1 Kings 16 – NIRV & BPH

New International Reader’s Version

1 Kings 16:1-34

1The Lord’s message about Baasha came to Jehu, the son of Hanani. Here is what the Lord said about Baasha. 2“I lifted you up from the dust. I appointed you king over my people Israel. But you lived the way Jeroboam had lived. You also caused my people Israel to sin. And their sins made me very angry. 3So I am about to destroy you, Baasha, and your royal house. I will make your house like the royal house of Jeroboam, the son of Nebat. 4Some of the people who belong to you will die in the city. Dogs will eat them up. Others will die in the country. The birds will eat them.”

5The other events of Baasha’s rule are written down. What he did and what he accomplished are written in the official records of the kings of Israel. 6Baasha joined the members of his family who had already died. He was buried in Tirzah. Baasha’s son Elah became the next king after him.

7The Lord’s message came through the prophet Jehu, the son of Hanani. It was against Baasha and his royal house. Baasha had done all kinds of evil things in the sight of the Lord. Baasha had also destroyed the royal house of Jeroboam. What Baasha did had made the Lord very angry. So Baasha had become as sinful as the royal house of Jeroboam had been.

Elah King of Israel

8Elah became king of Israel. It was in the 26th year that Asa was king of Judah. Elah ruled in Tirzah for two years. He was the son of Baasha.

9Zimri was one of Elah’s officials. He commanded half of Elah’s chariot drivers. He made plans against Elah. Elah was in Tirzah at the time. He was getting drunk in the home of Arza. Arza was in charge of the palace at Tirzah. 10Zimri came in. He struck Elah down and killed him. It was in the 27th year of Asa, the king of Judah. Zimri became the next king after Elah.

11As soon as Zimri was seated on the throne as king, he killed off Baasha’s whole family. He didn’t even spare one male. It didn’t matter whether it was a relative or a friend. 12So Zimri destroyed the whole family of Baasha. That’s what the Lord had said would happen. He had spoken against Baasha through Jehu the prophet. 13Baasha and his son Elah had committed all kinds of sin. They had also caused Israel to commit the same sins. So Israel made the Lord very angry. They did it by worshiping worthless statues of gods. The Lord is the God of Israel.

14The other events of Elah’s rule are written down. Everything he did is written in the official records of the kings of Israel.

Zimri King of Israel

15Zimri ruled in Tirzah for seven days. It was in the 27th year that Asa was king of Judah. The army of Israel had set up camp near Gibbethon. It was a Philistine town. 16The Israelites in the camp heard that Zimri had made plans against King Elah. They also heard that Zimri had murdered him. So they announced that Omri was king over Israel. He was the commander of the army. They made him king that day in the camp. 17Then Omri and all his men pulled back from Gibbethon. They marched to Tirzah and surrounded it. They attacked it and captured it. 18Zimri saw that they had taken over the city. So he went into the safest place in the royal palace. He set the palace on fire all around him. He died there 19because of the sins he had committed. He had done what was evil in the sight of the Lord. He had lived the way Jeroboam had lived. He had committed the same sin Jeroboam had caused Israel to commit.

20The other events of Zimri’s rule are written down. The way he turned against King Elah and killed him is written down. All these things are written in the official records of the kings of Israel.

Omri King of Israel

21The Israelites divided up into two groups. Half of them wanted Tibni to be king. He was the son of Ginath. The other half wanted Omri. 22But Omri’s followers were stronger than those of Tibni, the son of Ginath. So Tibni died. And Omri began to rule.

23Omri became king of Israel. It was in the 31st year that Asa was king of Judah. Omri ruled for 12 years. He ruled in Tirzah for six of those years. 24He bought the hill of Samaria from Shemer. He weighed out 150 pounds of silver for it. Then he built a city on the hill. He called it Samaria. He named it after Shemer. Shemer had owned the hill before him.

25But Omri did what was evil in the sight of the Lord. He sinned more than all the kings who had ruled before him. 26He lived the way Jeroboam, the son of Nebat, had lived. He committed the same sin Jeroboam had caused Israel to commit. Israel made the Lord very angry. They did it by worshiping worthless statues of gods. The Lord is the God of Israel.

27The other events of Omri’s rule are written down. Everything he did and the things he accomplished are written in the official records of the kings of Israel. 28Omri joined the members of his family who had already died. He was buried in Samaria. Omri’s son Ahab became the next king after him.

Ahab King of Israel

29Ahab became king of Israel. It was in the 38th year that Asa was king of Judah. Ahab ruled over Israel in Samaria for 22 years. He was the son of Omri. 30Ahab, the son of Omri, did what was evil in the sight of the Lord. He did more evil things than any of the kings who had ruled before him. 31He thought it was only a small thing to commit the sins Jeroboam, the son of Nebat, had committed. Ahab also married Jezebel. She was Ethbaal’s daughter. Ethbaal was king of the people of Sidon. Ahab began to serve the god named Baal and worship him. 32He set up an altar to honor Baal. He set it up in the temple of Baal that he built in Samaria. 33Ahab also made a pole used to worship the female god named Asherah. He made the Lord very angry. Ahab did more to make him angry than all the kings of Israel had done before him. The Lord is the God of Israel.

34In Ahab’s time, Hiel from Bethel rebuilt Jericho. When he laid its foundations, it cost him the life of his oldest son Abiram. When he set up its gates, it cost him the life of his youngest son Segub. That’s what the Lord had said would happen. He had spoken it through Joshua, the son of Nun.

Bibelen på hverdagsdansk

1. Kongebog 16:1-34

1Profeten Jehu, Hananis søn, kom til Basha med et ord fra Herren:

2„Jeg løftede dig op fra støvet og gjorde dig til konge over mit folk Israel. Men du følger i Jeroboams fodspor og lokker mit folk til synd, så de gør oprør mod mig. 3Jeg vil snart udrydde dig og din slægt fuldstændigt, akkurat som det skete med Jeroboams slægt. 4-7Dem fra din slægt, som bliver dræbt i byen, vil hundene æde, og dem, som bliver dræbt på landet, vil fuglene æde!” Herren udtalte denne dom over Basha og hans slægt, fordi Basha havde gjort ham vred ved at følge i Jeroboams fodspor og gøre oprør mod Herren, og fordi han havde udryddet Jeroboams slægt. Bashas øvrige bedrifter står nedskrevet i Israels kongers krønikebog. Da Basha døde, blev han begravet i Tirtza, og hans søn Ela overtog kongetronen.

Diverse onde konger i Israel

8Ela, Bashas søn, kom til magten i kong Asa af Judas 26. regeringsår, men han kom kun til at regere i to år.16,8 På normalt dansk: „et år”, fra Asas 26. til 27. regeringsår. 9Zimri, der stod i spidsen for halvdelen af vogntropperne, lavede en sammensværgelse imod ham. En dag, da kong Ela var på besøg hos sin hofmarskal, Artza, i residensbyen Tirtza, og var blevet godt beruset, 10trængte Zimri ind i huset og myrdede ham. Mordet fandt sted i kong Asa af Judas 27. regeringsår. Derefter udråbte Zimri sig selv til Israels nye konge. 11Han dræbte straks hele kongefamilien, det vil sige alle mandspersoner, som kunne true hans regime. Selv deres slægtninge og venner dræbte han, så der ikke var nogen til at tage blodhævn. 12Bashas slægt var nu udryddet, som Herren havde sagt gennem profeten Jehu, 13og det var fordi Basha og hans søn Ela havde forledt hele Israels folk til oprør mod Herren ved deres afgudsdyrkelse. 14Resten af Elas livshistorie og hans bedrifter er nedskrevet i Israels kongers krønikebog.

15-16Zimri beholdt dog kun kongemagten i syv dage. De israelitiske soldater var på det tidspunkt i færd med at belejre filisterbyen Gibbeton. Da de hørte, at Zimri havde gjort oprør imod kongen og dræbt ham, valgte de straks Omri, hærens øverstkommanderende, til konge. 17Omri opgav så belejringen af Gibbeton og med hele Israels hær belejrede han hovedstaden Tirtza, hvor Zimri befandt sig. 18Da Zimri indså, at han intet kunne stille op, gik han ind i kongepaladset og satte ild til det. Sådan omkom han, 19fordi han gjorde, hvad der var ondt i Herrens øjne og fortsatte i samme spor som Jeroboam, der havde indført afgudsdyrkelse i Israel. 20Resten af Zimris bedrifter og detaljer om hans oprør mod kongen er nedskrevet i Israels kongers krønikebog.

21Befolkningen delte sig nu i to lejre, den ene var loyal over for Omri, den anden udråbte Tibni, søn af Ginat, til konge. 22Men Omris hær var den stærkeste, så i løbet af få år blev Tibnis hær besejret. Efter at Tibni var død, blev Omri konge over hele Nordriget.

23Det var i kong Asa af Judas 31. regeringsår, at Omri officielt blev konge over hele Nordriget. Han regerede i alt i 12 år—de første seks år i Tirtza. 24Han købte en bakketop af en mand ved navn Shemer for 70 kilo sølv og byggede en by der, som blev hans nye hovedstad. Han kaldte byen Samaria16,24 På hebraisk: Shomron. Navne ændres altid lidt i tidens løb eller ved at blive lånt fra det ene sprog til det andet. LXX staver navnet Semeron, mens det i NT græsk er blevet til Samareia. til ære for Shemer.

25Men Omri var værre end nogen anden konge før ham. 26Han fortsatte i det spor, Jeroboam var slået ind på, da han fik Israels folk til at gøre oprør mod Herren, deres Gud, gennem deres tåbelige afgudsdyrkelse. 27Resten af Omris bedrifter er nedskrevet i Israels kongers krønikebog. 28Da Omri døde, blev han begravet i Samaria, og hans søn Ahab blev konge efter ham.

Ahab som konge i Israel

29Ahab blev konge i Israel i kong Asa af Judas 38. regeringsår. Han regerede i 22 år med Samaria som hovedstad. 30Han gjorde, hvad der var ondt i Herrens øjne i endnu højere grad end sine forgængere. 31Ikke alene fortsatte han i Jeroboams spor og dyrkede de afguder, han havde indført, men han giftede sig endog med Jezabel, sidonierkongen Et-Ba’als datter, og indførte derved ba’aldyrkelsen i Israel! 32Først byggede han et tempel og et alter for Ba’al i Samaria. 33Derpå lavede han andre afguder og et frugtbarhedssymbol for Asheragudinden. Derved provokerede han Herren, Israels Gud, med sit oprør, og det mere end nogen anden konge i Israel før ham.

34Det var på kong Ahabs tid, at en mand ved navn Hiel fra Betel formastede sig til at genopbygge Jeriko. Mens han lagde byens nye fundament, døde hans ældste søn Abiram, og da han gjorde byporten færdig, døde hans yngste søn Segub. Derved opfyldtes den forbandelse, som Josva i sin tid havde udtalt.16,34 Se Josva 6,26. Ifølge hebraisk fortællestil er det underforstået, at alle hans sønner døde under genopbygningen, ikke kun den ældste og yngste.