. But we totally destroyed everything else.”

16“That’s enough!” Samuel said to Saul. “Let me tell you what the Lord said to me last night.”

“Tell me,” Saul replied.

17Samuel said, “There was a time when you didn’t think you were important. But you became the leader of the tribes of Israel. The Lord anointed you to be king over Israel. 18He sent you to do something for him. He said, ‘Go and completely destroy the Amalekites. Go and destroy those evil people. Fight against them until you have wiped them out.’ 19Why didn’t you obey the Lord? Why did you keep for yourselves what you had taken from your enemies? Why did you do what is evil in the sight of the Lord?”

20“But I did obey the Lord,” Saul said. “I went to do what he sent me to do. I completely destroyed the Amalekites. I brought back Agag, their king. 21The soldiers took sheep and cattle from what had been taken from our enemies. They took the best of what had been set apart to God. They wanted to sacrifice them to the Lord your God at Gilgal.”

22But Samuel replied,

“What pleases the Lord more?

Burnt offerings and sacrifices, or obeying the Lord?

It is better to obey than to offer a sacrifice.

It is better to do what he says than to offer the fat of rams.

23Refusing to obey the Lord is as sinful as using evil magic.

Being proud is as evil as worshiping statues of gods.

You have refused to do what the Lord told you to do.

So he has refused to have you as king.”

24Then Saul said to Samuel, “I have sinned. I’ve broken the Lord’s command. I haven’t done what you directed me to do. I was afraid of the men. So I did what they said I should do. 25Now I beg you, forgive my sin. Come back into town with me so I can worship the Lord.”

26But Samuel said to him, “I won’t go back with you. You have refused to do what the Lord told you to do. So he has refused to have you as king over Israel!”

27Samuel turned to leave. But Saul grabbed the hem of his robe, and it tore. 28Samuel said to Saul, “The Lord has torn the kingdom of Israel away from you today. He has given it to one of your neighbors. He has given it to someone better than you. 29The God who is the Glory of Israel does not lie. He doesn’t change his mind. That’s because he isn’t a mere human being. If he were, he might change his mind.”

30Saul replied, “I have sinned. But please honor me in front of the elders of my people and in front of Israel. Come back with me so I can worship the Lord your God.” 31So Samuel went back with Saul. And Saul worshiped the Lord.

32Then Samuel said, “Bring me Agag, the king of the Amalekites.”

Agag was in chains when he came to Samuel. Agag thought, “The time for me to be put to death must have passed by now.”

33But Samuel said,

“Your sword has killed the children of other women.

So the child of your mother will be killed.”

Samuel put Agag to death at Gilgal in front of the Lord.

34Then Samuel left to go to Ramah. But Saul went up to his home in Gibeah of Saul. 35Until the day Samuel died, he didn’t go to see Saul again. Samuel was filled with sorrow because of Saul. And the Lord was very sad he had made Saul king over Israel.

Nova Versão Internacional

1 Samuel 15:1-35

O Senhor Rejeita Saul como Rei

1Samuel disse a Saul: “Eu sou aquele a quem o Senhor enviou para ungi-lo como rei de Israel, o povo dele; por isso escute agora a mensagem do Senhor. 2Assim diz o Senhor dos Exércitos: ‘Castigarei os amalequitas pelo que fizeram a Israel, atacando-o quando saía do Egito. 3Agora vão, ataquem os amalequitas e consagrem ao Senhor para destruição tudo o que lhes pertence. Não os poupem; matem homens, mulheres, crianças, recém-nascidos, bois, ovelhas, camelos e jumentos’ ”.

4Então convocou Saul os homens e os reuniu em Telaim: duzentos mil soldados de infantaria e dez mil homens de Judá. 5Saul foi à cidade de Amaleque e armou uma emboscada no vale. 6Depois disse aos queneus: “Retirem-se, saiam do meio dos amalequitas para que eu não os destrua com eles; pois vocês foram bondosos com os israelitas, quando eles estavam vindo do Egito”. Então os queneus saíram do meio dos amalequitas.

7E Saul atacou os amalequitas por todo o caminho, desde Havilá até Sur, a leste do Egito. 8Capturou vivo Agague, rei dos amalequitas, e exterminou o seu povo. 9Mas Saul e o exército pouparam Agague e o melhor das ovelhas e dos bois, os bezerros gordos e os cordeiros. Pouparam tudo o que era bom, mas tudo o que era desprezível e inútil destruíram por completo.

10Então o Senhor falou a Samuel: 11“Arrependo-me de ter posto Saul como rei, pois ele me abandonou e não seguiu as minhas instruções”. Samuel ficou irado e clamou ao Senhor toda aquela noite.

12De madrugada Samuel foi ao encontro de Saul, mas lhe disseram: “Saul foi para o Carmelo, onde ergueu um monumento em sua própria honra e depois foi para Gilgal”.

13Quando Samuel o encontrou, Saul disse: “O Senhor te abençoe! Eu segui as instruções do Senhor”.

14Samuel, porém, perguntou: “Então que balido de ovelhas é esse que ouço com meus próprios ouvidos? Que mugido de bois é esse que estou ouvindo?”

15Respondeu Saul: “Os soldados os trouxeram dos amalequitas; eles pouparam o melhor das ovelhas e dos bois para sacrificarem ao Senhor, o teu Deus, mas destruímos totalmente o restante”.

16Samuel disse a Saul: “Fique quieto! Eu direi a você o que o Senhor me falou esta noite”.

Respondeu Saul: “Dize-me”.

17E Samuel disse: “Embora pequeno aos seus próprios olhos, você não se tornou o líder das tribos de Israel? O Senhor o ungiu como rei sobre Israel 18e o enviou numa missão, ordenando: ‘Vá e destrua completamente aquele povo ímpio, os amalequitas; guerreie contra eles até que os tenha eliminado’. 19Por que você não obedeceu ao Senhor? Por que se lançou sobre os despojos e fez o que o Senhor reprova?”

20Disse Saul: “Mas eu obedeci ao Senhor! Cumpri a missão que o Senhor me designou. Trouxe Agague, o rei dos amalequitas, mas exterminei os amalequitas. 21Os soldados tomaram ovelhas e bois do despojo, o melhor do que estava consagrado a Deus para destruição, a fim de os sacrificarem ao Senhor, o seu Deus, em Gilgal”.

22Samuel, porém, respondeu:

“Acaso tem o Senhor tanto prazer em holocaustos e em sacrifícios

quanto em que se obedeça à sua palavra?

A obediência é melhor do que o sacrifício,

e a submissão é melhor do que a gordura de carneiros.

23Pois a rebeldia é como o pecado da feitiçaria;

a arrogância, como o mal da idolatria.

Assim como você rejeitou a palavra do Senhor,

ele o rejeitou como rei”.

24“Pequei”, disse Saul. “Violei a ordem do Senhor e as instruções que tu me deste. Tive medo dos soldados e os atendi. 25Agora eu te imploro, perdoa o meu pecado e volta comigo, para que eu adore o Senhor.”

26Samuel, contudo, lhe disse: “Não voltarei com você. Você rejeitou a palavra do Senhor, e o Senhor o rejeitou como rei de Israel!”

27Quando Samuel se virou para sair, Saul agarrou-se à barra do manto dele, e o manto se rasgou. 28E Samuel lhe disse: “O Senhor rasgou de você, hoje, o reino de Israel, e o entregou a alguém que é melhor que você. 29Aquele que é a Glória de Israel não mente nem se arrepende, pois não é homem para se arrepender”.

30Saul repetiu: “Pequei. Agora, honra-me perante as autoridades do meu povo e perante Israel; volta comigo, para que eu possa adorar o Senhor, o teu Deus”. 31E assim Samuel voltou com ele, e Saul adorou o Senhor.

32Então Samuel disse: “Traga-me Agague, o rei dos amalequitas”.

Agague veio confiante, pensando15.32 Ou veio tremendo, mas ao mesmo tempo pensava: “Com certeza já passou a amargura da morte”.

33Samuel, porém, disse:

“Assim como a sua espada deixou mulheres sem filhos,

também sua mãe, entre as mulheres, ficará sem o seu filho”.

E Samuel despedaçou Agague perante o Senhor, em Gilgal.

34Então Samuel partiu para Ramá, e Saul foi para a sua casa, em Gibeá de Saul. 35Nunca mais Samuel viu Saul, até o dia de sua morte, embora se entristecesse por causa dele porque o Senhor se arrependera de ter estabelecido Saul como rei de Israel.