1 Kings 9 – NIRV & JCB

New International Reader’s Version

1 Kings 9:1-28

The Lord Appears to Solomon

1Solomon finished building the Lord’s temple and the royal palace. He had accomplished everything he had planned to do. 2The Lord appeared to him a second time. He had already appeared to him at Gibeon. 3The Lord said to him,

“I have heard you pray to me. I have heard you ask me to help you. You have built this temple. I have set it apart for myself. My Name will be there forever. My eyes and my heart will always be there.

4“But you must walk faithfully with me, just as your father David did. Your heart must be honest. It must be without blame. Do everything I command you to do. Obey my rules and laws. 5Then I will set up your royal throne over Israel forever. I promised your father David I would do that. I said to him, ‘You will always have a son from your family line on the throne of Israel.’

6“But suppose all of you turn away from me. Or your children turn away from me. You refuse to obey the commands and rules I have given you. And you go off to serve other gods and worship them. 7Then I will remove Israel from the land. It is the land I gave them. I will turn my back on this temple. I will do it even though I have set it apart for my Name to be there. Then Israel will be hated by all the nations. They will laugh and joke about Israel. 8This temple will become a pile of stones. All those who pass by it will be shocked. They will make fun of it. And they will say, ‘Why has the Lord done a thing like this to this land and temple?’ 9People will answer, ‘Because they have deserted the Lord their God. He brought out of Egypt their people of long ago. But they have been holding on to other gods. They’ve been worshiping them. They’ve been serving them. That’s why the Lord has brought all this horrible trouble on them.’ ”

Other Things Solomon Did

10Solomon built the Lord’s temple and the royal palace. It took him 20 years to construct those two buildings. 11King Solomon gave 20 towns in Galilee to Hiram, the king of Tyre. That’s because Hiram had provided him with all the cedar and juniper logs he wanted. He had also provided Solomon with all the gold he wanted. 12Hiram went from Tyre to see the towns Solomon had given him. But he wasn’t pleased with them. 13“My friend,” he asked, “what have you given me? What kind of towns are these?” So he called them the Land of Kabul. And that’s what they are still called to this day. 14Hiram had sent four and a half tons of gold to Solomon.

15King Solomon forced people to work hard for him. Here is a record of what they did. They built the Lord’s temple and Solomon’s palace. They filled in the low places. They rebuilt the wall of Jerusalem. They built up Hazor, Megiddo and Gezer. 16Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, had attacked Gezer and captured it. He had set it on fire. He had killed the Canaanites who lived there. Then he had given Gezer as a wedding gift to his daughter. She was Solomon’s wife. 17Solomon rebuilt Gezer. He built up Lower Beth Horon 18and Baalath. He built up Tadmor in the desert. All those towns were in his land. 19He built up all the cities where he could store things. He also built up the towns for his chariots and horses. He built anything he wanted to build in Jerusalem, Lebanon and all the territory he ruled over.

20There were still many people left in the land who weren’t Israelites. They included Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites. 21They were children of the people who had lived in the land before the Israelites came. Those people had been set apart to the Lord in a special way to be destroyed. But the Israelites hadn’t been able to kill all of them. Solomon forced them to work very hard as his slaves. And they still work for Israel as slaves to this day. 22But Solomon didn’t force any of the Israelites to work as his slaves. Instead, some were his fighting men. Others were his government officials, his officers and his captains. Others were commanders of his chariots and chariot drivers. 23Still others were the chief officials in charge of Solomon’s projects. There were 550 officials in charge of those who did the work.

24Pharaoh’s daughter moved from the City of David up to the palace Solomon had built for her. After that, he filled in the low places near the palace.

25Three times a year Solomon sacrificed burnt offerings and friendship offerings. He sacrificed them on the altar he had built to honor the Lord. Along with the offerings, he burned incense to the Lord. So he carried out his duties for the temple.

26King Solomon also built ships at Ezion Geber. It’s near Elath in Edom. It’s on the shore of the Red Sea. 27Hiram sent his men to serve on the ships together with Solomon’s men. Hiram’s sailors knew the sea. 28All of them sailed to Ophir. They brought back 16 tons of gold. They gave it to King Solomon.

Japanese Contemporary Bible

列王記Ⅰ 9:1-28



1ソロモン王が神殿と宮殿、それに前々から建てたいと望んでいた建物をすべて完成させた時、 2-3かつてギブオンで現れた主が、再びソロモンに現れて語りました。「わたしはあなたの祈りを聞いた。あなたの建てたこの神殿をいつまでもわたしのものとしよう。いつも喜んでここを見守っていよう。 4父ダビデのように、あなたもわたしの前で誠実で、いつもわたしの命じることを守るなら、 5父ダビデに、『あなたの子孫が、いつもイスラエルの王座につくようにする』と約束したとおり、あなたの子孫を永遠にイスラエルの王座につかせよう。 6しかし、もしあなたか、あなたの子孫がわたしに背き、わたしのおきてを捨ててほかの神々を拝むなら、 7イスラエルの民を、彼らに与えた地から追い払う。また、わたしにささげられた神殿を投げ捨てる。イスラエルは、すべての国々の物笑いとなり、見せしめとなるだろう。 8この神殿も廃墟と化し、そばを通る者はみな驚いてささやき、『なぜ主は、この地と神殿とをこのようにされたのだろう』と聞くだろう。 9その時人々は、『イスラエルの民は、エジプトから連れ出していただいた神を捨て、ほかの神々を拝むようになった。だから神はこのような災いを下されたのだ』と言うだろう。」


10二十年がかりで、神殿と宮殿を建て終えたソロモン王は、 11-12ツロの王ヒラムに、ガリラヤにある二十の町を与えました。ヒラムが建築用のレバノン杉と糸杉の材木や金を提供してくれたお返しでした。ところが、ヒラムは町々を視察して、それが気に入らなかったので、 13「いったい何ですか。これでは、まるっきり荒れ地ではないか」と言いました。それで今も、その町々は「カブルの地」(「荒れ果てた地」の意)と呼ばれています。 14ヒラムはソロモンに、実に百二十タラント(四トン)の金を贈っていたからです。

15ソロモン王は労働者を集めて、神殿と宮殿のほかにも、ミロの要塞、エルサレムの城壁、ハツォルとメギドとゲゼルの町々を造りました。 16ゲゼルは、以前エジプトの王が攻め取って焼き払い、そこに住むカナン人を殺した町ですが、のちに、ソロモンの妻となった自分の娘に結婚の贈り物として与えていました。 17-18そこでソロモンは、下ベテ・ホロン、バアラテ、荒野の町タデモルとともに、このゲゼルを再建したのです。 19王はまた、穀物倉庫の町を建て、戦車隊や騎兵隊の駐留する町、それに別荘の町をエルサレム近郊やレバノン山麓、その他の地に造りました。

20-21ソロモン王は、エモリ人、ヘテ人、ペリジ人、ヒビ人、エブス人など、征服した国々の生き残った者を奴隷として用いました。イスラエル人がこれらの国を征服した時、完全に滅ぼすことができずに生き残った者たちです。 22しかし、イスラエル人を奴隷にはしませんでした。イスラエル人は、兵士、役人、将校、戦車隊と騎兵隊の長にしました。 23また、奴隷を監督するイスラエル人が五百五十人いました。



26またソロモン王は、エドムの地の、紅海に面したエラテに近いエツヨン・ゲベルに造船所を造り、そこで船団を組みました。 27-28ヒラム王はこの船団の乗組員を補強するため、熟練した水夫を差し向けました。彼らはオフィルとの間を往復し、四百二十タラント(約十四トン)もの金を、ソロモン王のもとへ運んだのです。